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[–]Billybobsatan -3ポイント-2ポイント  (5子コメント)

[–]Meedina 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Is it a satire website?

[–]Billybobsatan -3ポイント-2ポイント  (3子コメント)

Not that I'm aware of. Would you like another of the several sources I found in a few seconds of searching?

[–]Meedina 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

That's horrifingly wrong, a middle schooler could be more knowledgeable on political science than the author of that article.

(the KKK was founded by Democrat1s, did you know?)

First of all, that's simply ignorant of the context.
The democrats of today are not the same as the democrats of the early-mid 20th century.
White supremacists were part of the democratic party before the black freedom movement, after that they massively left for the republican party, the parties basically flipped their electorate.
Btw refering to today's democratic party as "leftist" is having a very americano-centric conception of the political compass. They're center-right. In America you basically have a choice between liberalism and neo-liberalism.

There’s an easy way to remember it, too. NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party.

Yes and the DPRK is totaly democratic, also if I put a "Dog" nametag on my cat, it becomes a dog.

What does National Socialist German Worker’s Party mean? Glad you asked. Is it different from “Democratic socialism”? Only in semantics. A Democracy is mob rule, which is why America is actually a constitutional, representative republic, NOT a democracy. A representative republic protects the minority from the majority, whereas a democracy is the rule of the majority. Leftists get caught up in words, getting tripped up over “National Socialism” as opposed to “Democrat Socialism.” But it’s just that. Semantics. So when Hitler ginned up hatred for the Jews, he could get the mob to agree with him. He could get the mob to believe him. There were no representatives to stop Hitler. He was one man helming the desperation of a majority of people. Spot the difference?

America is actually a liberal democracy but whatever, the author seem to think the term democracy doesn't apply to representative democracy. What he actually means by "democracy" is direct democracy.
I mean this guy didn't even know how nazi germany operated, by 1933 all parties appart from the nazi party were forbidden and laws that deprived jewish people from citizenship were voted by the Reichtag. Reichtag which was only a puppet parlement since the nazis were the only party around. Hitler basically made the decisions himself, since we was a dictator...
Also democratic socialism doesn't imply direct democracy, it's an ideology which advocates gradually transitionning to socialism through reforms instead of a revolution. If you want to talk about semantics, know what you're talking about at least.

When we examine Hitler’s Nazi Germany through the lens of history, most, if not all of us, think of the Holocaust. In fact the holocaust might be the only thing we associate with Hitler’s Nazis. We’ve all been told of the Jews being marched off to death camps where they were worked, tortured, then gassed. We’ve also heard of the experiments conducted by Hitler’s Dr. Mengele. All terrible practices which we rightly find horrifying. Unless you’re one of those people who think Planned Parenthood is great.

The only thing not wrong about this article, at least it's not an holocaust denier.
But is he really comparing concentrations camp experiments to planned parenthood?

What we don’t often hear or learn about is how Hitler ruled the rest of Germany, what his domestic policies were for the German people he didn’t march off to death camps. Hitler’s domestic, socialist policies will be the focus of this post. Trigger warning: they’re eerily similar to what American Democrats tout today. Double trigger warning? He initially had the support of the mob of people. So replace many of Hitler’s policies with something you hear from Bernie Sanders…

He killed 6 million jews but that's ok because his policies were great....
Also no, further down the post he talks about nationalised healthcare, gun control, "big" education etc. First of all, Hitler had nothing to do with nationalised healthcare, it actually dates back from Otto Von Bismark.
Also, just let me say one thing once and for all:

Hitler was a horrible human being. But aside from how he treated the Jews, aside from his monsterous ways, his polcies were anything but “conservative.” He wanted big government, he wanted big eductation, he wanted thought control. He hated political dissidents. He loathed free-speech. He feared an armed citizenry.

So stop saying “Hitler was right-wing.” No, he wasn’t. If anything, he was a full-fledged left-winger. With a horrible mustache.

I just knew it was coming to this when you linked an american article.
For the average american the political spectrum basically "big governement" vs "small governement". Well guess what it's a bit more complicated than that. Communism and its final stage and Anarchism are more "small governement" than any of your right wing parties, far leftist are pro-gun and pro-individual rights for all, the important premice is advocating an anti-capitalist stance and fighting for seizing the means of production. They despise liberals as mutch as you do because liberals still advocate capitalism.
Hitler had a political ideology called fascism, him and his friend Mussolini were the founding father of that ideology, it's neo-liberal, racist, imperialist and anti-communist.

It's the absolute opposite of socialism, actual socialists were litteraly sent to death camp.
You could send as many links as you want, your article is /r/badhistory /r/badpolitics /r/BadEverything .

[–]Billybobsatan 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Democrats today aren't the same as they were in the mid 20th century.

Sure they are, they just can't flat out advocate for slavery now. The "switch" between the two parties occurred under LBJ's term. He tried to make the Republican party appear as the party for southern white racists. In his own words, LBJ would "have those n*****s voting democrat for the next 200 years" under this plan. The switch between the two parties was a myth to get the black vote. The Democrat party is still just as racist as it was during the civil war. You can even see this today with Hillary Clinton who referred to black urban youth as "superpredators."

Just because they say they're socialist doesn't mean they're socialist.

No, the nazis were socialist. Hitler directly said "We are Socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. In the future there must be no ranks or classes, and you must not let them begin to grow in you!" Do I need to redo the socialism gif with a swastika instead of the Venezuelan flag?

I agree with your next point here. The author wasn't very clear and I admit that I could have used a more clear source on this part.

The holocaust was ok because Hitler's policies were great.

I get that this was sarcasm, but the author didn't make a claim anywhere in the article. He didn't even compare the two. He said that Hitler both did the holocaust and also made policies similar to socialistic ideals. Bismarck did create a form of socialized healthcare in Germany, but it didn't apply to everyone. It was actually Hitler who made it universal. Personally, I support universal healthcare. I'm just using it as an example of how a socialist party practices socialist ideals. Also, Sanders is definitely a socialist. He calls himself a socialist, he supports socialistic policies, and when he was running for senator of Vermont, he "ran against the wealthiest guy in the state of Vermont. He spent a lot on advertising — very ugly stuff. He kept attacking me as a liberal. He didn’t use the word ‘socialist’ at all, because everybody in the state knows that I am that."

It's more complicated than small government vs big government

Yes, I am aware. Communism is small government, I agree. Communism is also not feasible in an actual society with more than 30 people. I can think of a few shining examples of communism not working off the back of my head. These include Russia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, etc. Hitler was both a fascist and a socialist. The two aren't mutually exclusive. He was a fascist in that he believed in state control over most aspects of life, and he was a socialist in that he believed in state redistribution of wealth, which falls under state control of most aspects of life.

I believe you're the one who needs to pay a visit to /r/badhistory. Most of what you've argued was either irrelevant, misleading, or flat out incorrect. You should really work on providing correct information, and work on your grammar while you're at it.