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Donald Trump Said Hillary Clinton Would ‘Make a Good President’ in 2008

Kind words for presumptive presidential rival came in a previously unreported clip from ‘Trumped!,’ a syndicated radio feature that aired from 2004 to 2008

Donald Trump spoke at a campaign event in Raleigh, N.C. on July 5.
Donald Trump spoke at a campaign event in Raleigh, N.C. on July 5. Photo: Sara D. Davis/Getty Images

Donald Trump is attacking Hillary Clinton these days, but eight years ago, in the midst of the 2008 Democratic primary race, he said she would “make a good president” and a lot of people thought pairing her with Barack Obama would be a “dream ticket.”

His kind words for Mrs. Clinton came in a previously unreported clip from “Trumped!,” a syndicated radio feature that aired from 2004 to 2008 and consisted of a daily commentary of about 60 seconds from the real-estate mogul.

On the radio feature, a little-known chapter in Mr. Trump’s media career, he presented his thoughts about everything from tattoos—he didn’t like them—to Michael Jackson’s child-molestation trial, in which he sided with the late pop star.

His comments were sometimes light-hearted, but Mr. Trump also weighed in on politics and policy matters, illuminating how some of his views have evolved or reversed since he began his presidential run.

The Wall Street Journal tracked down a handful of “Trumped!” audio clips—fast-paced affairs that start with his signature “Money, Money, Money, Money” theme music. It also located nearly 200 full and partial transcripts of the radio commentaries on archived webpages. Over the four years, Mr. Trump would have made about 1,000 radio appearances, based on his schedule.

Until now, none of the audio clips have surfaced publicly during the campaign. “I’ve had every news outlet you can imagine wanting to talk,” said Mary Jo DiLonardo, the radio feature’s executive producer, who added she had no copies. Hear some of the clips here.

Premiere Networks, a unit of iHeartMedia Inc., which syndicated the show, said it didn’t own the copyright and referred questions to Mr. Trump’s campaign. Mr. Trump’s campaign didn’t respond to questions about the broadcast.

In comments that presage recent controversies over Mr. Trump’s attitude toward women, he suggested in the radio commentaries that marriage made a pop star less sexy, expressed incredulity over a college chastity club and said he was surprised to hear that most women disapproved of one-night stands. “I thought today’s women were independent and had a lot of sexual freedom,” he said in April 2006. “Well, I guess they fooled me.”

As a candidate, Mr. Trump has offered shifting proposals to bar Muslims from entering the U.S. and expressed concern that some immigrants might want to bring Islamic Shariah law to the U.S.

In one 2008 segment of “Trumped!,” Mr. Trump recounted the story of a Saudi man who obtained a divorce outside the courts on the grounds that his wife had been alone with a man—a presenter she watched on television.

“There are a lot of male chauvinists in this country who really agree with what’s going on over there,” Mr. Trump said in a clip. “Men in Saudi Arabia have the authority to divorce their wives without going to the courts. I guess that would also mean they don’t need prenuptial agreements.” Added the twice-divorced Mr. Trump: “No courts, no judges. Saudi Arabia sounds like a very good place to get a divorce.”

In the early 2008 broadcast on Mrs. Clinton, aired as she and Mr. Obama still were dueling for the Democratic nomination, Mr. Trump said that “at least one member of [Mr. Obama’s] team said Clinton would make a good vice president. Well, I know her, and she’d make a good president or a good vice president.”

He continued: “A lot of people think a Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton pairing would be a dream ticket in November.” Mr. Trump’s prior support for Mrs. Clinton is well known. He donated to her 2008 campaign and has backed other Democrats at times. He has said that as a New York businessman, he needed to curry favor with his senator.

Their relationship predated her time in the Senate, however. In his 1997 “The Art of the Comeback,” Mr. Trump included a photo of Mrs. Clinton with him and his sons and called her “a wonderful woman who has handled pressure incredibly well.”

On the radio, Mr. Trump in 2005 praised New York Democrat Charles Schumer as a “great senator” who had “a lot of common sense,” according to an archived webpage. He backed Mr. Schumer’s criticism of a policy, then just reversed, that led to states reimbursing paroled rapists and sex offenders for Viagra.

“Trumped!,” which Mr. Trump recorded from his desk, was carried on several hundred stations. “I’m going to be joining you weekdays from my office in Trump Tower,” he said in an audio promo. “It’s my window on the world where I see everything, hear everything, and I’ll dish it out.”

Make sure to listen, he said, “or you’re fired,” in an allusion to his reality-TV show “The Apprentice.” He frequently devoted radio airtime to discussing his contestants. He also dispensed business advice and expounded on social issues.

Mr. Trump in a 2008 radio commentary opposed a West Virginia move to allow hunting-education classes in schools. Taking the same position as gun-control advocates, he called it a “dangerous risk,” according to an audio copy obtained by the Journal, and said: “We hear way too many stories about school violence, so the thought of voluntarily putting guns in the classroom seems like a really bad plan.”

As a candidate, Mr. Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee, has taken a strong gun-rights stance. He said earlier this year that “trained teachers should be able to have guns in classrooms.” He called for elimination of some gun-free zones near schools, scaling back a pledge to abolish them.

A frequent topic of the radio broadcasts was sex and women. In one segment, Mr. Trump advised men to do more chores around the house because psychological research showed they would get more sex from their wives. Commenting on women in the workplace in another segment, he said he had “very attractive” women working for him, but “they wouldn’t be there if they couldn’t do their jobs very well.”

In March 2005, he said the recently wed Britney Spears had fallen off a “sexiest women” list after rating No. 1 the prior year. “She has gone down, there’s no question about it,” he said. “That’s what a marriage can do for you.” Mr. Trump rated the sexiness of female celebrities in an April 2006 segment. Actress Keira Knightley was “unbelievable”; tennis star Maria Sharapova was “truly unbelievable.”

He devoted a September 2004 segment to the partisanship of sexual prowess, highlighting findings that didn’t favor the GOP. “Who has more fun than blondes?” he asked, according to one partial transcript. “Democrats, if you believe a new poll. Are Democrats really better in the bedroom?” He was referring to a poll by in which respondents overwhelmingly thought Democrats were better lovers than Republicans.

He also dished out advice. Discussing race-car driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., who had taken flak for cursing on television, Mr. Trump offered, “I guess every once in a while you say things that maybe you shouldn’t.”

Phil Katauskas
Phil Katauskas subscriber

Sunday's Doonesbury strip was hilarious. It was a checklist of The Donald's numerous conflicting positions he's taken over the years. He's been squarely on both sides of the issues.

James Grosser
James Grosser subscriber

Whatever. Trump voters don't care about facts or policy positions. They don't care about flip flopping. They don't care about character. All they care about is Trump's aggressive, vulgar, grandiose style. They are fools who think a "strongman" will fix everything. That has never worked in a democratic nation. 

If by some misfortune Trump is elected, his voters will be sorely disappointed when no wall is built, 11 million people are not deported, ISIS is not defeated "so fast," the Iran nuclear deal is not thrown out, and highly-paid manufacturing jobs do not come back to this country. And that's the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is all that plus a big recession.

david yorke
david yorke subscriber

By the way, i also believe, all college and post college education should be at a minimal cost, or adjusted from what the student and parents ability to pay is.

***It makes no sense that a four year college degree she leave anyone with a $40 or $50,000 debt!!...where is the money going?

On the other hand, teachers should be paid at the same level as doctors, but not for economically unqualified students to pay for.

Michael Tilbury
Michael Tilbury subscriber

Digging up stuff in the media from years ago is lame! Let's do an expose on Whitewater for HRC, or bimbo alerts on Bill...

DOUG MUNRO subscriber

Well gee, I even sort of thought she would be better then Odummer back then. Still think that actually. However, now that I see none other than the director of the FBI openly and clearly shows her to be a liar hell bent on her own one woman pursuit of power and wealth I would not vote for her to any position in government. She always puts her own selfish self interests above that of the nation. That I cannot stomach.

Tom CB Smith
Tom CB Smith subscriber

What this hit piece needs is a sense of humor. Teachers and or administrators with permits to carry . Great idea. School children with guns in the classroom--I don't think so. Clinton was a Senator in New York --where Trump wanted business help! The article reports Trump as if he were taking positions. The reality: Trump fooling around on a bunch of stuff because he was being payed.Maybe WSJ envies stand up comedy for big bucks!  WSJ seems to be making a fool of itself rather than Mr. T. 

Craig Smith
Craig Smith subscriber

A lot has changed in the 8 years since he said this folks.

David C Fischer
David C Fischer subscriber

Is this supposed to be a gotcha?  Did The WSJ and the NY Post get their headlines mixed up?  Moronic.

Max Block
Max Block subscriber

Does anyone need more evidence the slimy con man is a rino?

Hillary is more of a Republican than Trump.

Which is why millions of Rs will vote for her unless the delegates unbind and pick someone better.  

I'll second that motion!

TIM LUKER subscriber

The WSJ continues to act like a petulant child. Think this is a big scoop do you? A businessman who needed to play nice with political hacks (then Sen. Clinton from NY).

In addition - this is before Benghazi, the Arab Spring, ISIS, the private servers, deleted e-mails and selling influence to governments and sleezy interests thru the corrupt Clinton Foundation.

Grow up!

JOHN CASSIDY subscriber


This "story" would have been more appropriate on Snapchat.

I wish the Journal would just come out of their Hillary Closet and endorse her already.

James Grundvig
James Grundvig user

So what. That was before Obama degraded the USA--not ISIS--and Clinton let Benghazi burn, sold American state secrets with the Clinton Foundation, perjured herself on the Congressional stand, got a get out of jail free card from FBI/Comey. 2008, before the Crash, is like worrying about a snowstorm in the 1990s. Totally different era in which Trump has tons of more dirt on the Hil, as it keeps piling up.

david yorke
david yorke subscriber

Come on!

Name 3 things in the top 10 priorities of things that must change in the country that doesnt directly have to do with education?

Anyone out there? So far i've heard nothing.

Jeff Jackson
Jeff Jackson user

@david yorke 

1) Revoke the Fed Reserve charter and disband

2) elect a leader for our country.

3) Stop all illegal alien importation , enforce the immigration laws.

You cant educate anyone beyond their god given abilities.  This is why we lack neurosurgeons but have tons of fry cooks.

what are your 3?

JOHN CASSIDY subscriber

In 2008 anybody, including my dog Fido, would have made a better President than Obama.

Keith Sant
Keith Sant subscriber

So WSJ, this is newsworthy?  

William Porter
William Porter subscriber

So what! I thought she would be better than Obama. eight years is a long time.

Jeff Jackson
Jeff Jackson user

bernie hated hillary 2 months ago.  hillary talked trash about obama in 08........the opinion change over 6 years is much different than changing your mind in 2 months.

Charles LeBrell
Charles LeBrell subscriber

Any business person that didn't say those words would be cutting their own throat. The company that I worked for gave money to candidates in both parties for just that reason. 

Jennifer N. Owens
Jennifer N. Owens subscriber

How is this news?  The man changed his mind.  Happens all the time, even to politicians. 

I serious doubt that there is anyone on this forum that has not changed their mind/opinion about something or someone during the past eight years.

AJ Fahey
AJ Fahey subscriber

Let's see. History since 2008

4 dead in Benghazi, along with the misdirection, obfuscation, obstruction of justice and outright lying

Russian reset button

Mishandling of classified information and subsequent lying and obstruction of justice

Personal email server for Secretary of State business, some of which was illegally deleted.

Clinton foundation pay for play using office of Secretary of State

Clinton rags to multi million riches on speaking fees

Fast and furious

You can keep your doctor and insurance

Scalia is dead and we need a new Justice (critical)

Hard left political turn in general by the democrat party

Use of IRS as a political weapon by Democrats

General corruption in the Democrat party

And a lot more.

Yeah, that's the Democrat party and Mrs. Clinton we all knew then; NOT!

DIANE HARVEY subscriber

@AJ Fahey Agreed. Add: destabilizing the entire Middle East in a despicable policy of choosing which terrorist group should control Egypt, Syria, Libya and Iraq; creating ISIS and allowing it to grow unabated, supporting the giving to Iran of !50 billion dollars which will provide enough money for them to buy nuclear weapons.

Sanjay Ramakrishna
Sanjay Ramakrishna subscriber


Clifford Crouch
Clifford Crouch subscriber

Here are some Hillary scandals from before 2008:

• The cattle-futures scandal, in which a Hillary $1,000 investment miraculously turned into $100,000 with the help of her cronies.

• The Whitewater scandal, in which several close Clinton friends and allies in Arkansas were jailed.

• The Filegate scandal, in which Craig Livingstone, the director of the White House Office of Personnel Security, improperly accessed FBI files on several hundred individuals while under Hillary's eye.

• The Travelgate scandal, in which several career White House travel-office employees were fired by Mrs. Clinton and replaced by her cronies.

• The mysterious disappearance of subpoena'd Rose Law Firm records until the statute of limitations had expired.

• Hillary covering up for, and enabling, her sexual predator husband.

• Her failed healthcare overhaul.

• The stripping of White House furniture when the Clintons left so they could furnish their New York home.

So Donald Trump had no problem with any of these.

* * * * *

Mac Moore
Mac Moore subscriber

@Clifford Crouch  "So Donald Trump had no problem with any of these."

Irrelevant.  Clinton was running to be a Government mandarin that could destroy companies with a stroke of a pen.  Trump, as a businessman, says good things about her to keep from angering such a mandarin.  Why does that bother you?  When you go to the DMV, do you insult the clerk because you know him/her to be bad people?  Or, do you remain polite and move on?

Get over yourself!  Good grief!

David Mcmahon
David Mcmahon subscriber

@Kelly Rose

I prefer to get my news from real sources, not Phony comedians that read other people's lines. 

AJ Fahey
AJ Fahey subscriber

The left does tend to get many of their "hard facts" from Comedy Central and Saturday Night Live.

Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose user

@David Mcmahon @Kelly Rose in case you hadn't noticed, The Daily Show isn't "news." It is parody. But I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to know the difference.

Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose user

@AJ Fahey apparently you don't know the difference between "hard facts" and "parody." Just to help you out, the clip I shared from The Daily Show is based on everything that Trump actually said. Strung together as a comedy skit, it's brilliant. And, the thing about parody is that it takes the truth and presents the irony of that truth. But, since you must be getting your facts from some other sources, perhaps you'd like to share them.

David Mcmahon
David Mcmahon subscriber

@Kelly Rose @David Mcmahon

Your profile is interesting. Why are you labeling me a "Trump supporter"?

"Love drawing, baseball, dogs, cats, babies, NPR, and a good political argument. Don't love guns or racists."

gardner morris
gardner morris subscriber

The liberal media must be getting desperate in their blind support of Hillary if they are going to put something Trump said 8 years ago on the front page of the WSJ...Maybe not in the same class as Trump's comment but I recall saying "Anyone is better than Hillary" when Obama was originally nominated..My friends still remind me of that gaff.

Barbara Lawson
Barbara Lawson subscriber

Interesting that we hold The Donald responsible for what he's said, but not Hillary.

Richard Faude
Richard Faude subscriber

You would think writers at a business journal would be familiar with the strategic concept of "covering your bets."

Dumb dumbs.

Josh Blumenfeld
Josh Blumenfeld subscriber

@Richard Faude You'd think readers of a business journal would be a bit more apprehensive about believing everything a salesman says.

Steve Hutchinson
Steve Hutchinson subscriber

At the time he most likely did.  He wasn't contemplating running a President as a Republican. Given the poor choices the RNC put forth I understand this comment.  Time changes a lot of perspective, and in eight years Secretary Clinton has changed this perspective on her own.

Yochi Melnick
Yochi Melnick subscriber

The journal is really going downhill...its becoming more like a tabloid

david yorke
david yorke subscriber

Who said we have an education problem in this country?

Shame on you!

And the least educated vote for Hillary, but dont know anything about her, possibly her name, thats it! (besides more free stuff..but then look how much is left on your paycheck after taxes and the actual value of every dollar you take home..., then tell me whats free?)

Education must be # 3 in the priority list of things that must drastically change in the USA, after Terrorism, homegrown terrorism and national violence, **BOTH of the latter which have everything to do with education, so make education # 2.

Give me 3 categories in the top 10 priorities of things to fix that have nothing to do with education??, i double dare you.

Why does no one ever talk about education????

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