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[–]Worst WHM on CerberusZanzargh 5ポイント6ポイント  (23子コメント)

Not to criticise you or anything, but there may be official forums if you'd like to interact with the devs... Then again, with some of your phrasing you're probably banned from there.

Also - low skill players who can't beat Nidhogg CAN beat PotD, this is a viable upgrade path for these players. Same for players who haven't hit level 60 yet, they could get an i235 weapon the moment they ding 60.

Also also - and I can't believe I have to say this to someone who claims to love PotD - floor 50 isn't the last floor. With 150 extra floors coming in 3.4, and rewards that will be adequate for a majority of (casual) players up to 7 or more weeks into that, of course it's not balanced around 50 floors' worth. RNG is a factor, sure, but y'know... Don't have to do it.