Liberal 内の minority-democrat123 によるリンク The Impending End Of The Obama Coalition

[–]davidreiss666 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Even the Anti-Establishment rhetoric is a right wing talking point. The first candidate to use it was Bob "Mr. Conservative" Taft, then Senator from Ohio. First used in 1944 when he tried to get the Republican nomination from Thomas Dewey. He then used it again in both 48 and 52, against Dewey and Eisenhower respectively. But he real target each time was Franklin Roosevelt (or his memory).

Then Richard Nixon picked up the whole "Anti-Establishment" talking point in 1960, 1968 and 1972.

Raging against the evil Liberal Establishment was invented by the Republicans. The fact that they got Sanders' supporters to adopt it must be one of the far rights greatest achievements. Bernie Sanders' supporters are tools of the far right wing of the Republican party.

The fact that they don't understand this just demonstrates how deluded they actually are. If the left fights itself then the Ring Wing crazies who want to lower the minimum wage and get rid of health care and lower wages across the board will be able to enact their plans to destroy the Middle and lower class directly. Their plans to put all Hispanic and Muslim Americans in Internment camps (Trump even went out of his way to point out that the Supreme Court ruling that said the internment of Japanese American was legal has never been overturned) will go through while and the extreme "Bernie or Bust" people will be to blame. For they will have done nothing to stop Trump.

Right now the remaining "Bernie or Bust" supporters are Trumps willing executioners.

worldnews 内の tvmeltsyourbrain によるリンク Both of Istanbul's Bosphorus bridges are closed

[–]davidreiss666 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's the legacy of Atatürk. It sounds contradictory, but it's a belief that has a long tradition within the Turkish military.

worldnews 内の tvmeltsyourbrain によるリンク Both of Istanbul's Bosphorus bridges are closed

[–]davidreiss666 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Turkish military was given a special role by Atatürk way back when Turkey was founded out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire.

Atatürk was Mustafa Kemal, who was the founding leader of Turkey. He was a military general most famous military for being the Turkish general who won at Gallipoli against an invading Allied (mostly British, French, and ANZAC forces). Then at the end of World War One he became the leader of Turkey as opposed to the Ottoman Empire (though by then there wasn't much difference). He was basically the person who decided the Ottoman Empire, even as a legal fiction, was done.

He believed in making the new Turkey a secular nation. With a minimal religious influence or power. He encouraged Westernization pretty much across the board.

The Turkish military view themselves as the defenders of the legacy of Atatürk. It's a role they have taken very seriously over the years. It's been a while since they have staged a coup. The last one was in 1980.

if they are successful, they will probably claim that Erdoğan was allowing religious leaders too much influence and power over the government.

worldnews 内の tvmeltsyourbrain によるリンク Both of Istanbul's Bosphorus bridges are closed

[–]davidreiss666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Turkish military will, at the very least, claim to be defending the legacy of Atatürk and that a coup was their only option left.

Not to say they are correct, but that will be what the basics of their press release will say.

worldnews 内の tvmeltsyourbrain によるリンク Both of Istanbul's Bosphorus bridges are closed

[–]davidreiss666 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Call the Embassy? Yes.

Go there in the middle of Military movements? No. That wouldn't be a good idea.

When you get through to your embassy, listen to what they tell you.