Tiers > SF5

Tiers for Street Fighter 5

Street Fighter 5 Tier index
Tiers for all characters
# Character Score Daily Change Weekly Change Monthly Change Votes Fa ME Un SD Vote
1 Chun-Li 104.7 -0.15 -0.14 +10.81 2527 17 2 0 1.0 Vote
2 Nash 102.0 -0.16 -0.2 +10.6 2702 13 6 0 1.0 Vote
3 Ryu 99.7 +0.15 +0.36 +12.4 2719 12 5 2 0.9 Vote
4 Karin 98.4 -0.15 -0.05 +9.43 2294 12 6 1 0.9 Vote
5 Necalli 98.3 -0.03 - +12.64 2370 9 9 1 0.9 Vote
6 Dhalsim 98.2 +0.2 +0.14 +8.57 1967 7 7 5 1.1 Vote
7 Guile 97.2 -0.05 -0.2 +7.54 1146 10 1 8 0.8 Vote
8 Cammy 97.1 -0.16 -0.09 +10.15 2435 8 9 2 0.9 Vote
9 Vega 96.3 -0.06 +0.38 +10.22 2063 4 12 3 0.9 Vote
10 M. Bison 95.8 +0.14 +0.18 +7.78 2249 5 12 2 1.0 Vote
11 Ken 95.7 +0.28 +0.36 +11.08 2295 7 8 4 0.9 Vote
12 R. Mika 94.0 -0.04 -0.05 +11.07 2310 3 10 6 1.0 Vote
13 Balrog 93.5 +0.26 -0.27 - 665 3 7 9 0.8 Vote
14 Rashid 92.7 -0.04 +0.02 +9.62 2002 3 7 9 0.9 Vote
15 Birdie 91.9 - - +9.74 2164 1 11 7 1.0 Vote
16 Ibuki 91.5 -0.45 -0.7 - 630 2 5 12 0.8 Vote
17 Laura 90.2 -0.04 +0.58 +11.35 2327 2 6 11 1.0 Vote
18 Alex 89.8 +0.09 -0.04 +10.92 1454 1 6 12 0.9 Vote
19 F.A.N.G 89.1 - +0.12 +10.19 2073 2 2 15 1.0 Vote
20 Zangief 83.8 +0.23 -0.39 +10.89 2502 1 4 14 1.2 Vote
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Daily Change - Difference between the tier scores from today and yesterday.

Weekly Change - Difference between the tier scores from today and 7 days ago.

Monthly Change - Difference between the tier scores from today and 30 days ago.

Votes - Total number of votes this character has received for their match-ups.

Fa - Total number of favorable match-ups for this character.

ME - Total number of mostly even match-ups for this character.

Un - Total number of unfavorable match-ups for this character.

SD - Standard deviation. Shows how the votes for this character vary across all of our users. A lower number shows that more people agree with this character's match ups, while a higher number shows that this character's match-ups are more contentious.