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We are men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is.
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Reverse Hypergamy (defensive strategy) (self.MGTOW)
lugiaSchultz が 1時間前 投稿
Will reverse hypergamy work or does hypergamy prevent this?
"I won't date a guy that earns less than I do", who hasn't heard this or something similar.
[–]FanofLemmy 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント 5分前 (0子コメント)
Always wanting more, wanting better, would prevent it, I think. If you can't make a woman happy, why would she stop doing what she's doing?
I've been told directly from women that they wouldn't date me because :
I'm too short (5'6)
I like superheroes
I play video games
Honestly, the stupidity is abundant. The only time hypergamy will subside is if there is a major event that causes the amount of viable men to decrease, such as a world war. WWI and WWII both saw hypergamy in a decline after the wars as millions of men died. Not long after, women didn't want to be housewives and raise families, thus, feminism, and the stupidity of branch swinging, hypergamy, infidelity, ect.. The way things are going, I can see another world war happening within the next five years. I also predict massive civil wars within the Muslim vs everyone else communities. Once that happens and men are dying (women, too, due to the combat draft gender equality) then women will act like submissive kittens and act accordingly to how males want them to, until they get fed up and continue the cycle.
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[–]FanofLemmy 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)