Welcome to /r/indianfascists!
We are a serious, intellectual subreddit that is dedicated to identifying and preserving for all eternity the profound thoughts of some Patriotic and National Men on /r/india and other India-related subreddits.
When we ultimately come to power and exorcise Evil Communists, Muslims and Other Anti-National elements from our Great Country, we want to reward those who were Brave enough and Patriotic enough to stand up for what they believed in.
Please submit screenshots of comments by Truly Patriotic Men (TPM TM ) here. Suitable candidates are:
- comments that warn of the impending demographic explosion, where Muslims comprise 99% of all Indians (estimated date: 3 years from now)
- comments that expose people as Communists, Leftists, Sickulars, or other Anti-National elements
- comments that expose Women, Feminists, and other insults to the modesty of Indian Womanhood (which should be protected in the kitchen)
- comments that expose the Evil Leftist-Green-pseudo-Intellectual that want to stop Glorious Privatisation
A word of warning!
Evil Communists have infiltrated reddit and pretend to make Patriotic comments, but actually they mock us and our love for our Country. Please don't submit those! This subreddit is only for Pure Indians.
If you think this is satire, please take your Communist sense of humour elsewhere. Read the submissions to this subreddit and you will realise we are very Serious.