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Plots and counterplots abound in the Courts. Pawns invade castles. Wield game-changing Trumps. Uno meets Risk meets Battleship.

Plots and counterplots abound in the Courts. Pawns invade castles. Wield game-changing Trumps. Uno meets Risk meets Battleship.

Plots and counterplots abound in the Courts. Pawns invade castles. Wield game-changing Trumps. Uno meets Risk meets Battleship. Read More
pledged of $3,690 goal

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About this project

Let me start by telling you about my game: Courts and Castles. I'll generally describe the game, purposely withholding some details to prevent my idea being stolen in full. For backers, I will address specific questions and elaborate more as needed.

Myself, I love the name. It's simple, catchy, and quickly conveys the tone.

I genuinely feel this is a highly original game. Yet I've described the game before as "Uno meets Risk meets Battleship" as it does carry some familiar elements of other well-known games: cards, a board, pegs, etc.

And I've struggled to balance simplicity with complexity. Years ago, I started the project and the rules were very convoluted, and I walked away from it. I came back very shortly and worked out the flaws in a couple of days. Fresh eyes, fresh mind. Now, I feel that is complex enough to provide differing strategies without ever being head-scratching.

The setting is a fantasy, pseudo-medieval world. Each player takes on a role of the leader of nation such as the King, the Queen, the Warlord, etc. Much like Clue, the roles don't impact the game, but provide some background flavor and color code each player's pawns and castles.

So, the game begins with each player having control of their own territory, with equal numbers of castles among them. Everyone starts on equal footing and takes turns performing actions. The goal of the game is to capture your enemies' castles, scoring points by doing so, and being the first to earn 100 points.

The game has several elements to it. The board itself has areas designated as castles in several sizes: small, medium, and large. Again, everyone has equal amounts of each type. Larger castles are worth more points, but take more effort to conquer.

There is a large deck of cards paritcularly designed for this game, divided into two types: Court and Trumps.

Court Cards are similar to playing cards in the respect that have numerical ranks and colored suits. There are 10 ranks counting from 0 to 9, and each are assigned a name of a position in society (Zero is the Serf, and Nine is the Prince/Princess). There are six suits, each a distinctive color, and are assigned a precious stone (Red is Rubies). So, a Red Nine is known as a Prince of Rubies (not too different from the concept of a Queen of Hearts or Five of Spades). The name of each card as well as the coloring and numbering are clearly visible; and it is okay for players to simply call a card a red nine rather than a Prince of Rubies (gameplay is the same, and this can appeal to casual players). Without delving too much deeper, suits can be grouped into a larger category of 'families', and ranks can likewise be grouped into a larger category of 'classes'. They're pretty intuitive. These card traits factor into the Plots and Counterplots that players make in the course of the game.

Trump Cards are very different. They are 22 unique cards, all different from each other, that provide unique actions and reactions, bending or breaking rules temporarily to a person's advantage. They are mixed in with Court Cards, and if drawn, they are added to the hand, but do not count towards the 4 card limit, so a person continues to draw until they have their quota of 4 Court Cards (no more, no less) and whatever Trumps they get along the way.

Each turn, the current player selects a single Court Card from their hand to play as a Plot. The exact card they choose is secret to everyone else, but the players are aware a Plot is made. So, all the other players respond with Counterplots, each selecting a single Court Card of their own; however, the Plot is secret as they do this. Then, the Plot is revealed.

Here, the current player surveys all the Counterplots. He/she can choose any one Counterplot to engage. The degree of matching between her/his Plot and an opponent's Counterplot will determine a few things. The more they match (using suits, families, ranks, and classes) the more pawns will the player earn. This is where the Uno comparison comes in, as you match numbers or colors, or ideally both. A quick reference table on the board and in the rulebook spells out exactly how beneficial something is. Now, it is somewhat random. But as cards are played, one can even count cards to stack things in their favor. Some Trumps also switch these up a bit to give a player some foresight.

These pawns will be played at the end of the turn. Also, the plotting player may only attack whoever he/she engaged this turn. So, those pawns can be used offensively against this turn's chosen opponent, defensively in her/his own territory, or a mix of both. This can alter strategies somewhat. One person may provide the greatest degree of benefits, but you may be tempted to take less pawns to quickly finish off a weakened opponent.

Also of note, if a Plot doesn't match a Counterplot in any degree, then that Counterplot's player gets a pawn (even if he/she isn't engaged in battle).

Pawns are your troops. Their colored pegs that fit into the grooves of the board's castles. One pawn per tile of a castle. Larger castles have a greater number of tiles and take more pawns. When pawns are earned, they all must be immediately played, and within the confines of your engaged opponent or defensively in your own territory. This rule seems arbitrary at first, but whoever is occupies the last tile of a castle takes it (and the points), not whoever occupies the most. So, players need to be careful in their attacks. Not to mostly damage a castle and leave it ripe for another player to take.

Using pawns brings about the Battleship comparison. Filling your target with the required number takes it. It differs in that you may have multiple opponents, the attacks are not blind, you can use pawns in defensive maneuvers, and that the last attack is the winning attack.

That's the gist of the game - I have a highly detailed rulebook that outlines everything. Befitting my perfectionist, OCD mind, it details things to the most minute degree preventing any confusion, loopholes, or questions.

I have a basic prototype of the game and its pieces. It's fun, but not pretty. I have all the cards, made from index cards and colored with permanent markers. I have pawns baked from modeling clay. I have colored, wooden castle figurines. And I have two crudely drawn boards. 

They're labors of love, but I need some money to produce a better prototype - one that is visually appealing, and the aid of a professional artist would be necessary.

If I meet my goal, I'd like to pitch this finished product to a seasoned company for mass production. If I exceed my goal by a significant amount, I would consider producing it myself and advertising it.

Risks and challenges

I am confident in Courts and Castles, but any game can have issues. These generally become more apparent on wider play. I think I have nipped any logical errors in the bud, but the question remains "is it fun?" Myself and my sample games with friends have thought so, but this can always change. However, I think I can flexibly alter the rules to fix specific problems people have.

I think my game strikes a great balance of simplicity and complexity. Too simple, and you get Tic Tac Toe, which can always be properly stalemated. Too complex, and nothing makes sense. I believe that as you play the game, things occur naturally. At the most, you may have to count in every respect of how a plotted card matches a counterplotted card. But really, all you have to ask is "does the number match? is the number in the same class? does the color match? is the color in the same family?" (I withheld the details of class and family, but they're very similar and use intuitive concepts).

As for perks, my funding is equal to the value of all the perks of outlined. If I get exact funding, every dollar will be matched by a specific perk. These are not material goods.

All of my perks are allowing backers to provide names for people and places in the games. Names for the castles on the maps. And name for the individual cards in addition to their suit and rank. Small cosmetic details that don't impact the game. I will state it here that despite a backer donation, I will NOT use any of the following: slurs against ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion; any real world place names; any copyrighted names; any particularly dirty, inappropriate names (I myself love this humor, but this is a family-friendly project); or any linguistic gobbledeguk of symbols & numbers. I hold the right to deny any name even if you bought the perk. I will cite a reasoning, and I will contact you to suggest something else. Feel free to send me multiple suggestions and rank them. I will confer with you to choose the best. Just don't be sly. Don't suggest Helm's Deep as a castle name, or reference 9/11 or label a card Jesus Christ or Barrack Obama. Something like Castle Redbridge or Jon D. for a card are perfectly acceptable (but you can be more creative than that)!

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  1. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    Name a Serf of Rubies

    There are three Serf of Rubies cards (with a rank of 0 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  2. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    Name a Serf of Topazes

    There are three Serf of Topazes cards (with a rank of 0 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  3. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    Name a Serf of Gold

    There are three Serf of Gold cards (with a rank of 0 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  4. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    Name a Serf of Emeralds

    There are three Serf of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 0 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  5. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    Name a Serf of Sapphires

    There are three Serf of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 0 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (2 left of 3) 1 backer
  6. Select this reward

    Pledge $1 or more About $1.00 USD

    Name a Serf of Amethysts

    There are three Serf of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 0 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  7. Select this reward

    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Name a Commoner of Rubies

    There are three Commoner of Rubies cards (with a rank of 1 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  8. Select this reward

    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Name a Commoner of Topazes

    There are three Commoner of Topazes cards (with a rank of 1 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  9. Select this reward

    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Name a Commoner of Gold

    There are three Commoner of Gold cards (with a rank of 1 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  10. Select this reward

    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Name a Commoner of Emeralds

    There are three Commoner of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 1 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  11. Select this reward

    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Name a Commoner of Sapphires

    There are three Commoner of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 1 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  12. Select this reward

    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Name a Commoner of Amethysts

    There are three Commoner of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 1 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  13. Select this reward

    Pledge $3 or more About $3 USD

    Name a Merchant of Rubies

    There are three Merchant of Rubies cards (with a rank of 3 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  14. Select this reward

    Pledge $3 or more About $3 USD

    Name a Merchant of Gold

    There are three Merchant of Gold cards (with a rank of 3 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  15. Select this reward

    Pledge $3 or more About $3 USD

    Name a Merchant of Emeralds

    There are three Merchant of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 3 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  16. Select this reward

    Pledge $3 or more About $3 USD

    Name a Merchant of Sapphires

    There are three Merchant of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 3 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  17. Select this reward

    Pledge $3 or more About $3 USD

    Name a Merchant of Amethysts

    There are three Merchant of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 3 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  18. Select this reward

    Pledge $4 or more About $4 USD

    Name a Guard of Rubies

    There are three Guard of Rubies cards (with a rank of 3 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  19. Select this reward

    Pledge $4 or more About $4 USD

    Name a Guard of Topazes

    There are three Guard of Topazes cards (with a rank of 3 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  20. Select this reward

    Pledge $4 or more About $4 USD

    Name a Guard of Gold

    There are three Guard of Gold cards (with a rank of 3 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  21. Select this reward

    Pledge $4 or more About $4 USD

    Name a Guard of Emeralds

    There are three Guard of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 3 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (2 left of 3) 1 backer
  22. Select this reward

    Pledge $4 or more About $4 USD

    Name a Guard of Sapphires

    There are three Guard of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 3 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  23. Select this reward

    Pledge $4 or more About $4 USD

    Name a Guard of Amethysts

    There are three Guard of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 3 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  24. Select this reward

    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Name a Captain of Rubies

    There are three Captain of Rubies cards (with a rank of 4 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  25. Select this reward

    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Name a Captain of Topazes

    There are three Captain of Topazes cards (with a rank of 4 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  26. Select this reward

    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Name a Captain of Gold

    There are three Captain of Gold cards (with a rank of 4 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  27. Select this reward

    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Name a Captain of Emeralds

    There are three Captain of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 4 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  28. Select this reward

    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Name a Captain of Sapphires

    There are three Captain of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 4 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  29. Select this reward

    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Name a Captain of Amethysts

    There are three Captain of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 4 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  30. Select this reward

    Pledge $6 or more About $6 USD

    Name a Lord of Rubies

    There are three Lord of Rubies cards (with a rank of 5 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  31. Select this reward

    Pledge $6 or more About $6 USD

    Name a Lady of Topazes

    There are three Lady of Topazes cards (with a rank of 5 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  32. Select this reward

    Pledge $6 or more About $6 USD

    Name a Lady of Gold

    There are three Lady of Gold cards (with a rank of 5 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  33. Select this reward

    Pledge $6 or more About $6 USD

    Name a Lady of Emeralds

    There are three Baroness of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 5 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  34. Select this reward

    Pledge $6 or more About $6 USD

    Name a Lord of Sapphires

    There are three Lord of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 5 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  35. Select this reward

    Pledge $6 or more About $6 USD

    Name a Lord of Amethysts

    There are three Lord of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 5 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  36. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7 USD

    Name a Baron of Rubies

    There are three Baron of Rubies cards (with a rank of 6 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  37. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7 USD

    Name a Baroness of Topazes

    There are three Baroness of Topazes cards (with a rank of 6 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  38. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7 USD

    Name a Baroness of Gold

    There are three Baroness of Gold cards (with a rank of 6 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  39. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7 USD

    Name a Baroness of Emeralds

    There are three Baroness of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 6 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  40. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7 USD

    Name a Baron of Sapphires

    There are three Baron of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 6 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  41. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7 USD

    Name a Baron of Amethysts

    There are three Baron of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 6 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  42. Select this reward

    Pledge $8 or more About $8 USD

    Name a Count of Rubies

    There are three Count of Rubies cards (with a rank of 7 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  43. Select this reward

    Pledge $8 or more About $8 USD

    Name a Countess of Topazes

    There are three Countess of Topazes cards (with a rank of 7 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  44. Select this reward

    Pledge $8 or more About $8 USD

    Name a Countess of Gold

    There are three Countess of Gold cards (with a rank of 7 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  45. Select this reward

    Pledge $8 or more About $8 USD

    Name a Countess of Emeralds

    There are three Countess of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 7 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  46. Select this reward

    Pledge $8 or more About $8 USD

    Name a Count of Sapphires

    There are three Count of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 7 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  47. Select this reward

    Pledge $8 or more About $8 USD

    Name a Count of Amethysts

    There are three Count of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 7 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  48. Select this reward

    Pledge $9 or more About $9 USD

    Name a Duke of Rubies

    There are three Duke of Rubies cards (with a rank of 8 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  49. Select this reward

    Pledge $9 or more About $9 USD

    Name a Duchess of Topazes

    There are three Duchess of Topazes cards (with a rank of 8 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  50. Select this reward

    Pledge $9 or more About $9 USD

    Name a Duchess of Gold

    There are three Duchess of Gold cards (with a rank of 8 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  51. Select this reward

    Pledge $9 or more About $9 USD

    Name a Duchess of Emeralds

    There are three Duchess of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 8 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  52. Select this reward

    Pledge $9 or more About $9 USD

    Name a Duke of Sapphires

    There are three Duke of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 8 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  53. Select this reward

    Pledge $9 or more About $9 USD

    Name a Duke of Amethysts

    There are three Duke of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 8 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  54. Select this reward

    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    Name a Prince of Rubies

    There are three Prince of Rubies cards (with a rank of 9 and a red suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  55. Select this reward

    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    Name a Princess of Topazes

    There are three Princess of Topazes cards (with a rank of 9 and an orange suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  56. Select this reward

    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    Name a Princess of Gold

    There are three Princess of Gold cards (with a rank of 9 and a yellow suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  57. Select this reward

    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    Name a Princess of Emeralds

    There are three Prince of Emeralds cards (with a rank of 9 and a green suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. FEMALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  58. Select this reward

    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    Name a Prince of Sapphires

    There are three Prince of Sapphires cards (with a rank of 9 and a blue suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  59. Select this reward

    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    Name a Prince of Amethysts

    There are three Prince of Amethysts cards (with a rank of 9 and a purple suit, as in playing card suit). By donating you can add your name (full name, initials, or combination of) to the card. This will be printed on the face side, sized and positioned appropriately to fit with the necessary game information. MALE DEPICTION.

    Indicate the spelling you want to use and whether male or female. Your name can read (for example) John Doe, J. Doe, John D., etc. If I end up with backers of the same name, I will attempt to contact you and resolve conflicts; first backer gets priority, not biggest donation.

    Rules: no offensive names, slurs, or trick names (using phonetics or foreign languages to slip things in); nothing religious or sacreligious; no celebrity or famous person names; no dirty joke names (this is a family-friendly game); and nothing copyrighted.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  60. Select this reward

    Pledge $25 or more About $25 USD

    Name a Small Stronghold

    Name one of the six small strongholds for the Warlord (the red player). Strongholds are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (6 left of 6) 0 backers
  61. Select this reward

    Pledge $25 or more About $25 USD

    Name a Small Citadel

    Name one of the six small citadels for the Queen (the orange player). Citadels are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (6 left of 6) 0 backers
  62. Select this reward

    Pledge $25 or more About $25 USD

    Name a Small Temple

    Name one of the six small temples for the Pharaoh (the yellow player). Temples are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (6 left of 6) 0 backers
  63. Select this reward

    Pledge $25 or more About $25 USD

    Name a Small Camp

    Name one of the six small camps for the Feyess (the green player). Camps are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (6 left of 6) 0 backers
  64. Select this reward

    Pledge $25 or more About $25 USD

    Name a Small City-State

    Name one of the six small city-states for the President (the blue player). City-states are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (6 left of 6) 0 backers
  65. Select this reward

    Pledge $25 or more About $25 USD

    Name a Small Castle

    Name one of the six small castles for the King (the purple player). These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (6 left of 6) 0 backers
  66. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Name a Medium Stronghold

    Name one of the three medium strongholds for the Warlord (the red player). Strongholds are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  67. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Name a Medium Citadel

    Name one of the three medium citadels for the Queen (the orange player). Citadels are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  68. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Name a Medium Temple

    Name one of the three medium temples for the Pharaoh (the yellow player). Temples are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  69. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Name a Medium Camp

    Name one of the three medium camps for the Feyess (the green player). Camps are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  70. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Name a Medium City-State

    Name one of the three medium city-states for the President (the blue player). City-states are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  71. Select this reward

    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Name a Medium Castle

    Name one of the three medium castles for the King (the purple player). These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (3 left of 3) 0 backers
  72. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large Stronghold

    Name the large stronghold for the Warlord (the red player). Strongholds are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers
  73. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large Citadel

    Name the large citadel for the Queen (the orange player). Citadels are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers
  74. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large Temple

    Name the large temple for the Pharaoh (the yellow player). Temples are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers
  75. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large Camp

    Name the large camp for the Feyess (the green player). Camps are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers
  76. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large City-State

    Name the large city-state for the President (the blue player). City-states are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers
  77. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large Castle

    Name the large castle for the King (the purple player). These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers
  78. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150 USD

    Name the Large Temple

    Name the large temple for the Pharaoh (the yellow player). Temples are cosmetic variants of castles. These names will be written next to them on the board. You also get credit in the game material (as anonymous or not as you like).

    Names must be appropriate: nothing offensive (slurs against race, sexuality, handicaps, religion); nothing religious or sacreligious; nothing profane or dirty (this is a family-friendly game); no famous real-world locations (like New York or Baghdad, etc.); and nothing copyrighted.

    Feel free to send as many ideas as possible. Any ideas. I will consider them all and confer with you which to use. I withhold the right to deny any name if I feel if it violates any rule or just isn't any good (like Castle Stonebuilding or Poopwater). Feel free to withdraw your pledge if we can not come to agreement. I feel this won't be an issue with most people.

    Estimated delivery:
    Limited (1 left of 1) 0 backers