全 5 件のコメント

[–]Troud[S] [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

This is everything that is wrong with our cultural/educational discourse. Instead of encouraging people to leave such a profoundly intolerant, oppressive, anti-woman religion such as Islam, or at the very least engaging in an honest exposition of the faith, we are busy validating it so that it may implant deeper roots in our society and spread.

[–]DJPBJ [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm sure you gave the same criticism when the Bernstein Bears celebrated Easter.

They should have dismantled the Christianity's text in which woman aren't allowed to speak in church, must wear scarves or have their heads shaved, and are as subservient to their man as their man is to God, etc.

Yet instead it shows them have pleasant adventures in and around the occasions of the holiday! I'm outraged!

[–]Troud[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yes indeed. Christianity is every bit as intolerant a religion as Islam. Just compare Christian-majority countries today, with their pronounced gender-inequality, over-the-top patriarchy, and overt sexual oppression, with Islamic countries. No difference at all. Compare the total absence of religious and intellectual freedom in the Christian world to that of the Islamic world. Again, no difference at all.

You're very deep.