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[–]wufoo2 16ポイント17ポイント  (17子コメント)

The "aggressive and war hungry" U.S. has a long history of resisting going to war until it's inevitable. Aside from a misadventure in the Philippines, it's never been a colonial power.

Americans behave as most people would when they live in freedom and prosperity. It's hard to get them agitated to go to war and, because we live in a functioning democracy, we're less likely to respond to domestic agitators.

[–]deputypresident [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Both Vietnam and Iraq were avoidable wars.

[–]bildungsstandard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Iraqwar broke the law of nations, just as syria and afghanistan. America invaded Iraq under the cloak of needing to destroy WMDs. Media at home said it was a surgical intervention. I do not even want to go on, obviously europe was involved. As a German, I hate how the NATO, especially USA, Great Britain and France force us so often to go to war without UN Mandate. Just for geopolitical and Lobby interests.

[–]JB_UK [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The US is not in the same position post-WW2. For most of its existence it was one of many comparable countries, with economic output on the same level as several European countries, and naturally isolated due to its geography. Since WW2 it has been the largest economy in an increasingly global world, and progressively has become the sole superpower, with military spending outweighing most of the rest of the world put together. References to its previous policy aren't all that relevant. Just as if China becomes a global superpower, and starts throwing its weight around, the fact that it hasn't invaded another country for god knows how long won't be all that relevant, because the reason it didn't was largely that it was not in a position to do so, or simply had no need.

[–]GoldenHairedGod [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

The "aggressive and war hungry" U.S. has a long history of resisting going to war until it's inevitable.

Oh yeah. Iraq, Vietnam, Korea.....totally unavoidable, couldn't be helped! /s

[–]DUKSofORE [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Wasn't France in Vietnam before US? Didn't other Europeans join the war in Iraq? Didn't European countries go to war with African, S. American and Asian countries post WW2? This whole narrative that Europe was soooo distraught after the 2 wars, so they now hate war is nothing short of ridiculous. This whole narrative that America is soooo war hungry is also ridiculous. America is literally a country populated by families leaving their countries because of war. Including the millions of Europeans that left Europe for America because of WW1.

[–]Lucifersamtaco [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

We into Vietnam largely because an inept French military lost their asses.

[–]JimmyBoombox [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Generally that happens when in the previous decade your nation was under nazi occupation.