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[–]SeektheTruth_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

Can anyone explain and provide examples of observable progressive evolution in a given specie (meaning, that specie becomes another specie all together)? No one can dispute natural selection because it is a repeatable and observable science. Are there cases where one specie eventually morphs into another? Evolution only describes small changes being passed on to another generation within a specie.

[–]superhelicalBiochemistry[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's "a species".

[–]astroNerfEvolution Enthusiast 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can anyone explain and provide examples of observable progressive evolution in a given specie (meaning, that specie becomes another specie all together)? ... Are there cases where one specie eventually morphs into another?

(Note that the word species is both singular and plural.)

Have you read about speciation? There's quite a bit we know about where species come from. For example, the evolution of whales is very well-understood - you can read about how Ambulocetus evolved from ancestors like Pakicetus, for example. Horses are another example that is fairly well-documented.

You may find Talk Origin's page 29+ Evidences for Macroevolution to be up your alley. It describes many lines of evidence that combine to support the sort of evolution you're asking about.

Evolution only describes small changes being passed on to another generation within a specie.

This is not true. Evolutionary theory also describes how those small changes accumulate over many, many generations to result in the sorts of massive changes associated with the emergence of new species.

It sounds like you're harbouring many misconceptions about how evolution is understood to work. Consider checking out the recommended viewing link: /r/evolution/wiki/recommended/viewing/ as it has some short videos that will clear up any misconceptions you might have about what evolution is or how it works, or the evidence we have to support it.

If you're looking for more in-depth learning, check out the reading link: /r/evolution/wiki/recommended/reading/. I personally recommend Jerry Coyne's book Why Evolution is True. There, he explains what evolution is, how it works, then piles on the evidence for it.

[–]justahomosexualEvolutionary Ecology 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Can anyone explain and provide examples of observable progressive evolution in a given specie (meaning, that specie becomes another specie all together)?

How about any biology textbook ever printed?

There are so many examples of what you are asking for it boggles the mind that you have not encountered them before. It's standard curriculum in middle school level science classes.

Please, please read something about evolution from an actual biologist.

[–]SeektheTruth_ [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

They used to print that humans had gills in the womb like a fish, that's incorrect and was taken out of circulation after much debate. You believe everything you read in public school textbooks? I'm shocked by that.

[–]justahomosexualEvolutionary Ecology [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

No one has ever said that human embryos have gills. Ever. They said that human embryos go through a stage in which pharyngeal arches appear(called gill slits in older texts). Pharyngeal arches function similarly to the way gills do. You can see them functioning similarly to gills in basic photography of mammal embryos. The same sets of genes control these "gill slits" in both fish and mammals. They did not remove these statements from school textbooks. They are still found in school textbooks, only the name has changed. Now we have pictures too. There has never been controversy about this among actual biologists. Ever. There has never been controversy because everyone can see it for themselves. Everyone who has taken a college biology lab has seen them for themselves. Here's some pictures

I do not believe this because I read it. I believe it because I've seen them, and dissected them in human anatomy lab.

You are either lying or repeating the lies of others. I challenge you to cite an actual scientific study published in peer reviewed journal that has found humans not to possess pharyngeal arches in embryo.