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Hey everyone, I got a female Golden retriever, she was the runt of the litter and I think she weighs around 80 pounds.
Is it possible for me to have sex with her, and hilt her? I am 6.5 inches when fully hard. If not hilt her, can I at least get some of the way in, or is she just too tiny?

Also, when fingering her I can get 3 fingers in, my ring finer, middle finger, and pointer finger. I can get all three, lined up side to side with no overlap, for most of the way, almost to the point where my fingers end and my hand begins.
But then I run into some sort of barrier. I do not know if this is her hymen, or if it is that muscular ring that the male dogs knot stops at that I have read about.
I can get any finger of my choice in through the hole in the center, even my middle finger, I can go all the way to the base of my middle finger and once you get past the ring the texture of her pussy changes from being smooth to being bumpy and hard to explain.
I am extremely fearful that this is actually her cervix and that I could seriously injure her if I really tried to open her up.
I can also get two fingers of my choice in through the ring, but not side to side, there is a very slight overlap, I have been working on loosing the ring up and it seems to be working little by little.

I also believe that she is starting to go into heat again, because her pussy seems to be swelling up, she is becoming extremely playful, and she smells the way she does when I get her really really aroused, which is hard to pull off.
Either that or my mind is playing tricks on me, even if it is she is still going to go into heat any time now because it has been since like spring time since she was last in it.

Anyways, thoughts about everything I have talked about?
If it turns out that is not her cervix, can I get some advice about how to loosen her up some more?
Also, how much easier will it be to penetrate her once she is in heat?

Thanks in advance for any replies


Bumping for protips. OP don't try anything until you know it's safe. Also I sure hope you didn't get her solely to fuck her.


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Most dogs are really deep, as long as she's intact what you're feeling is just the ring of muscle that holds the knot in place when they mate naturally. Patience is key, as well as lots of lube and I recommend vinyl surgical gloves to help make your fingers as smooth and slick as possible for the widening exercises you'll need to perform with her.
It took me a solid month or two of finger stretching before my penis finally got past that ring of muscle. You'll be really glad you had the patience for it once you're balls deep inside her!

With my dog, she gets that rough vaginal texture you described at the beginning of heat, and she would swell up and actually become harder to penetrate when she started bleeding in her cycle.

Around the second week of the heat cycle she'll be extremely horny and willing, that's a good time to masturbate her and get her interested in sex even if she's not yet wide enough for actual penetration. My dog loves it when I simply rub her clit from the outside, she'll start bucking her hips wildly trying to get my fingers inside her :)

We have way more sex throughout the year when she's not in heat though. Even though dogs don't mate with each other naturally when the bitch isn't in heat, most bitches will enjoy gentle, well lubed sex with a human all year round.

Good luck on your adventures, OP. Remember to only user water based lubes to avoid infections, pjur aqua is my favorite. Also make sure you scrub your hands and fingers and have good hygiene in general when she's in heat. Dogs are extra prone to get uterus infections after the heat cycle ends, you should google pyometra symptoms and be sure you know what to look for. It is lethal without treatment.
It can be cured with antibiotics if you catch it early, but if it is recurring the dog should be spayed, because the infections can eventually lead to kidney failure.


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Holy shiiiiiiieeeeeeet how is that even possible?


dog dicks are bigger than ours.



good post


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There is one big difference though, dog boners have an actual little bone inside, it makes the penis stiff enough that the dog can penetrate the bitch while he's flaccid and the penis is very narrow. This is some of the reason most people think dogs have small dicks, they've only seen the "lipstick" on a male dog, not the fully erect penis.

In other words, don't try to force a big dildo (or your dick) inside a female dog without preparing her with gentle finger stretching until she's wide enough. The last thing you want to do is rush it or push her too far, injuring her and having to make up some crazy excuse at the vets office...

And don't try anything with a spayed bitch, either. If she was spayed before her first heat she will have abnormally small genitals and absolutely zero sex drive. Older dogs that have been spayed for medical reasons MAY still be interested in sex, but I still wouldn't recommend ever trying it.
If the vet did a bad spay job and you tear something and she starts bleeding internally it's really bad news.

Pictures for reference, look at the size difference for the same dog flaccid and erect!


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When I get my dick into her I can go as deep as my three fingers can, but then I run into that barrier that I just cant seem to get through no matter how much I try.
How can I get her to the point where I can get through?

Do I just have to keep getting more and more fingers into that tight little ring thing?
But the problem is that my fingers have their limits to how long they are, that barrier happens once my fingers have nearly hilted her.
My middle finger can only go the length from the tip of the finger to the first joint below the fingernail, past the ring.
The pinkey and thumb can never reach it, and my ring and index fingers can just barely touch the inside of the ring.

I don't really know what to do here.


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Yeah, you want to get your three fingers inside the ring of muscle and keep them there, wiggling them around and getting her used to the sensation. Don't overdo or rush it, you want her to associate sex with pleasure, not pain. What kind of lube are you using? Thick, slippery anal lube and a condom might help you become smooth and slick enough to finally penetrate past the ring. I would recommend against using dildos to widen her, you don't get the same feedback with that as you do with your gloved fingers.

Just keep at it and you'll get there eventually, a 40 pound intact golden retriever is certainly more than big enough for safe sex. How old is she by the way? If it's just her first or second heat you'll want to give her some more time to mature. 2 years old is a good age to start having sex (for a dog).


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Like I said before, I can get any finger I want past it, I can get two but they overlap, as in one is halfway on top of the other, right now 3 is impossible
I guess I am going to just have to get her to the point where I can get two fingers side by side, and then eventually three side by side

I've been using either spit or astroglide, sometimes both, and I have never used gloves before but I think I have some and if not I can get some

Will her going into heat make it easier for me to pull it off?


oh shit sorry for the sages
not a flood


Oh and she is 3


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I don't have much more advice to give, with my own dog she swells up and becomes much tighter at the start of her heat, but if her normal heat cycle is four weeks long, after about two weeks of bleeding she will be at her most fertile and willing.

She will respond much better to foreplay and masturbation then, and the stretching process might go a little faster for those couple of days.

Beware of having sex with her the first month after she stops bleeding though. That is the time she's most at risk of developing an infection, so pay close attention to her behavior. If she gets a mysterious milky discharge several weeks after the bleeding stops you should let a vet check it out.


really good posts, thanks very much. But one think I didn't get - should I primary penetrate her while she's in heat, through she's harder to penetrate, or rather at least second month after her heat?
And should I risk having sex with her in the first month, when she's most at risk of developing an infection?

(my doggie has half a year, and I'm thinking about trying it)


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You can start getting her used to careful fondling and stretching at any time, but I'd wait until she's in the middle of her second heat and really horny. She'll be between 1 and 2 years old at that point. Then give it a rest for a month or two after she stops bleeding to pay attention to her health. She needs her first heat cycle to develop fully, everyone recommends to leave them alone while they go through that first heat and deal with all those strange new feelings.... Also keep in mind that she needs time to stretch out, but the middle of the heat cycle where she's so incredibly horny and ready to mate only lasts a couple days, so I doubt you'll have enough time to achieve full penetration without hurting her. But it's a good start, to get her familiar with sex being fun and learning that you can be a great partner.

The various dogfucker forums don't really like to discuss pyometra, some people claim it doesn't matter if you have sex with her or not, the risk is the same. That might very well be true, but my recommendation would be to avoid sex because you could get in trouble if you have to rush her to the vet while she's still stretched out and dripping wet with human cum.

I've brought my dog in to the vet many times for checkups or because she wasn't feeling well, I think the scariest time was when it was only three days since we last had sex. They didn't notice, fortunately!

What breed of dog do you have?


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Just yesterday I fingered her a little bit and got this extremely faint yellow liquid, it was also somewhat clear, and thick, on my finger
It was just a little bit, like a sphere comparable to a drop size
Was this that liquid everyone keeps talking about, when a dog first goes into heat?
Also, how long do I have to wait until I can try to have sex with her?
What is the dogs prime time during heat, so to speak?


Also it barely had any sort of smell, it was extremely faint, and what little I could smell smelled kinda good, similar to the smell I have gotten from her in the past when I have gotten her turned on


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Sounds like it's just regular mucus, her natural lube. She'll produce more of it going in and out of heat, and as long as it's relatively clear there's no problem. If she starts having milky white or opaque yellow discharge, that's a sign of yeast or bacterial infections. As long as you wash your hands and dick and make sure the fur around her butt isn't full of poo, there's little to worry about. Most dogs have strong immune systems.

You'll have to judge for yourself when she's ready, don't force it and back off immediately if she whimpers or shows other signs of discomfort. Plenty of lube is the most important thing, getting past that ring of muscle is much, much easier if you're going in silky smooth


I have heard that it is when they start to bleed
Is this true?


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Oh, I didn't notice you asked for her prime time, that would be roughly two weeks after she starts bleeding.

If you pet her butt at the base of the tail and on her flanks, most dogs will tell you they want to fuck by "flagging" - raising their tail up and holding it to the left or right, showing off and giving the male better access to their vulva.



So when is the vagina at its peak in terms of readiness, wetness, engorgement of the vulva, etc?


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It's individual, but rule of thumb is 12 days after she starts bleeding. Ready and willing isn't the same as able, though. If you just started stretching her out there's no guarantee of success the first time you try while she's in heat. Just have fun and figure it out together, if you're lucky and give her a wonderful introduction to sex she'll turn into somewhat of a nympho and crave it all year round.



Not sure how her body would react to it. It could very well cause her to abort the pregnancy.


quick question /zoo/ my dog is neutered so the only thing i'd be able to do is anal with her anyways I lubed up 2 of my fingers and managed to get them in (she didn't mind) how many more would I need to be able to fit in before she's ready for anal


Having sex with neutered dogs is a bad idea.
What breed is she, even?




If they're spayed/neutered they usually won't react and it's not going to even be pleasant for her. I'm lucky in that my neutered male still enjoys a nice old fashoned once in awhile, but that's not the norm for a desexed dog.


I have a 55 lb husky, 2 years old, and i really feel like something isn't right with the ring of muscle. It is the only major restriction in her vagina, and the texture changes significantly past the ring.

Problem is there are actually two holes that lead to the same new textured area, and each one is just big enough to fit a single finger. There is basically a tiny bridge of tissue splitting one hole into two. Any idea what the deal is with her vagina, and any advice?


Weird, I don't know if dogs can have hymens like humans do, especially not that far up the vagina.. I think the different texture on the other side of it is normal, my dog has that too especially when she is in heat, the tissue is very high friction and requires good lube to counteract. It's also pretty normal that you're only able to fit a single finger or two fingers with some effort on a dog of that size. With regular gentle stretching you should be able to get the third and fourth finger through the ring over time.

I don't know what's the best plan of action, it's not exactly normal to tell your vet to check if your dogs vagina is in working order, maybe you could say you plan to breed her and want to be sure it is safe for her to carry puppies and so on.

Or you could keep trying to stretch her out with your fingers, very carefully and listen to her body language. If she's in standing heat and super horny she'll probably forgive you some temporary pain if the connective tissue ends up ripping during intercourse.



Find her clit, it should be fairly prominent, and should be located between the two "holes". If in doubt, rub it. If she starts humping, thats her clit. Her actual vaginal opening is under the clit and is where the ring of muscle everyone talks about.

she has control over that ring, once she figures out that what are doing gives her pleasure. She will probably start letting you through, but it may take quite a few sessions. If she never lets you in, its because she isnt interested.


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Wow, I never realised how many dog anatomy diagroms get it wrong or grossly oversimplify things. Most of them pretend that the clitoris and clitoral fossa doesn't exist. This picture is probably the one that matches reality the closest but it doesn't really point out where the tight ring of muscle is, I think it might be around (6) next to the urethra.

Maybe >>2230 can explain some more how far up inside the vagina he thinks there's something wrong, if you feel around on the wrong side of the clitoris it should come to a stop after less than an inch.



Yeah google is entirely worthless for this endeavor, and i am fairly certain the ring/holes are around #6.

a little info on feedback from her:

> she humps my finger like crazy if i even touch her clit

> fingering her vagina before the ring doesn't do much for her

> if i get a finger past the ring her behavior changes like she is concentrating more or something

> if i stop moving my finger when its in either of the holes in the ring it starts contracting around my finger with an impressive amount of force

> when i pull my finger out from fingering past the ring she looses her mind, runs in circles, licks me all over, seems very happy.

What sucks is i also feel like the little connective bridge may be a defect or something that may need to be broken/removed, but i don't want to risk injuring her.



Also is there a technical term for the ring of muscle we are all talking about?

and to clarify distance, when I push my middle finger in all the way in up to the third knuckle the ring is around the first knuckle.


Wow why is this not a sticky or linked thread?

So much helpful info. thanks guys



I think that "bridge" you are talking about is the division of the clitoral fossa, and the real vaginal canal. I don't think you are putting your finger in her uretra, other than that I can't think of anything else you may be feeling in her.

My girl has a small clitoral fossa, I can get only part of my first knuckle in there. She was spayed years ago, and now I can't have sex with her, I can get 2 fingers up to her "sphincter muscle" now, and only 1 pass that ring.

I sopped having sex with her and everything shrinked, lack of hormones helped.


Have any of you have had experience having anal sex with bitches?



I did it once. My girl accepted it, I'm not sure she was really excited as when we made it vaginal.

But it is really messy so I never tried again. No matter is she just went outside, there is always something inside and it gets really messy, with lube and all.



How does penetrating her cunt feel?


Has you dog's behavior changed at all after you started having sex?


>tfw old male dog, like 11 years old

>tfw it's small, energetic and strong so it's not going to die any time soon

>tfw I can't get a female puppy and play with her clit as she goes through puberty and eventually make love to her and sexually bond with her

Not unless I move out but that's not happening. No room for two dogs here :(


This thread is hot


Might be a dumb question, but can you have sex with a bitch at all when she's not in season/heat?



Depends mostly on her size. During their heat, bitches become a lot wetter and looser so its easier to penetrate them. When not in heat, they aren't as tight and not as easily aroused. Supposing you can get it in without hurting her, she'll probably still enjoy it greatly.


Requesting videos of bitches in heat. I wanna see them orgasm and be horny.



Every bitch I've known has become tighter during heat. More willing, and of course wetter, but never looser.



That's been my experience too. My last bitch was almost impossible to penetrate during her heat but oh my dog she was horny as fuck.

We would screw regularly the rest of the year though, and with a bit of water based lube it was smooth sailing, maintaining the perfect tightness and I could go balls deep with room to spare. I really miss those days, she's too old now. Why do dogs have such short lifespans :(


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some new webms


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it's pretty incredible how deep they are


I have a whippet is there anything I can do with her?


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