I've been MGTOW for almost 2 years now but I've always had couple of close friends who are women. The last year though they've kind of grown distant from me and I suspected it was due to my behavioral changes towards women. It's not that I've become a woman hating scum bag, I'm just not the good guy I once was and there is one thing I've noticed when it comes to women: If you're attractive, you can do no wrong but if there is no physical attraction between the two of you: You acting like a dick will make them distant. Let's get into my relapse now. In November me and my friend (We'll call her Rosie) had a bit of a relapse in our friendship and stopped talking for 7 months until recently. She actually was the reason for that: She tried to insinuate I was being rude to her when in reality she was the one being nasty to me. She stopped talking to me after I called her out on her bullshit. So fast forwarding to now, she started talking to me again on Facebook and I decided to bite. I re added her as a friend and said what's in the past is in the past and she agreed. I would also like to add that we work together as well. At work, I would talk to her when I could at first and she would talk to me but the last few days I've noticed something: She never goes out of her way to talk to me like she did before. There is this guy who she likes in my area (who has absolutely no interest in her and has made it perfectly clear he doesn't to me and her) and the last two days she would just walk right by me and not say a word and go right up to him and start talking. Now this sounds like jealousy but it isn't. What it is is frustration. I tried to make a mends in our friendship again and yet she pretends like I don't exist when the dude she likes is around but yet on Facebook she always wants to talk lol. Anyways I've decided to kick her to the curb once and for all because I have no room in my life for toxic people like that. I'm really starting to get to the point where even having a friendship with a woman is a fucking hassle. Well that is my relapse. I let my guard down for a person I cared about and she shit all over it. I guess my friendship meant jack shit to her. Rant over.
Don't make the same mistake I made MGTOW brothers. It's not even worth being friends with women. They're fucked up.
[–]Cedar70 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Eyes_Of_The_Dragon 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Bartand [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)