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/ks/ - Kansas

Land of Ahhs

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ID: 2f2a42da9a No.1306

Kelsey N. Rhymes with Ricola. She has perfect tits and I need them in my life. Anything would be great.

ID: 7db9ddf90a No.1325


ID: 2f2a42da9a No.1364


ID: 09490df5b2 No.1376

Buump. I know it exists.

ID: 2f2a42da9a No.1406

Bump. Literally anything sexy.

ID: 5c27c6c427 No.1900

Her Snapchat name is drunkenoctopus if it helps.

ID: 90b8f30fbd No.1901

sure, if you want to see pictures of her ugly dog.

Someone has win.

ID: 5dafa6467f No.2811

Ive got plenty. they are pretty amazing. I'm not sure I'll post them but she's been pretty whack lately so you never know.

ID: a47b10f28b No.2813

doubt it.

ID: 582c02231f No.2828

Don't doubt him.

Post em up bro. Make everyones year. Atleast a few teasers.

ID: e1979fb821 No.2831


You would be a god among men if you post them.

ID: e0ae52dbaa No.2832

Shouldn't doubt me

ID: 582c02231f No.2833

Never had a doubt in my mind.
Damn! She is hot. I need to see those tits and pussy.

ID: 582c02231f No.2834

Shit bro. You ever fuck her? I bet she is incredible.

ID: 582c02231f No.2835

Aww haha. Why delete? Just dump em bro.

ID: a47b10f28b No.2836


ID: e1979fb821 No.2840


God dammit. I was at work when you posted. Haha.

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