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[–]zoso4evr1st mate to Captain L.Ron 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bro fist This shit works brah. The other day, I was loping down the street, making sure my feet shuffled along (the noise it makes gets bitches' attention). I always wear my motorcycle helmet, even when I don't ride my bike since it signals to all the sloots that I'm a dangerous bad boy. I had my favorite daypack on with pictures of puppy dogs all over it (feeeeemals can't fucking resist cute shit- their brains shut down at the sight of my puppypack yo) And as I walked along I was whispering out loud all the stats of my last brutal lifting session.

Let me tell you, I was a skank magnet. Bitches of every age were on my jock saying all kinds of silly shit like "oh honey are you ok?" "are you lost?" "do you have a carer around we can call for you?" Proves if rp tactics are applied correctly, you can fucking KILL at day game.