@charlesmurray @GnonProphet @Cozworks @dpinsen no the problem is the quislings in the GOP who necessitated the rise of the man
@charlesmurray Then what do you say to the simple argument: Hillary is far worse? -
@charlesmurray Trump's "I alone" narcissism is false and frightening. His focus on how much people "like" him is a bit of sickness actually. -
@1truprophet@charlesmurray Since you are obviously a bit simple, let me explain what he meant. I ALONE AMONG THE AVAILABLE CANDIDATES - その他の返信を表示
@Toby1Idler@charlesmurray Either way. -
@1truprophet@charlesmurray What a stupid remark. Like a snotty nosed kid trying to 'win' a conversation. It's an entirely different meaning
@charlesmurray 'The man' is a transient phenomenon. Ideas have much longer half-life. You purists are throwing away an excellent opportunity -
@charlesmurray@Cozworks@dpinsen Sir, at the risk of annoying you, may I ask you to reread "If" by Kipling? I think Trump fits the bill. -
@charlesmurray No. The only problem is that you don't like him. And that is a very small problem indeed Charles -
@charlesmurray ...as much as a problem as having a sword in a gun fight... better than the other option of a knife. -
@charlesmurray But there is no other-that's how your democracy works ><