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I fight with myself every day because of this thought

by 8h
I fight with myself every day because of this thought
I was born and raised in Pakistan and saw first hand the destruction that descended upon Afghanistan and Pakistan in name of Islam (Bomb blast, killing people in name of islam, forcing regressing thoughts on people_. I escaped this onslaught of rigid and non progressive school of thought by moving to Australia but witnessed multiple issues with lebanese muslim (riots, crimes) in mid 2000s. I moved to UK and saw how pakistani were contributing to crime problem (Yes yes I know eastern european are the fashion da joure now but before you yell at me, please look up the Child grooming scandal in Sheffield and forcing under age girls to marry by sending them to pakistan). I moved to USA and I get scrutinised just because I am muslim. I cant IN GOOD CONSCIOUS stand by and see what muslims are doing in western world (San Bernadino, 9/11, Nice, Paris, Belgium, Orlando, Germany) just because they are uncomfortable. YOU CHOSE TO COME TO WESTERN WORLD.. . IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to assimilate in the culture. You are free to follow your sub culture and religion but if you are trying to enforce your school of thought on the host country. you are free to leave and go back .. I came to Western world because I believed in the ideas of equality for women, free speech, focus on meaningful life and having an opportunity of good life . I didn't come here so that your despicable interpretation of islam create fear and make western world question their generosity and open border policy. You want to practice your sickening version of islam, go to S.Arabia and Iran. Heard they love islam over there and would welcome you.. OH WAIT .. they did not.. they are happy to export you off to western world but wont take responsibility for you... I am angry, I am disgusted and most importantly, I don't know what I believe or will fight for anymore.. Sorry for long rant
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