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    Jonathan McIntosh @radicalbytes · 3h3 hours ago
    I get the appeal of collecting and evolving #Pokemon but the whole training your pets to fight thing is pretty unsettling to be honest.
    2 retweets 23 likes
      1. Too many similarities to dog fighting.
        2 retweets 6 likes
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      3. I've spent the past two days collecting and evolving cute creatures in #PokémonGo but the goal is to fight with them? That's disturbing.
        4 retweets 5 likes
      4. Wondering why I haven't heard any critiques of #Pokémon that mention its similarities to the blood sport of dog fighting.
        3 retweets 3 likes
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      6. BTW I'm sure the critique itself has been around for ages, was asking about articles in relation to the augmented reality app specifically.
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      8. Also the whole "that criticism is old news" response doesn't really make the point any less valid if the game's core plot hasn't changed.
        1 retweet 1 like
      9. Surprisingly unpopular opinion of the day: I find it unsettling that the ultimate goal of Pokémon Go is to train your cute pets to fight.
        1 retweet 6 likes
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      11. And here come the flood of dudes questioning my manhood for saying that. Popular media that glorifies fighting feeds this toxic mentality.
        2 retweets 5 likes
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      13. Admittedly I've never followed Pokémon before Go, but I really wasn't expecting a flood of hate for what is a pretty obvious observation.
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      1. @radicalbytes That moral question was literally the plot of Pokemon Black & White from 2010.
        0 retweets 1 like
      2. @Gallifrey993 Didn't play it but I'm assuming the answer was "it's fine, they like it?" Otherwise no more multimillion dollar franchise.
        0 retweets 0 likes
      3. @radicalbytes The conclusion was about partnership/friendship and becoming strong together, explaining that it's not slavery/exploitation.
        0 retweets 0 likes
      4. @Gallifrey993 How very convenient.
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      6. @radicalbytes The creator of Pkmn made the games because kids in Japan like to catch insects and make them fight and he wanted to stop that
        0 retweets 1 like
      7. @Gallifrey993 @radicalbytes That's terrifying considering someone in Japan created child sex dolls to combat pedophilia. Trend needs to die.
        0 retweets 0 likes
    1. @radicalbytes And I say that as someone who made my prized Vaporeon, Pigeott, and some others face round after round at my local gym.
      0 retweets 0 likes
    2. @radicalbytes It is weird that the cockfighting aspect has always been there at the heart of the Pokemon world, Ipse dixit, no questions.
      0 retweets 0 likes
    3. @radicalbytes if you really think about the idea of someone making an app designed to make you "collect", that's kinda unsettling, too.
      0 retweets 0 likes
    4. @radicalbytes it's always had that weird aspect - find wild creatures, trap them in tiny balls, but they LOVE IT etc
      0 retweets 0 likes
    5. @radicalbytes that's an honest opinion. Luckily Pokemon is just fiction and harmless
      0 retweets 0 likes

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