badEasternPhilosophy 内の KazuoKuroi によるリンク No, the Buddha was not a Vedic Suicide Hotline

[–]galaxyrocker 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

But, gaiz, I don't like the idea of reincarnation so it can't be true Buddhism.

linguistics 内の GROWTH_OR_DEATH によるリンク Why is Irish such a dwindling language, and what could a unified Ireland+Scotland mean for revival efforts?

[–]galaxyrocker 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They cannot be dowloaded.

Why should they be allowed to be? That's more an issue of morality than anything. Also, there are ways around it. I've downloaded several things from there, actually.

Shitful situation with literature, too.

There's a strong short story tradition, and there's some good modern novel writers. Sure, it can be hard for an American to get access, but there's things like Scribd and all websites ship overseas.

So. there is literally nothing to get free access to - and therefore there is no stimuli, no reason to learn the language for.

Basically you're saying that languages will only survive if you can pirate in that language. That's a moral question, and one I don't necessarily agree with.

A one single fucking site filled with a lot of various Irish torrents would have boosted the popularity of the language immensely, because it would have brought a meaning to studying this language

I disagree with this too. How would a torrenting site encourage people to learn Irish? Or, even more pressing, create content in Irish?

duolingo 内の Hermas によるリンク Navajo language?

[–]galaxyrocker 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Cherokee nation offers free classes, which are likely better than Duolingo could do.

duolingo 内の Hermas によるリンク Navajo language?

[–]galaxyrocker 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's a lot more to classifying a language as dying besides number of speakers, and it's definitely considered a threatened language, and the stats don't look good.

duolingo 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Daily Language Talk - Anything

[–]galaxyrocker [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's harder to add them than you think. Besides, fluency percentage is a joke and shouldn't be taken serious, as is words imo (I mean, are como and come really separate words? Duo thinks so). And immersion is also being taken away since they no longer use that model for monetization.

badEasternPhilosophy 内の galaxyrocker によるリンク Zen is all about getting high, with or without drugs

[–]galaxyrocker[S] 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Drugs are frowned upon in Buddhism as it breaks the 5th precept, full stop.

But we all know Buddha only meant alcohol man. C'mon!

But seriously, don't you dare tell /r/buddhism that. They might lose their shit.

linguistics 内の TeoKajLibroj によるリンク English will not be an official EU language after Brexit, says senior MEP

[–]galaxyrocker 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ar fhoghlaim tú do chuid Gaeilge ar scoil nó ar cainteoir dúchais thú?

linguistics 内の TeoKajLibroj によるリンク English will not be an official EU language after Brexit, says senior MEP

[–]galaxyrocker 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

How many problems does the lack of Irish translations actually cause?

Absolutely none. Yet you see a lot of the pro-Irish people talk about how it was a degradation to the language that they weren't translated for so long (only started translating this year).

Personally, I think that the money Ireland is spending on the translations in the EU could be better spent in areas where it could actually make a difference to Irish, such as the Gaeltachts. Instead, the government brags about how documents nobody will read in a language nobody uses (not Irish, but Legalese Irish) are being translated, at the cost of both money and speakers in the areas where Irish is slowly dying (it takes away educated native speakers from the Gaeltacht regions and puts them in Brussels... if they even choose a native speaker to do it).

linguistics 内の TeoKajLibroj によるリンク English will not be an official EU language after Brexit, says senior MEP

[–]galaxyrocker 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

or are there genuinely places where Irish is a living language?

There are actually places where Irish is a community language still, and where it's spoken by greater that 65% of the community. Now, research shows that it's even likely to be gone in those places within 10 years, but they do exist.

badEasternPhilosophy 内の galaxyrocker によるリンク Zen is all about getting high, with or without drugs

[–]galaxyrocker[S] 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

H: Yeah. Pretty sure that's not true at all. And that Buddhism, at least under some interpretations of the 5th Precept, kinda frowns on drugs (but don't tell that to /r/buddhism!)

linguistics 内の TeoKajLibroj によるリンク English will not be an official EU language after Brexit, says senior MEP

[–]galaxyrocker 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Irish need subtitles when their native language is spoken

Because it isn't the native language of most the country?

There are stories of people using Irish in some leprechaun-populated fringe along the west coast, but nobody's ever heard them speak.

Ah, téigh suas ort féin. There's still Gaeltacht areas, and people do still speak it. Quit acting like it's already extinct.

linguistics 内の TeoKajLibroj によるリンク English will not be an official EU language after Brexit, says senior MEP

[–]galaxyrocker 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

The referendum was a vote. The vote is counted.

The referendum wasn't binding. Technically it's still being considered and no official word has gone to the EU.

Also, this is probably the last place you want to be prescriptivist at.

languagelearning 内の KristianWingo によるリンク What is the difference between Pronunciation and Accent? Why does it matter?

[–]galaxyrocker 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think this is a very important distinction that I wish more people realized. It's especially common in Irish for a lot of people to say their mispronunciation is just an 'accent' (or worse 'dialect'), rather than realizing that they're actually not pronouncing the language correctly and instead using English phonemes. I wish it were stressed more in language learning!

badlinguistics 内の JoshfromNazareth によるリンク Reddit discovers Hawaiian Pidgin. Reacts as you'd expect.

[–]galaxyrocker 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't forget to include Southerners in there, as they're often grouped with it as well.

Fantasy 内の lyrrael によるリンク The year's just about half over -- what have been your favorite books you've read so far this year?

[–]galaxyrocker 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ruin by John Gwynne.

Glad to see someone else read this. Definitely one of my favorite books of the year so far. Looking forward to Wrath.

linguistics 内の GROWTH_OR_DEATH によるリンク Why is Irish such a dwindling language, and what could a unified Ireland+Scotland mean for revival efforts?

[–]galaxyrocker 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

They do, but the family must pay for it (or get a scholarship). But the issues are the same once they leave the Gaeltacht: nowhere to really use it. And it's only a month (max), I believe, instruction once a year (max) to try and fix years worth of bad teaching.

Personally, though, my solution would be to stop making it mandatory. Put the extra money from lower classes into hiring teachers with quality Irish and sending those kids who are interested to the Gaeltacht quite often. Like, once a month for a weekend if possible, with a longer stay during the summer. And keep the teachers going to the Gaeltachts as well.

linguistics 内の GROWTH_OR_DEATH によるリンク Why is Irish such a dwindling language, and what could a unified Ireland+Scotland mean for revival efforts?

[–]galaxyrocker 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Their 'very strong' program has actually dome very little, outside giving very basic Irish to everyone when they leave school. Which they soon promptly forget. They do nothing to encourage people to use Irish, and you certainly can't get services you need through it.

And the government would rather spend money translating documents nobody will read (because all the lawyers will use the English versions) in a standard nobody even speaks. All while creating jobs in Brussels. Because that makes a lot of sense.