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8chan News Board Ring: /pn/ - Politics and News - /politics/ - Politics

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The FBI recommended Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her use of private e-mail as secretary of state, even though she and aides were "extremely careless" in handling classified information.

Though there is evidence Clinton acted improperly – and may have been hacked – no prosecutor would bring a case because there is no evidence she acted intentionally, FBI Director James Comey said.

In a 15-minute statement laying out a complex case, Comey said his agency acted apolitically, and went where the facts took them.



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The audacity of this bitch



Why don't they just officially announce that there is no longer rule of law in the US and they can just do what ever the fuck they want?




I think with their actions they breddy mush have



There is no rule of law for the elites, save for the occasional times in the past when mob justice occasionally brought them down.

Civilization and society are a farce. We are still in the jungle and the law of the jungle is that the strong do what they want and the weak obey.

If you don't like it, shoot a politician.


>inb4 everyone starts popping off about the anon who claimed to be from the government the other day

Did anyone really not see this coming?



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I'm willing to bet that Hillary bribed that cuck


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Ya think? :^)


Silly Americans, laws are for poor people!



To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now. – Director Comey





No, she's just a snake. She didn't accrue her power through strength she accrued it through scheming. The lions can still rise up and end her in an instant if they just wake up.


The fix is finally in.



They're being remarkably blunt about it. I wonder what they threatened him with to get that result.

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