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Benjy Sarlin
Plane flies overhead. Trump: "That could be a Mexican plane up there, they're getting ready to attack."
Falcon@Heart 28 分
love it.... Screw Mexico
LK 28 分
Please tell me this is a joke.
Parker McArthur 27 分
Does Mexico even HAVE an air force?
Mrs McGettrick 26 分
Brian Stelter 26 分
Carlito 25 分
You should travel to Mexico someday. It's wonderful.
Just Devin 24 分
big if true.
Charles Johnson 24 分
JohnCawlusNYC 23 分
Falcon@Heart 22 分
yeah how about the teachers getting killed by the government for striking
Neil Frankham 22 分
Wait. Does he believe that Mexico has invasion plans?
Delonté De Clou 22 分
Establishment Uterus 22 分
Mike Mills 22 分
wld he even know that its most likely an American made plane
Presumptive Brauer 22 分
Was it over when the Mexicans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Carlito 21 分
It's not a perfect country by any stretch. But then, none are. Most people in Mexico are generous and welcoming.
Falcon@Heart 21 分
love throwing down on Mexico
Remote_Signal 21 分
Uuhh no most times Trump is just being an ignorant Hitler want to be. It's not even funny how pathetic he is.