@BraddJaffy @SirGoldenrod Even the crowd doesn't know if it's a joke or not
Trump is seeing enemies everywhere? Doesnt sound right in head. Question his judgment and capacity to lead.
@BraddJaffy@thegarance@MSNBC -
@BraddJaffy@thegarance Trump: run...the Mexicans are coming...the wall doesn't work coz' they have planes.... -
@BraddJaffy Trump is such an uneducated lout. Lotta terrorists come through Mexico Donnie? Or just your suits? -
@BraddJaffy So let me remind you. Cruz's father killed jfk. Obama faked his passport and is really Kenyan. And I am worth 10 billion lol -
@BraddJaffy@Limeylizzie - If they had, I would've personally given the pilot a medal. -
@BraddJaffy Nobody else says these stupid things. You may not know this but he has been a conspiracy theorist. No story is too crazy for him -
@BraddJaffy@DudeItzIzzy The creature has lost it COMPLETELY! If he wanted 2 be funny he missed: now not even the 1% Latinos will vote 4 him -
@BraddJaffy@dilemmv@MSNBC His ppl can try all they want 2 pull a "My Fair Lady". Trump can't help himself. See it/Hear it/Believe it. - さらに表示
@BraddJaffy An out-of-context one-liner! Do a better job reporting next time! - その他の返信を表示
@s3nj9uqm41l1@BraddJaffy In what context would that line be appropriate?#Trump is an undisciplined lout.
@BraddJaffy or it could be an Isis plane sneaking in with a Mexican plane - さらに表示
@BraddJaffy what a fear monger/hate monger!!! Take him away to the institution please -
@BraddJaffy@smoothkobra what the actual fuck? I thought you were kidding#smdh -
@BraddJaffy Trump supporters: "See, he's complimenting Mexico and respects them. Media!" -
@BraddJaffy@MSNBC Uh...What?!?