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About Digital Art / Hobbyist Core Member AdamMale/Canada Group :icontheshyning--shygals: TheShyning--Shygals
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Deviant for 3 Years
7 Month Core Membership:
Given by LightDark75
Statistics 613 Deviations 3,307 Comments 538,681 Pageviews


:iconlightnymfa: :iconcrab-pinches: :iconthe-orator: :iconswooshsofast: :iconmusicalmarche: :iconprincesspoodlecorn: :iconsigurdsguide: :iconjaegar19ultima: :iconosvaldogreco: :iconrosvo: :iconsinrin8210: :iconvamspapi:

I do monthly pic votes on patreon and I thought I'd make this one public for a change. This month is streetfighter ladies for no particular reason other than I've been playing it lately. You can also find my patreon over

89 deviants said Chun-Li
38 deviants said Juri
33 deviants said Cammy
18 deviants said Karin
9 deviants said R. Mika


HelixJack's Profile Picture
Artist | Hobbyist | Digital Art
Hey there, I'm HelixJack, or Adam if you prefer. I dabble in various things including some NSFW stuff (You've been warned). I primarily work as a commission artist to earn some extra funding for life's various essentials and to practice and improve my artistic capabilities. Check out these other sites for some stuff not posted here as well:…

and if you're interested in my selling out you can see my patreon here:…

Please note:

No, I don't RP.

I am male.

And I do not take requests.

Hey guys,

I wanted to apologize for the somewhat slow posting over the past week and a half. Absolutely everyone has been in the house and it's been nigh impossible to find quiet time let alone the mental energy to use it once everyone has gone to sleep. Everyone is gonna be out of the house again come monday but I can't promise a ton of work getting done over the next couple days while they're still around. After that though I'll be working at posting a lot more consistently over the next month while I save up for the move I had talked about previously. I was thinking about doing a molding tf sale like the braixen pic I did a little while ago since I had fun with it and everyone seemed to like the concept a lot. But I won't be doing that until I get the drone pics from the previous sale done as well as some other older pics I've owed a few people for too long.

That aside? I spent way more than I'm proud of mentioning on the steam sale. Ironically the games I got the most enjoyment from were games that weren't even that discounted like Forced: showdown (I recommend it by the way). Buuuuut I suppose that's the mentality. Lots of games you only kinda want but you figure you might as well get them while they're so cheap and you end up spending a lot in the longrun anyway.


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a1993 Featured By Owner May 24, 2016
Thought i should notify you helixjack, i saw that billy1234567890 had taken some of your work and you asked if permission would be nice. Well it seems his taken another deviants work again without permission it seems from Kannelart. I think this might just be an account that takes
HelixJack Featured By Owner May 25, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
So it seems. It's more funny than anything since they're likely gonna piss the wrong person off eventually.
hero1211 Featured By Owner Mar 27, 2016
were you watching me?
MrECritic Featured By Owner Mar 26, 2016
can you take a birthday request?
Tomek1000 Featured By Owner Mar 17, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hi long we didynt talk
HelixJack Featured By Owner Mar 18, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
So I see. I've been doing alright.
Tomek1000 Featured By Owner Mar 19, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
thats good to hear
pipipela Featured By Owner Mar 5, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
You are amazing,please draw my character:SprinDelta
weegeeslayer101 Featured By Owner Mar 2, 2016  Student Artist
Drfoolamour Featured By Owner Feb 19, 2016
Hope you enjoy the tape guy and the elf :p
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