reddevils 内の matt_66 によるリンク Why is it almost every 'predicted starting line up' post I read has Bailly starting?

[–]MrBenLad 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's been so long since Rio and Vidic left that some of us have forgotten we we're meant to find replacements. It's been over 3 years and Mourinho sorts it out within a week of being appointed. Potentially.

Bailly is arguably the most proven alongside Smalling. Blind isn't a defender. Period. Jones is an injuring nightmare, Rojo going to CB would be a disaster, and TFM isn't ready for CB IMO. He has potential to be amazing but not CB for me. I could be wrong though.

My point is that Bailly seems to be the only full blooded CB we have who isn't a LB/midfield converted or an academy graduate.

Amazing right.

playark 内の Jallsop によるリンク entertaining ark youtube channels?

[–]MrBenLad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you're into savage raids check out HODO Gaming.

playark 内の MrBenLad によるリンク Why do I now always have the Survivors Hat skin in my inventory?

[–]MrBenLad[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is also our suspicion. But we did it in a private server.

playark 内の MrBenLad によるリンク Why do I now always have the Survivors Hat skin in my inventory?

[–]MrBenLad[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't have it when buying. Also many players I know who bought during early access don't have it.

Our guess it that it's something we did offline possibly. Still no idea though. Can't find anything on it either.

reddevils 内の Spyryt によるリンク [Off Topic] Which channel will you be watching the Euros final on tonight?

[–]MrBenLad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't have so much of a problem with ITV but their player is absolute chocker with ads its crazy, by the time you've finished watching ads it'll be half-time.

ARKone 内の loosiegoose によるリンク Just got wiped, now what?

[–]MrBenLad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yea I'm worried about that. I keep all my valuables on one of the random peaks surrounded by turrets. Helps with gigas, but my Dino's are obviously still at risk of getting wrecked. All I know is wack literally as many plant turrets down as you can, and pray.

ARKone 内の loosiegoose によるリンク Just got wiped, now what?

[–]MrBenLad 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've been saying this to everyone who says this, but join a primitive server. I haven't looked back since, also never been raided.

For a normal working man who wants to play in the evening with his 2 mates, it's much more calm, people have to raid with Dino's so are less likely to risk their own hard work for yours.

Also a word of advice, some servers are just horrible, you have to find one that is nice, or has an alpha tribe that are ok/help the area out. I'm currently in Primitive The Center 726, best server I've ever been in.

reddevils 内の wp4815162342 によるリンク L'Equipe: Pogba wants to "Complete the Circle by Returning to Manchester United" He has informed some Teammates and friends

[–]MrBenLad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Okay L'Equipe, you've played with my heart strings now. Your rep and tier is now officially on the line.

ARKone 内の DippedG35 によるリンク Story. With a clip. All we wanted was a 145 quetz

[–]MrBenLad 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's a normal day on ARK. A strange day is when you are not kicked once and not one save game glitch affects you.

I hate the save game glitch, it has ruined me countless times. Having a Giga turn up randomly is super annoying, and happens on the Center a lot.

I'm in jungle north, (presumed it was a low level starting area) started ages ago by making a wood house, "o look theres a guy on a giga outside" (there was nobody on it), bye bye house.

Hats off for keeping so casual about it. I'm in a tribe of 2 so if this happened I wouldn't know what to do.

ARKone 内の MrBenLad によるリンク Is anyone else being constantly kicked out of the game?

[–]MrBenLad[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is that from that tweet? It only says he's looking into dedicated servers. I'm on offical.

Fingers crossed tho, I've given up for now it's happening too frequently to do any sort of mission.

playark 内の Gwyndon によるリンク A bit overwhelmed

[–]MrBenLad 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's without all electricals and explosives, but exactly the same. Basically takes away the metal explosives, (you can still have metal tools, armour etc.)

For me, explosives totally overpower the ability to destroy someone's base. Even a low level person can make a bunch of grenades and just blast your base to pieces. Especially for a normal working man who wants to come home to enjoy the game, it's near impossible to keep it safe when everyone can break you're base so easily.

On primitive, you have none of this. Most raiding is done with Dino's, (like it should be). People are less willing to risk their dino's on a raid, especially if they get nothing out of it.

Essentially, it makes raiding a ton harder, means you can't build metal, or have guns, but for me the advantages totally outweigh that.

playark 内の Gwyndon によるリンク A bit overwhelmed

[–]MrBenLad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I got tired of getting raided so joined a primitive server. Never looked back. Also never been raided.

playark 内の MrBenLad によるリンク Our horrible experience with taming a doedicurus, and questions on why it went wrong

[–]MrBenLad[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We managed to move it unconscious all the way back to our base on my boat, just when we got back we went out into sea. Maybe you can do rivers but not open sea?