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[–]jjr101[S] 21ポイント22ポイント  (8子コメント)

Well unfortunately, he's been so prolific, that it's pretty easy to see his trend and his topics.

His trend is to create a few accounts a day, just hours apart. He doesn't appear to use them simultaneously but rather consecutively, although I'm not sure that's accurate. He posts to only 5 or so subs with the same content (reincarnation, past lives, paranormal, thetruthishere, glitchinthematrix, ghosts). He only keeps the account for a day or half day.

His topics bleed from one account to another. So if "dreamed of 20's hat guy" and "ghost pressed on my neck" is in account 1, you'll see "ghost pressed on my neck" and "help with my facial deformities" in account 2 created 5 hours later. So on and so forth. Specifically, his topics are:

  • Reincarnation
  • Reincarnation but refuting it and calling those who don't, crazy
  • Ghosts (specifically ghosts are possessing me, gave me their memories, are strangling me, scaring me)
  • Alcatraz murder by ghost
  • Leo Frank
  • How do I tell my mom about my past lives or "PL"?
  • I've invented a character and can't seem to let go
  • How do I get free surgery for my face? (he used a handful of accounts on /r/plasticsurgery but decided to not list those)
  • Why are people picking on me and calling me a troll?
  • "I'm a student of medicine" "man of science"
  • Crying
  • A ghost has followed me my entire life / There's a ghost in my dreams
  • What mental health problems that would lead people to believe? [insert any of these topics here]
  • Vandalize Leo Frank's grave
  • Issues with his throat, he's usually being "chokked"
  • Reincarnation is possession
  • I remember my wife from my previous life (this is L. Frank but he doesn't say it)
  • Paranormal events sometimes include mentions of his brother who might be autistic or disabled and his cat
  • I was a murderer in a previous life (this is L. Frank but he doesn't say it)
  • When someone says he's a troll, he writes "Spam!"
  • I identify with the 20's and my speech and mannerisms are old fashioned. Also, I'm nothing like my family/parents.
  • Posing as a parent and describing 'her' son's odd (implied past life) behavior, which is the same as he's mentioned in other posts
  • My personal favorite: I have an IQ of 170.

He's from the UK and his age stated is usually 19 or 20.

The saddest one is /u/Katehib where he describes himself in the third person to get opinions.

[–]AngorsaHappyTits 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

This guy has a lot of free time

[–]Byeka 8ポイント9ポイント  (4子コメント)

You are a legit reddit detective O_o

[–]jjr101[S] 14ポイント15ポイント  (3子コメント)

Not as great as you'd think. I called him out in one of his posts and I got a direct message from someone who has noticed him more than me -- not just here but across many forums. I guess He's everywhere on Quora, DeviantArt and other places.

I happen to read most of the subs he trolls because of research I'm doing for a screenplay. It almost became comical when I saw the same weird but different stories over and over.

I think he actually has many, many more accounts in this sub but I didn't post them.

[–]Lylac_Krazy 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Its funny you say that. I have seen nearly all those topics, but I guess my internal troll detector has me rarely visiting them.

Good catch

[–]Vilinbynecesity 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Cant they actually ban his IP from reddit completely? I thought that was a thing.

[–]SLRWard 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Unfortunately, doing that would likely also ban other people who are not the troll from reddit. And not keep him from reddit as he can just go to an Internet Cafe or library or other place offering internet access and gain access via a brand new IP. Among other methods of IP masking.