A while ago, I created thesis on Clan Zorah regarding quarian sweat, etc. I'll post it here with some post-scriptum edits and abridging, it was created over the course of approximately 40 minutes. In several posts.
It started off as an analysis of Tali's sweat, trying to figure out what it'd smell and taste like. I quickly realised that most scents originate from bacteria, which would be minimal to non-existant for quarians.
The next best thing, would be urea. Urea is essential for the metabolism of mammals, and also a bonding agent (For say, p-cresol and o-cresol, two odor chemicals found in sweat. Though these likely aren't available to quarians), and it, and residues of the amino acids and chemicals used in its production are excreted through many different ways. Urine, sweat, etc.
This thesis assumes quarians are anything like mammals back on earth and have a digestive system at least remotely similar to theirs.
One of the main components of sweat, urea, is not affected by chirality, it cannot have a mirrored/dextro version:
The scent it is associated with is derrived from residues of ammonia excreted along with it, which is a by-product of the production of urea.
Now, here's the deal, urea requires a ton of amino acids in order to be produced (levo amino acids, obviously), a short summary from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia wrote...
Urea is synthesized in the body of many organisms as part of the urea cycle, either from the oxidation of amino acids or from ammonia. In this cycle, amino groups donated by ammonia and L-aspartate are converted to urea, while L-ornithine, citrulline, L-argininosuccinate, and L-arginine act as intermediates
Hence, this could result in a significantly different smell and composure of both her sweat, and other urea based excretions.
The urea cycle:
You see that "Arg" thing right below Urea on the urea cycle? Yeah, it stands for L-Arginine, you can get the dextro version through a largely similar cycle. It's an extremely mild neuro-toxic, pretty much a relaxing drug, a depressant, though excessive usage would actually result in additional stimulations, a stimulant.
A member of Clan Zorah, Troodon80, claims to have had personal experience with the substance as a depressant, and states that it is, in fact, addictive.
Additionally, the dextro version of "Asp" (stands for L-Aspartate), in order for it to be soluble like it's levo counterpart, it would likely bond with sodium, resulting in Sodium D-Aspartate, which is a natural performance enhancer [2], it massively increases the human body's production of testostorone, also resulting in an increased libido.
Finally, Orn, stands for L-ornithine. This amino acid allows for the disposal of excess nitrogen.
Dextro version of this is largely similar in role, except for the fact that it is far more prone to create a hydrogen bond. (Including with molecules like ammonia, NH3)
Hence, it would demobilize the ammonia and eliminate the odor eminated from the production of urea to quite an extent.
So, so far, we can tell that Tali would not smell nearly as bad as those filthy humans, her sweat's a drug and a natural performance enhancer.
As for additional odors , that would be determined by MHC's and pheromones, which are too large and complex to even consider estimating with the limited knowledge we have at this time. Though the production of MHC's is also a key component of our immunesystem, so they might be considerably less common for quarians. (They might even have something completely different altogether)is time. Though the production of MHC's is also a key component of our immunesystem, so they might be considerably less common for quarians. (They might even have something completely different altogether)
Remember, this is largely speculation, and I am by no means an expert, merely an enthusiastic amateur, so if you think there's anything you can change or debunk of my theory, be my guest. I'd be eager to learn.
But if you do agree, here's a question for ya': Licking Tali or licking Thane? >_>
Edited by James2912, 22 July 2011 - 03:37 AM.