Trump refuses to condemn violence at his rallies

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  • 1


    Trump's brinkmanship going up another notch to keep the réalité show alive. Disgusting behaviour, once again reminicent of 1930's Germany.

    Tapping into the rage of idiots, the conséquences be damned. When bhis run implodes he won't be affected by the violence and division he's caused up in Trump tower.

  • 1


    "Senior figures in the party are openly plotting to prevent Trump from becoming the nominee because they view him as insufficiently conservative, and Trump was due to privately meet with some party leaders in Washington on Monday" - article

    Better that they expel Donald J. Trump now.

    The racism, religious prejudice and calls for torture legalization have made clear Donald J. Trump is likely mentally unstable.

    His misogynist attacks, contempt for Mormon faithful, Bigoted attacks on Mexicans and concentration camp philosophy towards Muslim faithful have disqualified him for inclusion in any recognized American political party.

    Trump is a billionaire.

    If Trump thinks he's going to milk the American Taxpayer to push his racism his sadly mistaken.

    Taking the Republican Party down with him into the slime of his Ku Klux Klan, Neo Nazi and American Nazi Party cesspool is at an end.

    Trump is a billionaire. Let him pay his own way to cement his prejudice as a new re-branding of product Trump. Let Trump pay for his prejudice.

  • -6


    Trump's brinkmanship going up another notch to keep the réalité show alive. Disgusting behaviour, once again reminicent of 1930's Germany.

    Trump has not said go out and disrupt the communists and other political opposition parties like the Nazi's (National Socialist Party) did. These people are coming to his rallies and causing a disturbance. Free speech is fine, you can protest outside a rally all you want. And if a Trump supporter attacks then, well that supporter should be charged with assault.

    But when you purposely go into a rally, and try to interrupt speakers, then that is not a free speech right but a disturbance. You don't like him, that's your right, but I don't see Trump supporters going out and blocking highways to stop people from going to a rally (and elsewhere). You know if Trump has said for his supporters to go out and disrupt opponents rally's it would be a press highlight.

  • 3


    "The 69-year-old candidate has sometimes encouraged his supporters using violence on protesters, and on at least one occasion said that he would like to punch a protester himself." - article

    Trump's violent streak isn't new. Trump so enraged the Rolling Stones at his Casino in Atlantic City, Michael Cohl, tour promoter sheds real light on Trump's character. . . Trump's lack of slf control reaches back to a stunning tale from 1989.

    From the article: Rolling Stones' tour promoter says Keith Richards threatened to fight Donald Trump with a knife

    By Meg Swertlow - Wonderwall - Saturday, March 19, 2016

    The band's tour promoter, Michael Cohl, recounted a story to Pollstar about the Stones' 1989 "Steel Wheels" tour, when he had to fire the loud-mouthed business man (Donald Trump)

    Mick Jagger and the boys' closing show was to be aired on pay-per-view and was also set to be sponsored by the adjacent Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. However, the band so strongly disliked Trump that they agreed to the contract on the stipulation that the money man wouldn't be involved in any promotional capacity outside of Atlantic City and also that he would not even be allowed to attend the show.

    Cohl explained that on the night the concert, "I get word that I have to come to the press room in the next building. I run to the press room in the next building and what do you think is happening? There's Donald Trump giving a press conference, in our room!"

    At that point, Cohl recounted that guitarist Keith Richards stepped in.

    Cohl explained, "Keith pulls out his knife and slams it on the table and says, 'What the hell do I have you for? Do I have to go over there and fire him myself? One of us is leaving the building -- either him, or us.'"

    As Cohl was firing the celebrity, he says he noticed, "three shtarkers he's with, in trench coats, two of them are putting on gloves and the other one is putting on brass knuckles."

    Unfortunately the Donald didn't know whom he was messing with. That's when Cohl says he signaled his head of security, who "got 40 of the crew with tire irons and hockey sticks and screwdrivers" and sent Trump and his hard guy trio packing.

    Good thing Keith Richard's can't vote.

  • 1

    Burning Bush

    The words in the headline were carefully chosen.

    They are deceptive and meant to stir emotions.

    Never did Trump actually say "I refuse to condemn violence".

  • -3


    Is he making sure Clinton will win? He spent a lot of money but not as much as he donated to Romney.

  • 4


    I don't support people trying to disrupt an event, but I also don't support the use of violence on protesters that so often is found at Trump rallies. I'm sure other candidates have had protesters but you don't hear about violence as the response.

  • 1


    "“I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I will say this, you’re going to have a lot of unhappy people,” he (Donald J. Trump) said on “This Week,” predicting anger at the party’s national convention in July" - article

    Somehow only Trump bigots are getting arrested at Trump's lovefest as Trump taunts them to violence using the hackneyed "their" country nonsense from eight years ago.

    If nothing else, Trump sure isn't original in any of his racist pitch or prejudiced plans.

    NBC News' Hallie Jackson, Mar 19th 2016 9:00PM reports here . . .

    "They're taking away our First Amendment rights. They're troublemakers, they're no good, and we have to be careful," Trump said. "We've gotta take our country back, folks. We gotta take our country back, very simple."

    At the event in Tucson, a man dressed in an American flag shirt and holding a sign showing Trump's face with the slogan "Bad for America," was pulled to the ground by someone in the stands. He was punched at least once and kicked several times before police separated the two men.

    Officers handcuffed the audience member and walked him out of the arena at the Tucson Convention Center.

    Another Trump thumper gets the bracelets.

    Wonder if his first call will be to Donald J. Trump, his Messiah?

    IF anyone should dump Trump it is the Republican Party and right now.

    Let Trump's angry losers see what happens when they riot after finding out no one wants to hear Trump's bigotry.

    At leaste let Trump pay his own way to universal contempt and not the American Taxpayer. Heck, Trump's a billionaire, he should be happy to pay for the prejudice he promotes.

  • -4


    His misogynist attacks, contempt for Mormon faithful, Bigoted attacks on Mexicans and concentration camp philosophy towards Muslim faithful have disqualified him for inclusion in any recognized American political party.

    Where has he called for "concentration camps for Muslims? He has said that we should halt immigration/entry of Muslims from certain areas of the world where radical Islam is flourishing until we have a better method of vetting them before they come in. This would not be able to be enforced to Muslims who are US citizens, which he acknowledges. So how radical is that? Attacking Mormons? I believe he said that Mitt Romney is not acting up towards the tenants of Mormonism, not everyone else in the religion. That was a jab at Romney himself. I am not going to question another man's faith and if they are practicing it faithfully, but keep in mind the same anti-Trump crowd has called into question Trump's faith. Bigoted attacks on Mexicans? He was talking about the illegal aliens who are causing crimes in the USA. Just a week ago, ICE issued a report that since 2010, 124 illegal aliens who were released under the haphazard immigration plan we have now have committed 135 murders. This is not counting the ones released in sanctuary cites since ICE never had any record of them. During that same period, in 2014, ICE released 30,558 criminal aliens who had been convicted of 92,347 crimes. Only 3 percent have been deported. Now we here on JT like to call the J-police a bunch of "Keystone cops" by the way they handle crimes and most here are readily available to offer "advice" on how they should do better. Do you have any advice to offer for that type of statistic with criminal illegal aliens? How about starting off with deporting them first, and then working on making it so that the border is not open for them to come back and do crimes in the USA.

  • 1


    "Trump defended campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and declined to condemn supporters who have attacked protesters at his increasingly chaotic rallies." - article

    Trump supporters may write lengthy run on justifications for Trump's violence.

    But, it is Trump who has the responsibility when Trump tells his fans that their legal defense for assault will be paid by The Trump Organization.

    Further, Trump is lying to his fans. Trump won't pay one dime from his billion dollar bank account.

    That proves two points: Trump is playing these idiots for fools as he already called them losers and second, these puppet dummies actually think Donald J. Trump, privileged scion of a two hundred million dollar inheritance, gives one champagne glass of bubbles about what happens to them, ever.

    Donald and his dupes. That's Trump and that's what he thinks of his fans, whom he has never done anything for ever, except tell them they can hate at Trump Loyalty Rallies and punch anyone they want.

  • -6


    I guess he can (will) not stop his people to stop violence when his campaign manager specialize in violence against even toward his supporters. He carried a Trump supporter female reporter, threw on floor and her arms were broken.

  • 2


    AlphaApe: He has said that we should halt immigration/entry of Muslims from certain areas of the world where radical Islam is flourishing until we have a better method of vetting them before they come in

    Can you tell us what you think the current vetting process is?

  • 1


    "Republican figures will meet with Trump at a law firm near the Capitol on Monday afternoon in what the Trump campaign described as an effort to improve “party unity”, the Washington Post reported." - article

    “Party Unity” is a euphemism for slicing up the roasted pig of the US Treasury.

    Trump is ready to deal with the GOP.

    The crystal ball says this meeting will divvy the pig.

    Trump likely will surrender all interest in day to day operations of the Agencies and Bureaus that do the business of the American People. That means the Republicans will be promised Trump will rubber stamp any effort to "make government small enough to drown in a bathtub" as Grover Norquist has demanded these past twenty years.

    The second deal will be Trump's vacation schedule.

    After that, Trump will look for the same deal the GOP gave Bush/Cheney. No bid and a blackwater veil of secrecy on all Tax dollars spent on the Trump wall of death and foreign invasion forces.

    There's obviously a good buck to be made that way and Trump's isn't in this for love of country, the country he bailed on in Vietnam. Trump is in it for Trump and America can pay for his narcissism. Just as they are paying for Bush's.

  • -2


    Lewandowski also manhandled a reporter last week, according to the Washington Post. -this incident is known as #grabgate (judge for yourself)

    =Michelle Fields just fired from Fox News.

  • -9


    Where has he called for "concentration camps for Muslims?

    Never. Anyone making such claims are stir-crazy, paranoid democrats.

    How about starting off with deporting them first, and then working on making it so that the border is not open for them to come back and do crimes in the USA.

    I heard that Mexico's authorities are prett tough on the Central Americans illegally inside Mexico as they use Mexico as a stepping stone trying to get into the US. Why didn't the Pope go to the Mex-Central American border and pray for those migrants there?

    But being the politician he really is, he chose to pray at the US-Mex border. In the future, I hope he will be going to a wall to pray.

  • -8


    I don't support people trying to disrupt an event, but I also don't support the use of violence on protesters that so often is found at Trump rallies.

    I agree, so then why do the protesters think they have the right to disrupt any event knowing that there could be possible verbal and physical repercussions coming from it as a result.

    I'm sure other candidates have had protesters but you don't hear about violence as the response.

    None of them got as violent and as nasty as the protesters at the Trump rallies.

    The second deal will be Trump's vacation schedule.

    Can it be as long as Obama's?

    After that, Trump will look for the same deal the GOP gave Bush/Cheney. No bid and a blackwater veil of secrecy on all Tax dollars spent on the Trump wall of death and foreign invasion forces.

    We will probably never know the extent of what our tax money went to (besides Planned Parenthood) and other Liberal nefarious projects.

    There's obviously a good buck to be made that way and Trump's isn't in this for love of country,

    Neither was Obama. The only thing the guy cared about was winning the next election and how to retain the parties power status in Washington.

    the country he bailed on in Vietnam.

    So did Bill Clinton.

    Trump is in it for Trump and America can pay for his narcissism. Just as they are paying for Bush's.

    We have been paying for 7 years, it's enough already!

  • -8


    I agree, so then why do the protesters think they have the right to disrupt any event knowing that there could be possible verbal and physical repercussions coming from it as a result.

    Because they're afraid Trump might actually get elected. And they can't stand it. They're such sore losers. They should know, blood begets blood & violence . . . . etc. etc.

  • 1


    "There's obviously a good buck to be made that way and Trump's isn't in this for love of country,"

    "Neither was Obama. The only thing the guy cared about was winning the next election and how to retain the parties power status in Washington."

    Oh, so we can disregard those comments telling us how Trump loves his country. Glad to see some of the right haven't lost all sense of reality. Some are actually thinking Trump is doing this through patriotism.

    The Unicornverse, eh? Some people....

  • -6


    Can you tell us what you think the current vetting process is?

    @ SuperLib: Not a very good one. Case in point, the recent San Bernardino shootings show that the female of the pair was very active in anti-west sentiment and even went to a madrassa in Pakistan that is known for such sentiment. However, when she applied for her visa, ICE officials were not allowed to view her social media postings (which had the normal amount of anti-west postings) because it is "unofficial policy" for them not to view these types of things. This was a major talking point after the events on how ICE has been failing to properly screen, and that how can we say we will bring in 250,000 refugees from that area without any proper documentation, when we failed to catch a potential one when she presented all the paperwork, and it was there for us to see but we chose not to look at it.

    What we need to do is get a better vetting process as Trump and others have said before we start letting them in from that particular areas. After all, in the past we were told that once the border is secure, we can begin the "comprehensive immigration reform" that we keep hearing about.

  • 0


    I don't think Trump can stop anti Trump people's violence. The organizer stated there are more than 300 of different anti Trump organizations are participating the riot. Trump supporters are not yelling.

  • 0


    Federal law HR347 states:

    “When the federal law on trespass was quietly amended—it is a crime, punishable by up to a year in prison, to “knowingly impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions” in locations guarded by the Secret Service, including places where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located”

    The police need to enforce the Federal Laws and put these individuals in prison for a year. They are openly breaking the law attacking Donald Trump when he is under Secret Service protection. Enough is enough.

  • -1


    BTW,, Trump may be loving anti-Trump people make noises. He get free advertisements. Rubio paid 400 million $total in debt for Trump bashing commercials and begging donations.

  • 1


    Alphaape, you might way to update your notes.

    What we need to do is get a better vetting process

    Which is what Obama has been focused on, while Republicans are busy pitching "us vs. them".

  • -1


    Sad, but the media is what it is.

    Media "feeds" the problem with their "limited" and "tunnel vision" reporting of any "negative" event designed to meet the inherent need of the public to see and criticize all the sufferings and bad things that occur or done by others. It feeds the self-righteous and selfish nature of people that wants to satisfy their need to feel secure, strong, and fortunate; basically "better" than others. In that way the media gets the ratings as well as the all mighty money from sponsors. (I still cannot see why the same story is being carried on for weeks by the media. I still cannot see why media too uses rhetoric on their articles that "incite" what is often "negative" opinions from the listener, reader, watcher; the public.)

    Sad to is that those who are at site that uses social media such as Tweet, can only upload the bad or the funny and not the actual scene, due to the limited time and capacity to broadcast the same.

    Trump did not say there will be riots or that he wanted any riots. He stated that he "hoped" that there will not be any riots. He said he "did not want to see any riots."

    That is contrary to what everyone is assuming here.

  • -2

    Brian Wheway

    I feel that if Mr Donald "coco the clown" trump wins the election I sure this world has just become a little more unstable. it seams that he's just about alienated every one thats not a pure blood American.

  • 4


    Donald Trump is dangerous not only because he has slowly built the power to incite his followers towards violence, but that his followers' violent attacks are more often than not, unjustified. Take the case of two brothers who beat up a guy just because he looked Hispanic. He wants us to believe that all Hispanics are illegal, and that all of them are in his words, "rapists and killers".

    Not only that, he infuses lies and false statistics in the sheep who blindly follow him. For instance, he makes up stats saying that more black people kill white people, thus forcing Americans to believe that blacks are solely the reason for crime in the U.S. when it is actually white people who kill more white people.

    It's also easy to see that a lot more of the mass shootings in America, from Columbine to Sandy Hook, were done by white people. Yet, Trump will not let you see it that way. He will not let you see that guns and mental disorders in America are major reasons for violent crime, but that race is.

  • -1


    For got to add that the heading to this article.... already assumes that Trump "refuses" to "condemn" violence, when the actual quotation within contradicts and indicates that "he does not want to see riots". Talking about a misleading heading.... (It is definitely a media bias, don't you think?)

  • -3


    Protesters go to Trump rallies insulting supporters beliefs, yelling, insulting people, accusing them of being racists (though there are a lot of minorities at these rallies)... of course one will get punched. If a Trump supporter were to go to Bernies or Hillary rallies and call everyone racist, yelling 'all lives matter', what do you think those democratic supporters will do?

    Regardless what belief a person has in supporting their candidate, it is unAmerican to call names, insult and protest against an opponent in a presidential race. Trump supporters respect anti-Trump supporters rallies, respect theirs. Anti-trump already have this notion that Trump is racist. He is not preventing everyone from entering the country, he is preventing undocumented people from entering the states. Thats not racist. thats being a country protecting the interest of its people. just like every other country, species, insects, everything and everyone protects the safety of each other.

  • 3


    Never did Trump actually say "I refuse to condemn violence"

    Right. The guy's from New York. If you are to obtuse to catch the nuance behind “You boys got a nice place of business here. It would be a shame if anything happened to it,” I've got a bridge to sell you.

  • 3


    But being the politician he really is, he chose to pray at the US-Mex border. In the future, I hope he will be going to a wall to pray.

    Oh you bought that crap of Trump's did you?

    You should probably resign yourself to the idea that the "wall" is a figment of one man's rather overactive imagination. Even if elected (and he won't be), he could not deliver it.

  • 0


    Trump is an enabler by pussy-footing around the bush.

    So long as the protests consist of non-violence, the response should also be non-violence. Counter-protest if ya must, just be non-violent about it.

  • 0


    "it seams that he's just about alienated every one thats not a pure blood American." - comments

    Quick note: There are no "pure blood" Americans. This is the basis of the lies Donald J. Trump incites his village idiots with. Purity of Blood is a construct used to flame and force prejudice on the ignorant and harvesters of hate. That would be Donald J. Trump and his racists.

    As the article notes: "The 69-year-old candidate (Donald J. Trump) has sometimes encouraged his supporters using violence on protesters, and on at least one occasion said that he would like to punch a protester himself."

    Trump's harvest of hate is in those communities of Neo-Nazi, American Nazi Party and Ku Klux Klan sympathizers. Trump himself has pursued a five year long campaign of racism against President Obama in Trump's bigoted 'birther' campaign.

    The international reader already knows: Silence is the only friend of racism and Fear its enforcer.

    Donald J. Trump's followers demand silence in the face of Trump's racism and Trump inflicts fear as his goons act to enforce prejudice and hate. The Whole World Is Watching.

  • 1


    Quick note: There are no "pure blood" Americans.

    Agreed. Luckily, there was no wall when grandpa came over.

    Though the brothel business is kind of down-homey ... From the link: "Trump made his first fortune operating boom-town hotels, restaurants and a brothel[2] in the northwestern United States and western Canada.[3]"

  • -2


    The press spin about this stuff is strange, indeed. Isn´t it the the violent protesters who should be questioned about their violence?

  • -2



    " Disgusting behaviour, once again reminicent of 1930's Germany. "

    Frankly, I find this kind of misguided hyperbole very sad. Do you not realize that making this completely misguided comparison you are belittling the horrors of real fascism?

    Trying to play the nazi card at any occasion is like crying wolf.

  • 0


    Protesters are making Trump's poll go up very quickly.

  • 0


    Zaphod at Mar. 22, 2016 - 03:14AM JST Frankly, I find this kind of misguided hyperbole very sad. Do you not realize that making this completely misguided comparison you are belittling the horrors of real fascism?

    If you are unable to see the simiarities between Hitler's early speeches, the inciting of the violence or the repeated blâme for the countries woes on immigrants and the promise to make Germany grenat again, then you're either being obtuse or have a pitiful knowledge of Hitler's rise to power.

  • -2


    is not the economic drain represented by reparations demanded by England and France similar to the drain of foreign aid and welfare? At least in the minds of those not on welfare. I am all for free stuff as long as I do not have to pay for it. But really - There ain't no free lunch.

  • 1


    “I don’t want to see riots, I don’t want to see problems. But you’re talking about millions of people.” - Donald J. Trump

    Trump's version of blackmail would normally end in a lengthy jail term.

    Trump's little "I'm so coy and cute" proves him unfit for any office in public service except village idiot.

    What is really interesting?

    When after the RNC/GOP/Trump pow-wow at Washington 21 March 2016 the all come out hugging and all is forgiven.

    That's when Americans need to get serious about the real threat of Trump.

    It's the same threat that gave them Bush/Cheney, but this time, it's right in their faces.

    If the GOP supplicates to Trump, it will be at the cost of their Democracy and at the hands of Trump Neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan and Amwrican Nazi Party brown shirts.

    That's why Trump won't condemn those racists, their his muscel and their creed is to shoot and never ask any questions.

    That's what makes a Nazi dangerous, they don't care about America. In fact they hate America just like some other folks Americans have been hearing about lately. And they Love the Trump.

    If the GOP/Tea buys in, bye-bye Miss American Pie. Being the war profiteers they were last? Crystal ball says it's all tears and hugs and the GOP/Tea Loves the Trump!

  • -1


    Pretty soon he will speak at AIPAC. Kasich finished a llllittle while ago. Hillary spoke in the morning.

  • 0


    refuses to condemn violence

    Seems like the BLM movement is refusing to condemn violence too. Look at this shocking vid.

    Stay classy all you Hilary Clinton supporters.

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