BST – British Summer Time / British Daylight Time (Daylight Saving Time)
Also known as: BDT – British Daylight Time, BDST – British Daylight Saving Time
Areas with same time currently (UTC +1).
Currently has same time zone offset as BST (UTC +1) but different time zone name.
British Summer Time (BST) is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time. This time zone is a Daylight Saving Time time zone and is used in: Europe.
This time zone is often called British Summer Time.
Winter Time & DST
This time zone is a daylight saving/summer time zone, in the winter some places will switch to the corresponding standard time zone: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
Email Time Zone Indicator: +0100
An email sent from someone in the British Summer Time (BST) time zone will have the time zone listed as "+0100" in the headers of the email. (However, "+0100" does not have to be in British Summer Time, as other time zones could have the same UTC offset).
Where and When is BST Observed?
European countries/territories using BST in the summer and GMT in the winter:
- Guernsey
- Isle of Man
- Jersey
- United Kingdom - main islands
Other Time Zones in UTC +1
Some time zones exist that have the same offset as BST, but can be found under a different name:
Time zones by continent/region
BST time now
Thursday, 14 July 2016
- BST will be observed in London until 30 Oct 2016, 02:00
- UTC Offset: UTC +1
- 8 hours behind Tokyo
Find current time and time zone by city
Other time zones named BST
BST – Bangladesh Standard Time
BST – Bougainville Standard Time
Example cities
United Kingdom – London (Summer)
Related time zones
GMT – Greenwich Mean Time (Standard Time)
IST – Irish Standard Time (Summer Time - Ireland)
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