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Donald Trump STILL isn't the alternative to Senator Sanders, and you need to know why.
10 reasons Donald Trump is bad for America. (None of which is "Because he's literally Hitler.") Pt. 1
10 reasons Donald Trump is bad for America. (None of which is "Because he's literally Hitler.") Part 2.
Swedish Wristbands: Trumpies stumped by their own abysmal reading comprehension (self.EnoughTrumpSpam)
NigmaNoname が たった今 投稿
Another day, another desperate attempt by /r/the_donald to invent something to complain about. Today on the chopping block:
This story about "Don't rape me" wristbands is circulating multiple shitty right wing "journalism" websites including Breitbart, all of them saying the same thing: Sweden is trying to stop Muslims from raping women using bracelets.
/r/the_donald fans are livid
PATHETIC - PROTECT YOUR WOMEN YOU CUCKS You really want to stop Muslims from raping your women? Make it a fashion statement to rub yourself with bacon grease. Then your women will REALLY be haram.
You really want to stop Muslims from raping your women? Make it a fashion statement to rub yourself with bacon grease. Then your women will REALLY be haram.
Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, that's because Trumpies completely missed the point. Translated version of the press release:
The bracelets will be handed out during the summer in conjunction with the festivals and other major events for young people to help get into a conversation about the problems and to young people The bracelets are just a small part of police work against sexual molestation, more about the other sections can be read in the boxes and in the links below. The bracelets are not designed to protect the wearer
The bracelets will be handed out during the summer in conjunction with the festivals and other major events for young people to help get into a conversation about the problems and to young people
The bracelets are just a small part of police work against sexual molestation, more about the other sections can be read in the boxes and in the links below. The bracelets are not designed to protect the wearer
In other words, the bracelets are not meant to deter rape or harassment, they serve to spread awareness and encourage women to report attacks to the police. Wow, what a horrible thing!
Once again, Trump fans desperately trying to invent something to be upset about.
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