Academic Programs

Gonzaga University offers both undergraduate and graduate programs which enhance our community's intercultural competence and diversity leadership:



Zambia Study Abroad Program
Recognizing the universal scope of our Catholic faith and the need to be a person for others throughout the world, Gonzaga University currently offers three study abroad programs in Zambia as part of our “Zags in Zambia” effort.

MultiCultural Honor Society
The purpose of the Multicultural Honor Society (MCHS) is to promote high scholarship, to develop an appreciation for scholarly work and the academic endeavors of others, to recognize leadership and service, and value the significance of multiculturalism. Nominations for membership in MCHS are open to all undergraduate students who have completed at least forty-five (45) credits with a minimum grade point average of 3.2.

LEADS Mentoring Program
The Leadership, Education, Academic Development, and Sucess Skills (LEADS) Mentoring Program is designed to help multicultural and first-generation students develop a solid foundation at GU so that they are able to thrive in our community. By matching mentees with peer mentors and a faculty/staff mentor, we hope to develop well-rounded individuals and outstanding student leaders.

BRIDGE Program

BRIDGE is a pre-orientation program implemented by the Unity Multicultural Education Center. It is designed to assist students from multicultural and/or first generation backgrounds with a smooth transition to Gonzaga University and the Spokane area. It compliments the New Student Orientation by providing incoming students with a lifetime of memories and friendships.

Tribal Law Program (School of Law)
MBA in American Indian Entrepreneurship (Graduate School of Business)

Social Justice Core Requirement

As one of its primary institutional goals, the Office of Intercultural Relations aims to increase the intercultural competency and diversity leadership of each undergraduate student. To this end, all students are required to complete one course with a "social justice" designation. OIR believes these courses help to ensure that each Gonzaga graduate enhances the educational experience of their community and deepens their understanding and respect for all people.

Full list of courses with a social justice designation.