I went over to my friend's place yesterday for some beers. I don't get to hang out with him much due to work but when I do, I love just drinking beers, listening to music and shooting the shit. He used to be like this as well. Ever since he broke up with his gf about a year and a half ago, he's just become insufferable and mopey. Always wanting and needing female attention in order to have a good time (he was never like this before). Take in point yesterday. He kept insisting we went out to the bar to "shoot pool and talk to chicks" and I wouldn't budge. I finally said to him "Why do you need a broad to have a good time? I'm having a great time without one, why can't you?" And he couldn't answer me. He never used to be as manginaish as he has been lately. He used to be pretty stern with the women in his life but it led them to leaving. He's turning into a huge mangina now and I hate seeing this. He never used to want to go out but now he's all about that "pub life" wanting to meet chicks. He's given up all of his hobbies that he used to love because his desire for women is controlling him too much. He's becoming insufferable. I've tried to give him some of my mgtow/red pill wisdom and he just shrugs it off. He won't listen. Some guys just can't be helped.
[–]aanarchist 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]retrobuddha 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)