Donald Trump Is Facing CRIMINAL Charges For BRIBERY, Here Are the Details…




There is no denying that Donald Trump has had a bad week, but it’s about to get even worse. The American Democracy Legal Fund (ADLF) has officially filed a criminal complaint against the Republican front runner for bribery.  The group alleges that Donald Trump bribed Dr. Ben Carson for his endorsement by offering him a job.

From the ADLF website:

The American Democracy Legal Fund has filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Justice to investigate whether Donald Trump violated federal law by offering Dr. Ben Carson an appointment to his administration in return for supporting his candidacy.

It has recently come to light that Mr. Donald Trump may have willfully offered Dr. Ben Carson an appointment to his administration should he become president in return for supporting his candidacy. Federal law prohibits a candidate from directly or indirectly promising the appointment of any person to any public or private position in exchange for his or her support.  Dr. Carson’s comments indicate that Mr. Trump used the promise of a role in his administration to secure Dr. Carson’s support for his presidential campaign.

In fact, Ben Carson admitted this allegation was true on a conservative talk show.

When Carson appeared on “The Steve Malzberg Show” he claims he was assured by Donald Trump that he would be “doing things” in at least an “advisory capacity” during a Trump administration.

The conversation went as follows:

“[Trump] will surround himself with very good people,” the retired neurosurgeon said.

“And will one of them be Dr. Ben Carson?” Malzberg asked.

“I will be doing things as well, yeah,” Carson responded.

When pressed whether the role would be “in the administration,” Carson said it would be “certainly in an advisory capacity.”

“That’s been determined? When you sat down with him that was discussed?” Malzberg asked.

“Yes,” Carson said. When the host asked whether he was offered a Cabinet role, Carson said the details are still “very liquid” and declined to offer specifics.


The criminal complaint states, “Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 599, “[w]hoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

Two years in prison will definitely hurt a presidential campaign. Let’s hope Trump takes a page from Hillary and wiggles his way out of this one.
 H/T Patheos


About the Author

Lindsey Bruce
I am best described as a Constitutional conservative. I strongly believe in constitutionally limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility. I can no longer stand on the sidelines and watch my country lose a game that we were built to master. I am speaking up! Please visit my blog and speak up with me!

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