全 9 件のコメント

[–]vydeogamez -1ポイント0ポイント  (7子コメント)

Was happening before anyone remained or left. All other markets are down lower than the UK now as well...Are they doomed? More importantly, how much progressive propaganda reactionary clickbait will they post on reddit for free brownie points?

[–]SuperCho 8ポイント9ポイント  (6子コメント)

The pound started dropping once polls started forecasting a "Leave" vote. Also, TIL the BBC is progressive propaganda clickbait. How many more buzzwords could you have fit into that sentence?

Oh, oh, is this clickbait too?

What about this? Is this propaganda?

Of course it is, because you disagree with it.

[–]vydeogamez -1ポイント0ポイント  (5子コメント)

what ever happened to the majority predicting remain? Guardian and other regressive shitter outlets that you must LOVE are eating their words with tears rolling down their totally non-racist and clearly anti-propagandist faces

as a side note, give it at least 6 months to assess the economics, you dope. Democracy wins again and millenial regressives are upset yet again. also, these nobodies who are probably celebs or fools who write at the guardian or huff po? they are fear mongering the fuck out of you dumbasses and they are enjoying their increased revenue.

[–]SuperCho 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

The polls they did were accurate, but there was much lower turnout than expected on the day of the referendum. But you're right, we shouldn't take the opinion of any expert that challenges our view. Feel free to slink back into your hole with SargonofAkkad and /pol/ and call everything you disagree with "regressive propaganda." It won't change the facts.

[–]vydeogamez -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

go back to /pol/!

Amazing argument. I'm blown the fuck away.

Unfortunately for you, if you don't like being called a regressive then you should stop being one.It's just like being called fat, because it is an observation people make about you. For the record, the BBC has put out propaganda and it was about gamergate, same with other tv news stations but in America.

/pol/ typically refers to anyone on the left as a liberal in the context of a political liberal, and only that. No productive political argument will ever take place on shitpost island, or on bay area rich kid 'i get what i want when i want but we are so oppressed' reddit.

[–]SuperCho 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Amazing argument. I’m blown the fuck away.

It wasn't my only argument, but good job picking the one that was easiest for you to dodge.

For the record, the BBC has put out propaganda and it was about gamergate, same with other tv news stations but in America.

Holy shit, BBC is out to get gamergate. You've opened my eyes now. They definitely have incentive to do that.

Funny, how you're calling people regressive when left-leaning opinions are generally considered progressive and are referred to as such by most people. Is Bernie Sanders a regressive candidate?

[–]vydeogamez 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

His comment about white people not knowing what it is like to be poor? thats a 'progressive' stance that clowns on the far left love to hear.

when asked on stage about ALM or BLM? BLM for bernie! pander to the blacks because i guess it is hip and they surely agree with blm because they are black!

the social justice pandering is a progressive aka regressive stance

also you dunce, just because a majority holds a particular view that means it isnt regressive.. see: religion.

guess religion isnt regressive in your world because the majority of people identify with a religion

[–]SuperCho 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

see: religion. guess religion isnt regressive in your world because the majority of people identify with a religion

I've never seen anyone refer to religion as "progressive." I'm not saying that if the majority of people hold an idea, therefore it is progressive. I'm not saying that at all. Reading comprehension. The fact is that most people, left or right, will refer to many left-leaning ideas as "progressive" ideas. So, it doesn't make sense for you to refer to Bernie Sanders and the people that align with him as "regressives" when literally the entirety of media and the majority of people refer to him as a "progressive" candidate. The term "progressive" isn't an inherently positive one, either, so it's not propaganda. People on the right will frequently acknowledge the fact that these are "progressive" ideas.



It's literally what the political stance is called. You're just being overly edgy by calling us "regressives."

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]shaneo632[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It was a joke mate