How many times do we have to have sex until the vagina gets 100% stretch?

Someone told me that his penis won't go inside at the first times cause a virgin tends to be really tight and can't stretch to the point where a hard penis fits perfectly. And what I need to know is how many times do I have to try until the penis goes inside? And once it gets inside should I let him push all the way in or there should be a penetration limit?

Thanks for taking your time answering me.


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What Guys Said 12

  • Someone told you wrong. It would be very uncommon for him to not be able to penetrate you the first time. You allow him to penetrate you as gar as he can without causing any discomfort. If there is any discomfort, it will probably recede after he has been inside you for a short time and your muscles begin to relax a bit.

  • Your vagina is very, very elastic. After all, someday a baby's head will probably make it's way through there. It's all about patience and perseverance.

  • He can't get in because you are nervous and clenching without noticing. If you relax, he'll get in. there is no rule for that stuff. Let him in until it hurts then back it out a little bit. There is no need for pain.

  • If you're mentally and physically (the two things are connected) ready for sex then your vagina will accept his penis. That's what vaginas do. Your hymen, if it hasn't already been stretched from physical activity, will stretch to accomodate the penis. If you're overly nervous and tense, then the muscles at the entrance to your vagina will tense up and make penetration difficult and even painful. But that's why I said if you're really ready (mentally and physically) to have sex it won't be a problem. (And by physically ready I'm referring to being aroused and your vagina being wet with its natural lubrication.)

  • My girlfriend is Asian and her vagina has a very small+tight opening... my penis is 7.2 inches long when hard and the first few times my hard cock wouldn't go all the way in... but over time she has become more relaxed and now I can insert absolutely the whole of my penis all the way into her vagina and we're a perfext sexual fit !

    So don't be anxious, realax and it'll all happen naturally... you be fine, enjoy !

  • Depends on many things...
    his size
    your size
    how aroused/wet/relaxed you are

    it could be "not painful" after the second time or it could be painful always.

    As for 100% stretched... it depends on how often you do it. Most girls I know got adjusted to it after a month of 2-3 times a week.

  • With me, just once, sugarlumps.

  • About 150-200 times

  • I don't think it works that way

  • I presume some are smaller than others. in my experience I fingered a girl once, a virgin, that was super small and struggled to get my finger in. although I do have quite big fingers. the last time we sexted she said she had 3 fingers in her, so I think there is hope. lie back relax and enjoy is the key factor, that should loosen it.

    • 7h

      I'm so scared to be honest

    • Show All
    • 7h

      Thank you, wish me luck!

    • 7h

      good luck, enjoy yourself and if at all possible I would not mind hearing how it works out for you.

  • My first time was my partners first time. I pushed all the way in, slowly, the first time.

    We'd done plenty of fingering before. she had some pain, but she also had an orgasm almost right away.

  • Your hymen partly blocks entrance to your vagina. It can take several sessions of intercourse to stretch and/or tear it away. The tube itself is designed to expand and contract from sex and childbirth and shouldn't take a permanent loosening from sex. As you become more comfortable with frequent sex, your vagina can learn to relax when you are penetrated and will seem a little looser. But if you become celebate for a time, you may "start over" except for your hymen when sex starts again. You can also adjust down from a wider penis to a narrower one.

    • 7h

      I'm so scared of the pain that I don't even know how to relax.

    • 7h

      If you can pass 2 fingers side by side crosswise, you shouldn't have too much difficulty. Be sure you use lotion or lube. Dont rely on nature. If two fingers won't go, you might train yourself with them before you have sex. That way, you can only push as hard as you can take the soreness of, whereas in sex, you have no control.

What Girls Said 3

  • The vagina is a muscle, you just need to be aroused for it to relax. If that guy has problems with virgins he most likely just has problems getting a girl wet.

  • No, no. You have to get warmed up and aroused first before you even think about going to penetration. Make sure there's plenty of foreplay so your vagina can self-lubricate, and you'll become relaxed. Losing your virginity can be very seamless and pain free if you and your partner are patient and you don't rush. The vagina is an elastic tube that can accomodate the vast majority of penises when it is aroused and ready, even when you're a virgin. My first time didn't hurt one bit.

    • 7h

      You lost your virginity in the first try? Or did you tried more than once? I'm dying just imagining the pain, I might just cry cause this is something I want so bad but my fears won't let my body be ready! My mind is there, my body isn't

    • 7h

      Nope, it worked the first time. I was comfortable with who I was having sex with, relaxed and properly aroused. Those are the important things. If you've got all those down, then you have nothing to worry about, I promise :)

  • The vagina muscle tissue is very elastic, like a rubber band, and like a rubber band, when you stretch it out and let it snap, it will go right back to its original form.

    The vagina is no different. It acts the same as the rubber band: when it is penetrated, it is temporarily stretched out and then returns to its normal state.

    If your boyfriend cannot penetrate you, you're are not aroused enough.

    • 7h

      And how far is he supposed to go once he's inside? Cause I don't know if I'm deep enough to take it all it

    • 7h

      You should be able to take ALL of it, the vagina expands from 3-4 inches to 6-7 when aroused. You are not aroused enough, you need more foreplay.
