Marp - Markdown Presentation Writer


Marp is the simplest presentation writer with Markdown.

  • Create slides by Markdown
  • Cross-platform
  • Live preview with 3 modes
  • Theme supports (Default & Gaia theme)
  • Export slides as PDF!

Write the presentation with like a feeling of Markdown editor.

Marp is receiving Electron’s power.

Writing by Marp

How to write slides?

A basically text format is based on Github Flavored Markdown.

Marp has tiny change of horizontal ruler to create multi-page slides. You can split page of slides by --- between empty lines. This format is similar to Deckset.


# Slide 1



# Slide 2



Marp’s Markdown has extended directives to affect slides. Insert HTML comment as <!-- {directive_name}: {value} -->


Want you pagination? Insert <!-- page_number: true --> to top.

If you want to exclude first page number, move directive to after first ruler.

# First page

The page number `1` can not see.

<!-- page_number: true -->

# Second page

The page number `2` can see!

Resize slide

You can resize slide by Global Directive $size. Insert <!-- $size: 16:9 --> if you want to display slides on 16:9 screen. That’s all!

<!-- $size: 16:9 -->

$size directive supports 4:3, 16:9, A0-A8, B0-B8 and suffix of -portrait.

Marp also supports $width and $height directives to set custom size.

Want you the example? Let’s see


Copyright © 2016 Yuki Hattori.
This software released under the MIT License.