StartledCats 内の loopdeloops によるリンク ... Who's around me right now?!

[–]loopdeloops[S] 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Definitely not a stray! As these kittties will cost you a pretty penny. The breed appear "rugged" in general, much like similar breeds with curly hair. Examples include LaPerm, Cornish Rex, and the Selkirk Rex. Devon Rex are my absolute favorite, I find them to be utterly and completely adorable.

AnimalsBeingBros 内の loopdeloops によるリンク Lioness hangs out with baby wildebeest, then lets it go.

[–]loopdeloops[S] 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

If I would have included the wildebeest being let go, the gif would have been over a minute long... But, I admit the title is a little misleading. I just didn't want people to think the lioness was playing with her food.

AnimalsBeingBros 内の loopdeloops によるリンク Lioness hangs out with baby wildebeest, then lets it go.

[–]loopdeloops[S] 39ポイント40ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, you have a good point. The title should read something more along the lines of "Lioness hangs out with baby wildebeest." I shouldn't have included that she let's it go in the title, but I didn't want users thinking that she ends up killing it when she doesn't.

AnimalsBeingBros 内の loopdeloops によるリンク Lioness hangs out with baby wildebeest, then lets it go.

[–]loopdeloops[S] 52ポイント53ポイント  (0子コメント)

After capturing the baby, she hangs out with it for a bit. Then, eventually let's the baby go back to it's mother unharmed.