reddevils 内の Spyryt によるリンク [Off Topic] Which channel will you be watching the Euros final on tonight?
reddevils 内の juanderwall によるリンク Manchester United training ground "buzzing" as Jose Mourinho scraps unpopular Louis van Gaal methods
reddevils 内の wp4815162342 によるリンク L'Equipe: Pogba wants to "Complete the Circle by Returning to Manchester United" He has informed some Teammates and friends
reddevils 内の Pigeon_Asshole によるリンク Jose: "I want everything - to win matches, to play well, to play young players, to score goals, for the fans to be behind us. Everything."
ARKone 内の MrBenLad によるリンク Every time I log in I can only see names and my inventory, like this, anyone know what to do?
reddevils 内の matt_66 によるリンク Why is it almost every 'predicted starting line up' post I read has Bailly starting?
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