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Breaking: ABC News Fingers Donald Trump in a Massive Tax Evasion Scandal

May 20th, 2016 | by Amando Flavio
Breaking: ABC News Fingers Donald Trump in a Massive Tax Evasion Scandal

The American commercial broadcaster, American Broadcasting Company (ABC) has revealed in a news article how the presumptive nominee of the Grand Old Party, Donald Trump has deliberately failed to fulfil his tax obligations to the United States.

Trump was a business magnate before entering into politics. He has made huge investments in recreation, real estate, sports and entertainment. Trump’s business ventures and investments are managed by the Trump Organization. As of May 2016, Trump has a net worth of $4.5 billion.

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In a news article, titled The Only Time Donald Trump Undersells: Tax Time, the ABC chronicled how the business magnate has duped the country he wants to lead, by blatantly undervaluing his properties in order to cut his tax down.

The first property mentioned in the article is the Trump National Golf Club, in the small town of Ossining in Westchester County, New York. The golf club has winding streams, stone bridges, a 101-foot waterfall and an expansive clubhouse. It is, indeed, a reflection of a true luxurious lifestyle. It is said Trump wrote on a candidate disclosure form, that the sprawling 147-acre private club bearing his name is worth more than $50 million.

But, according to the ABC, when it came to valuing the property for tax purposes, Trump’s lawyers argued that the property is worth only $1.35 million. The proposed valuation has confused town officials of Ossining. Officials said the new figure would cut Trump’s tax burden by 90 percent, dumping that burden on poor residents.

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ABC also revealed that in 1986, when Trump purchased one of the most expensive luxury yachts in the world from the Sultan of Brunei, “The Princess,” he used a lease-back arrangement involving an out-of-state company to avoid having to pay $1.75 million in sales tax to the state of New Jersey for the purchase of the yacht.

In the same year, it is said Trump was one of a number of celebrities identified in a New York state investigation into a sales tax dodge by the Bulgari jewelry store on Fifth Avenue. Store officials had been accused of selling expensive items to celebrity customers and then sending an empty box to an out-of-state address so the customers would not have to pay the New York sales tax. News reports from the time said Trump bought a $65,000 item. A former state prosecutor involved in the matter, said Trump and others helped the state build a case against the store, which they considered the more serious violator.

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Again, the news media revealed that when Trump struck a deal with New York City to build the Grand Hyatt Hotel, it was required that his partnership team return a portion of the hotel profits to the city. But a 1989 audit found that his ownership team “understated its net profit” by more than $5 million, and deprived the city of nearly $3 million in unreported proceeds. The city auditor who reviewed the Grand Hyatt financial books, Karen Burstein, said Trump approved the decision to use different accounting rules to determine the money owed to the city.

“He [Trump] cheated the city of a substantial amount of money. This wasn’t just a good business deal. This wasn’t just business thinking. This was manipulation … It was an example of extraordinary flim-flammery,” Burstein told ABC News in an interview.

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For town officials in Ossining, they have said they plan to fight Trump’s claim that the private golf club is worth only $1.35 million. They revealed that Trump bought the property for $8 million in a foreclosure sale. He then spent $45 million to build the 18-hole course and 75,000-square-foot clubhouse. Trump also received permits to build six hotel suites on the property, with no increase in his tax assessment.

When ABC contacted the Trump Organization for an analysis of the tax decisions implicating the organization, officials declined to provide any information. The executive vice president and general counsel of the Trump Organization, Alan Garten, only said: “Not only do virtually all of the items go back between 30 to 40 years, but they all appear to be based upon false information.”

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  1. M Z says:

    Honestly? Shrewd tax strategies from 30 or 40 years ago? Dredging up ancient history? If this was so egregious, why didn’t the IRS sue or fine him? Why didn’t the municipalities sue him? It’s easy to make claims about property assessments but some people are smarter than others in getting properties valued for tax purposes. Sounds like nothing illegal here. Just smart business and we want Trump to use this thinking to champion AMERICAN rights especially in foreign trade! VOTE TRUMP for SMART BUSINESS SAVVY that benefits America.

    • Ed says:

      So it is all right with you that this lying draft dodging son of a bitch should run this country. Move to Mexico you ignorant ass hole.

    • Norman C Berns says:

      I don’t quite see, MZ, how cheating on his taxes, lying about his net worth, screwing vets out of money, or his other lies “benefits America” or anyone other than Trump.

    • OneCitizenOfTheRepublic says:

      Just wait until he goes after your Social Security…

    • Linda F. Riddle says:

      YOU ARE THE MOST IGNORANT IDIOT THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN WRITE ANYTHING! You don’t even deserve the privledge of being in America! Have you no conceince? SHAME ON YOU!!

    • Kinsey6 says:

      You’re a scumbag just like that tiny-fingered cheeto-faced orangutan. Drumpf is totally unqualified to be president and is nothing but a liar, con-man, cheater, tax dodger, racist, and ignorant bigoted fascist. If he’s such a good businessman, then why did he need to rip off all those people who were conned into Trump University? Fact is, he’s nothing but a shyster and con man. And don’t you even dare call yourself American because you’re nothing but a douchebag, just like Drumpf.

  2. Jay L. Stern says:

    Assessed valuation need not be the same as the purchased price. Once the purchase has been made, the taxes are based on that assessed valuation. it can creep up over the years but improvements made to the property are capitalized and constitute value added upon sale. The new owner, if any, then are assessed on a higher valuation. Donald Trump, as can you or I, take advantage of tax rules to minimize his taxes. That is the intelligent thing to do. I think it was Justice Learned Hand who wrote that people could rearrange their affairs to pay the minimum taxes. So, Ed, you petulant, ignorant blow-hard, when Donald Trump is elected YOUR president as well as mine, you can expect your own economy to do better. Then what will you say?

    • Rock says:

      A trump supporter can’t go two minutes without personal attacks. They follow their lord’s example.

    • Cc says:


    • Gloria says:

      Jay have you considered that this is why Trump is being audited and makes the claim that he is audited year after year. You will never know whether he paid penalties or has been sued due to falsifying information on his tax forms because you will never see them. You will never know who gave his foundation funds and nor will you ever know who Trump has funded because he is not going to show his previous or current tax returns. Trump should have the best of the best CPAs doing his taxes so that he is not flagged so often. If he is so proud of how he does business then why not show some of his previous tax returns???

    • Rick Rogers says:

      Jay L. Stern.. that easy to answer. Because he is never going to be president.. Hell him might not even make it out of Cleveland.. So there won’t be anything to say.. you on the other hand might need to start practice saying “Madam President”

  3. Randy says:

    I don’t care who you are, everyone tries to lower their taxes. I do not see anything wrong as long as it is legal. If this were true, the dumb asses are the IRS people. Not trump

  4. Linda layne says:

    Let’s reason he’s a good crook cheating on his taxes s I he will make a good come on who needs to spend 190,000 on anal bleaching for his image ok go ahead vote for this crook that wants Korea to bomb Japan tax evasion is not creative thinking he is a crook

  5. Tammy Terrell says:

    Where has your investigative journalists been the last eight long and painful years? You saw nothing worthy of investigating under the most corrupt administration in American history? Shameful!

  6. Marecek says:


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