Everyday carry (EDC) postings are really popular all over the internets. So Reddit... what are your essentials that you must carry on a daily basis?
Please post a description of your EDC as a comment in your post
1. Why are you carrying a gun/knife/etc?
1) MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Please post a description of your EDC/Link post as a top level comment in your post OR IT WILL BE REMOVED AND YOU WILL BE BANNED
2) NO SPAM: (That includes Amazon referral number spam!!). This subreddit is about sharing ideas and product suggestions, solicitation will just ruin it all and turn this subreddit into a huge advertisement or catalog. This is my warning. Spam and spammers will be removed without question or discussion.
3) DON'T BE A DICK: This subreddit is about what people consider valuable enough for them to carry on a daily basis. I understand there will be disagreements (religion, politics, firearms/knives, drug use... whatever), but stay civil. This was never meant to be a polarizing subreddit; I just wanted to bring over what I liked about from the flickr EDC groups to reddit (way better commenting system).
4) NO MEMES: Let's keep these over in /r/AdviceAnimals.
5) NO AFFILIATE LINKS: Please do not post them. If you do you will be banned.
PS - If your link isn't showing up, PM the mods, it probably got caught up in Reddit's spam filter.
PPS - Please help keep this subreddit from turning into a huge catalog ad, REPORT SPAMMERS
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