Hey all,
For the Americans, I hope you had a happy Independence Day!
I’m /u/ramady. I’ve been a professional political operative for over a decade. In that period, I have served as a community organizer, labor organizer, communications director, field director, lobbyist, and political consultant to a wide array of progressive causes and campaigns.
I’ve worked on elections at nearly every level, from municipal to the United States Senate. I’ve also lobbied for a variety of causes on the state, local, and national stages.
During my time as a labor organizer and representative, I’ve been in the trenches for a number of hotly contested fights across the nation. This (combined with my experience as a lobbyist) has made me something of an expert on labor and employment laws and the sorts of strategies and tactics that workers can use to improve their conditions.
I currently operate my own political consulting firm, which assists candidates and causes across the nation in communications and messaging strategy. This means everything from digital outreach and fundraising to speeches and press relations.
I may not be able to answer all of your questions. First, it’s a big industry, and I’m by no means an expert in every aspect of it. Second, I have to take some steps to protect my anonymity and the privacy of my clients and colleagues. That means that some specifics might be left out. That said, if I can’t answer you, I’ll be sure to tell you why.
That said, I hope I’ll be able to give you an insider’s perspective on this campaign cycle, labor relations, and the various positions I’ve held.
I’ll be getting started once this post is about 30 minutes old, and I’ll be here for at least the next few hours.
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