askphilosophy 内の trav3ller によるリンク Can a philosopher help me? Perhaps one that specialises in Stoicism?

[–]Kegaha 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Probably a hardcore Xenophon fan who won't bother reading Plato's fanfictions dialogues.

badEasternPhilosophy 内の KazuoKuroi によるリンク TIL Buddhism = Humanism and is totes not a religion

[–]Kegaha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

What does humanism even mean anymore?

That's a trump card that you use when you want to remind everybody that you're / someone is the good guy of the story.

askphilosophy 内の YuviManBro によるリンク Does doing a bad thing inherently make you a bad person?

[–]Kegaha 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

maybe he is a shitty guy

How is that different from being a "bad person"?

maybe he is normal but did a bad thing

Similarly, if someone does "bad things", can we not say that they are "bad"?

Where I'm trying to get to is, what does someone need to do for you to consider them a bad person? And what does it mean for you to be a bad person?

askphilosophy 内の cryolegionnaire によるリンク In order for reincarnation to be true, does it mean we need to dismiss ghost, heaven and hell being real?

[–]Kegaha 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The belief in reincarnation led the Buddha to teaching about the existence of ghosts (preta), "heaven"-ish planes (there are many depending on your conception of Heaven ... Mostly the Suddhavasa) and hell (Naraka). So I don't think we need to, quite the contrary, they can work very well together.

Edit: I just think that I need to be a bit more specific. In Buddhism Hell and the condition of being a ghost are not permanent states. Once you have spent enough time in Hell you are reincarnated into a human, and it is similar for ghosts.

badEasternPhilosophy 内の fascistfeminist によるリンク [discussion] does eastern philosphy really exist?

[–]Kegaha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

家、学、教 were used after names of religions depending on the person / what they wanted to emphasize. Take for example Confucianism that can be called 儒家、儒学、儒教. Taoism that is 道学、道家、道教。Buddhism is 佛教、Islam is 回教。The rule of thumb is that 教 puts more emphasize on the religious aspect , 家 on the "family" (literaly), which can be understood as the school, and 学 on the way of learning. You can also use the word 思想, which means thoughts (and you get things such as 儒家思想), and others ... But I would say that what we could consider the closest to the "philosophy-religion" is the suffix 教.

askphilosophy 内の NathanielKampeas によるリンク Can anything be eternal?

[–]Kegaha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for the additional information.

badEasternPhilosophy 内の fascistfeminist によるリンク [discussion] does eastern philosphy really exist?

[–]Kegaha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

China didn't have any word either, they took the Japanese word. To add to what /u/galaxyrocker said, it is the same for religion, 宗教 is a Japanese invention that came after Meiji Era.

askphilosophy 内の NathanielKampeas によるリンク Can anything be eternal?

[–]Kegaha 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

From a science view, even the particles that make up matter will eventually pass away

I feel like I'm hijacking the thread for a non-related question, but that's interesting and I knew nothing about that. Do you know where I can learn more about that?

badEasternPhilosophy 内の Kegaha によるリンク Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance : heterodox.

[–]Kegaha[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

These things happen, welcome to the sub by the way!

badEasternPhilosophy 内の fascistfeminist によるリンク [discussion] does eastern philosphy really exist?

[–]Kegaha 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is no monolithic East anymore than there is a monolithic "West";

I think it is even stronger than that, because "Western philosophers" at least discussed between each others. Kant answering to Hume, Sartre drawing on Husserl and Heidegger, Hegel influencing everybody, and so on. On the other hand, there is no dialogue between, say, 14th century Indian philosophy and 14th century Korean philosophy.

askphilosophy 内の SpatDaGod によるリンク Reading Philosophy

[–]Kegaha 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We know they're wrong, but you don't look to ancient philosophy for answers

Is this completely true though? From my (admitedly non-Western philosophical training) I felt like some Ancient philosophy is getting a revival these days, most notably Aristotle via virtue-ethics?

badphilosophy 内の Menexenus によるリンク Philosophy of Religion is over, everybody pack your bags. Totally legitimate organization reports that science has proven God exists.

[–]Kegaha 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why is the simulation so popular amongst Stemlords these days? Like, I read about it from reddit, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ellon Musk, and probably dozens of other STEMLords, but why?!

askphilosophy 内の Socrathustra によるリンク Has anyone written about a roadmap to the end of the nation-state?

[–]Kegaha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Otherwise, you just need to build a big enough ship and be very patient in arriving at the next world.

What does "patient" mean to you? Because we would be talking about a very long travel, so long I don't think it would have any point ...

badphilosophy 内の redmoray によるリンク "There isn't any way to say slavery is better than not owning slaves."

[–]Kegaha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The "+friend" button bellow your username was still green. :o

badphilosophy 内の redmoray によるリンク "There isn't any way to say slavery is better than not owning slaves."

[–]Kegaha 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Or is this just an especially degenerate age, perhaps a Kali Yuga (ahem)

So when do we start being friends?

askphilosophy 内の Aristodemos94 によるリンク For those of you who have learned a second language for the purpose of studying philosophy, how did you do it?

[–]Kegaha 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

In my case that was just learning philosophical vocabulary. Like, instead of having vocabulary lists about the workplace / going to the beach / whatever other dumb list you can have when you study languages, I just made my own lists with philosophical vocabulary, while going through philosophical texts. (By the way, since you're into Chinese, if you want to study Classical Chinese A new practical primer of litterary Chinese by Paul Rouzer is a good self-study textbook and teaches a fair ammount of philosophical vocabulary)

badEasternPhilosophy 内の shannondoah によるリンク "Why every Sikh should be an anarcho-capitalist"

[–]Kegaha 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh my, positive number of upvotes. Anarcho-capitalism is spreading everywhere, we need a quarantine.