Psychonaut 内の meatpieguy によるリンク LSD brought out in me my schizoaffective disorder. For years, my life has been a psychedelic nightmare.

[–]LetsHackReality [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yes, every day. I'll copy/paste the same response I gave your partner, ClinicalPsychMA -- edited for this particular scenario -- as you appear to be playing the same game s/he is:

I have personal, family relationships with those who have been labelled "schizophrenic" and medicated by the psychological industry. And I have personal, family relationships with many more who have a severe disconnection with reality that remains undiagnosed.

Which would you care to address? Or are you content to continue your little game, your profession of misdirection and obfuscation?

Psychonaut 内の meatpieguy によるリンク LSD brought out in me my schizoaffective disorder. For years, my life has been a psychedelic nightmare.

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)


And indeed I do have personal, family relationships with those who have been labelled "schizophrenic" and medicated by the psychological industry. And I have personal, family relationships with many more who have a severe disconnection with reality, one you endorse, that remains undiagnosed.

Which would you care to address? Or are you content to continue your little game, your profession of misdirection and obfuscation?

Psychonaut 内の meatpieguy によるリンク LSD brought out in me my schizoaffective disorder. For years, my life has been a psychedelic nightmare.

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Interesting that you conflate a love of truth, a connection with reality, with a "political agenda". You're pretty good at it. Almost like it's your job. Perhaps we can work together to expose the rather obvious role that the psychological profession plays in propagating propaganda. Deal?

C_S_T 内の JamesColesPardon によるリンク Biomedical literature – a primer of sorts.

[–]LetsHackReality 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Even that wiki article is pretty damning. I'll have to read the whole thing some day.

Psychonaut 内の meatpieguy によるリンク LSD brought out in me my schizoaffective disorder. For years, my life has been a psychedelic nightmare.

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nothing clever about it. Entire nations suffer under a media induced schizophrenia.

Propaganda is a real thing. It exists, it works, and it extends to the online information sphere. Even to Reddit, including this subreddit. Even this very thread.

Would you like to continue or shall we leave it there?

C_S_T 内の badgertime33 によるリンク Does anyone have a screenshot of that ominous prediction someone made about turmoil starting this Week?

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

And, of course, an inverted pentagram built at Hell's Bottom.

But yeah, 77 and 93 are all over 9-11. Mark Passio does a good presentation on this:

Psychonaut 内の meatpieguy によるリンク LSD brought out in me my schizoaffective disorder. For years, my life has been a psychedelic nightmare.

[–]LetsHackReality -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Interesting. It did just the opposite for me -- brought me out of the media-induced schizophrenia that has enveloped western civilization. Well, not LSD alone, but it was a useful tool for increasing neuroplasticity and helping me break free of ingrained thought patterns. I can see why it's illegal -- too much effort is put into this artificial control culture to have it be dissolved with a simple tab or two.

But I guess YMMV.

edit: And of course the online propaganda artists, the enemies of Truth, need to suppress this information. Downvotes ahoy!

C_S_T 内の JamesColesPardon によるリンク Biomedical literature – a primer of sorts.

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

(Sorry if this is a bit off-topic; I'll open a new thread if you think it's more appropriate.)

I strongly suspect medical jargon is taught and used to intentionally obfuscate the profession to the layperson -- much like Legalese is used to obfuscate the legal profession -- almost like encryption.

For example, I see little reason the phrase "Anterior Craniofacial Resection with Formal Anterior Bifrontal Craniotomy" couldn't be expressed in plain English. But then the patient might understand exactly what you're talking about and get the bright idea that they could treat themselves, thus decreasing the exclusivity and therefore power/control of the medical professional.

I also see an active effort to denigrate and dismiss medical education among the general public, along the lines of "Your Google search does not equate to a medical education." Again, to keep knowledge out of the public sphere and to retain power/control.


C_S_T 内の JamesColesPardon によるリンク Biomedical literature – a primer of sorts.

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well I dunno about Flexner either, so it's equivalent to me.

C_S_T 内の badgertime33 によるリンク Does anyone have a screenshot of that ominous prediction someone made about turmoil starting this Week?

[–]LetsHackReality 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

FYI, the jets hit the 77th floor and 93rd floor of the WTC on 9/11. My understanding is that 77 is one short of 777 and therefore equivalent to 666. And 93 is the destruction of perfection, bringing 9 down to 3.

But this stuff is new to me; I'm sure others here could give more depth.

And FWIW I'm hearing a lot of buzz about the Cascadia "subduction zone" near Seattle & Portland. Shame, I really like that area.

C_S_T 内の JamesColesPardon によるリンク Biomedical literature – a primer of sorts.

[–]LetsHackReality 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Cleaner"? (Oh boy I'm about to learn something...)

C_S_T 内の JamesColesPardon によるリンク Biomedical literature – a primer of sorts.

[–]LetsHackReality 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Probably most here have already seen this book, but for those that haven't, this may be an eye-opener (downloadable in PDF, Kindle, txt, etc.):

occult 内の joaoguedes によるリンク What is the "3rd eye"? What does it mean to have it opened?

[–]LetsHackReality 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah mine woke up about a month ago. Feels like an erection inside my head, like a mildly pleasant headache. I call it my "brain boner". I can focus and make it swell more if I want, like a 3rd eye meditation or whatever, almost had a braingasm the other night. Gonna try that again. Listening to 288Hz, 256Hz, and 216Hz tones seems to help.

I'm not astral traveling or anything, but it seems to have made me a lot more intuitive -- I'm figuring out things more easily than usual. And I've noticed when I have a "eureka moment", it starts pulsing. My yoga friend says I'm "receiving wisdom".

FWIW, I have a pretty clean diet (mostly organic, no meat, no alcohol) and moved from the US to rural Costa Rica around 2.5 years ago.

holofractal 内の LetsHackReality によるリンク I don't believe I've ever heard NASA discussing radiation emitted from a planet (Jupiter) before.

[–]LetsHackReality[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

NASA is an organization whose mission is to advance scientific knowledge.

But not necessarily distribute this knowledge to the general public, especially when it would threaten their funding.

I suggest you apply this radical skepticism not only to mainstream sources but to your own views.

I question my own views constantly, thanks.

Let me ask you, because it speaks towards your implicit trust of authority and your advocacy of such: What do you think happened on 9/11? Do you think Muslims flew jets into the World Trade Center towers, as directed by Osama bin Laden -- as per the official story? Why or why not?

holofractal 内の LetsHackReality によるリンク I don't believe I've ever heard NASA discussing radiation emitted from a planet (Jupiter) before.

[–]LetsHackReality[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why on Earth** would you simply take NASA's word for it? This is a secret that threatens global power structures. Do you not think NASA is tightly controlled? Or do you think it's impossible for "authorities" to mislead us?

** see what I did there?

WikiLeaks 内の JamesParkes によるリンク Without confirmation from Manning herself, there is no reason to accept the reports of a suicide attempt, which frequently serve as a cover for abuse of prison inmates by their captors.

[–]LetsHackReality -11ポイント-10ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's no reason to accept that Bradley suddenly wanted a sex change after being imprisoned, either. I think it's pretty obvious: They cut his dick off during a torture sessions, gave him a "sex change" against his will. Probably raping him regularly.

They're using him as a warning to other whistleblowers: Here's what will happen to you if you can't keep your mouth shut. They're fucking satanists and murderers, ya know. I don't doubt that suicide attempt is genuine. The man is in a living hell.

edit: Lookit those downvotes. I fucking nailed it, eh? You assholes consider yourselves soldiers? Cowards and traitors, the lot of you. Bradley Manning will always be 1000 times the man you'll ever be. This is your reality. I pity you.

C_S_T 内の LetsHackReality によるリンク 10. The Yuga cycle of the Hindu religion models the spiral of the Solar system into areas of lower and higher energy and its effects both on the Earth and on human consciousness.

[–]LetsHackReality[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some of the farther planets we'd simply never see due to the vortex orbit.

I guess I don't follow you. The Earth spins as it orbits (vortexes) the sun, giving us a 360 degree view. If it didn't spin, yeah we'd never see what's behind us.

Maybe I just am not visualizing what you're saying. Text is not always the best medium.

C_S_T 内の LetsHackReality によるリンク 10. The Yuga cycle of the Hindu religion models the spiral of the Solar system into areas of lower and higher energy and its effects both on the Earth and on human consciousness.

[–]LetsHackReality[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The rest is very interesting but don't address the fact that we can see the plain that the solar system resides on and that it is parallel with the galactic plain. The initial video has our solar plain vertical and diagonal to the galactic plain, which would be easy to see and at worst would make the visual of our parallel solar system impossible, as it would never appear that way.

You do understand that the spiral takes roughly 26,000 years, right? You will never see a change in your lifetime.

C_S_T 内の LetsHackReality によるリンク 10. The Yuga cycle of the Hindu religion models the spiral of the Solar system into areas of lower and higher energy and its effects both on the Earth and on human consciousness.

[–]LetsHackReality[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

All satellites and space shuttles are launched and sent using heliocentric math. We have successfully sent dozens of space satellites to other planets and around our own using math based on this.

You're arguing for a heliocentric model. Are you suggesting that the Sun stays still?

Construction engineering, for example, implicitly assumes the Earth is flat. It's a simplification that works great, and the error is negligible. Buildings staying upright, however, is no proof that the Earth is indeed flat.

Indeed heliocentric math works great for sending probes around the Solar system. Of course it would. But we're discussing objects, stars, outside of that frame of reference. We're discussing a broader, galactic frame of reference, so we need to take Solar motion into account.

What other mechanism do you propose for the precession of the equinoxes, wherein the external reference frame of stars move in relation to the Earth, over a 25,920 year period, while the planets do not? This article gets into the maths, but it's a pretty simply, intuitive concept:

The motion of the planets that we observe in the sky should also precess along with the rest of the stars and galaxies in the background, but according to Karl Heinz and Uwe Homann in their Venus transit studies, they don't. According to Crutenden, we don't take into account precessional movement when calculating the positions of the planets or anything within our solar system for that matter.


So any planets or other objects within the Solar System do not appear to precess with respect to the Earth. The only objects that follow precessional movement are those outside the Solar System. If this is the case, then precession cannot be due to this top-like motion that the Lunisolar Theory dictates.

FWIW, I understand now why the Roman Catholic Church was so adamant about maintaining the Geo-centric model. Heliocentricism is just another onion layer, but still false and ultimately misleading -- serving to obfuscate this very topic of discussion.