Great Choice of Fans to Retweet There, Mr. Trump.

by Jim Geraghty

If you write critical things about Donald Trump, you quickly run into the ugly side of his fan base. Trump himself has the good sense to never directly espouse white-nationalist, anti-Semitic or oddball neo-Nazi Thule Society Nordic-Rune-based nonsense, but for some reason, a lot of the nut-jobs who do hold those views are enamored of Trump and eager to castigate his critics.

Today Trump re-tweeted a PhotoShop of Jeb Bush from a fan.

Whether you think the PhotoShop is funny or dumb, Trump may have wanted to think twice before retweeting that particular Twitter user:

The tweet by user [email protected] featured an image of Bush dressed as a panhandler outside Trump Tower with a “Vote Trump” sign.

WhiteGenocideTM’s profile picture is an image of George Lincoln Rockwell, the infamous founder of the American Nazi Party, with the caption “The Man Who Wants To Be Hitler.” His listed location is “Jewmerica.”

An additional banner image on his profile reads: “GET THE F— OUT OF MY COUNTRY.” Recent tweets and retweets from the account include anti-Semitic imagery, quotes from Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and tweets deriding Martin Luther King Jr. The profile also listed a link to a website promoting a biographical documentary of Adolf Hitler.

Many folks on Twitter emphasize, “Retweets aren’t endorsements.” We sure hope so.

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