This is just unbelievable. Erick accurately noted yesterday how Indiana Governor Mike Pence “would actually be the perfect vice presidential pick for Donald Trump” because, frankly, he is spineless and “lacks the courage of his convictions.” But there is spinelessness, and then there is catastrophic self-flagellating humiliation in the name of reneging upon anything remotely resembling fealty to the conservative cause. In obsequiously trying to get the veepstakes “final rose” from the alt-right’s orange god-king, Pence reached the (disgraceful) latter stage in his comments today.
Pence spent part of his day lavishing praise on the presumptive GOP nominee, comparing him to Ronald Reagan and using the phrase “make America great again” Tuesday afternoon when he spoke with reporters after an event in Indianapolis.
“I think he is someone who has connected with everyday Americans like no one since Ronald Reagan,” Pence said. “I think he has spoken into the frustration and the longings of the American people as no one since the 40th president, and I think you’re going to continue to see him do that.
Once upon a time, Mike Pence held himself out as a serious movement conservative. He seems to be a fan of Russell Kirk’s magnum opus, The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot. And even after he epically botched religious liberty legislation in his home state, National Review reported in April how Pence actually privately harbors a deep disdain for non-conservative fraudster Donald Trump:
Cruz would love to lock down Pence’s endorsement, knowing that the governor’s network could lend him a significant organizational edge in the state—just as Scott Walker’s did in Wisconsin. But sources say Pence—who loathes Trump, according to longtime friends who have spoken with the governor about the GOP front-runner—nonetheless has deep concerns about wading into the presidential race amid his own fight for re-election.
Pence, of course, wiggled out of his own self-induced endorsement pickle by means of offering one of the single worst presidential “endorsement” in the history of presidential endorsements. He tried to have it both ways before the Indiana primary precisely because, again, he “lacks the courage of his convictions.”
And now, Pence, who once purported to be inspired by Russell Kirk, has called the man who is probably the most demagogic and thoroughly non-conservative presumptive nominee in Republican Party history the greatest thing since Ronald Reagan.
Pence is no longer a conservative. He is officially a Branch Trumpidian.
It really is genuinely sad watching so many conservatives forsake their integrity in the name of appeasing the orange-hued clown.
Worst. Election. Ever.