WATCH: Here are Elizabeth Warren’s 10 best take-downs of Donald Trump
After endorsing Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton just this month, Warren vowed to do everything in her power to help Clinton defeat Donald Trump. Warren has recently issued a number of public attacks on Trump, to which Trump has casually brushed off, calling her “ineffective,” “goofy,” and “Pocahontas.” But it does seem clear that Warren is getting under Trump’s skin.
On Monday, Warren delivered a scathing roast of the GOP nominee, and made a solid case for Clinton in the battleground state of Ohio. It’s not all exactly heady intellectual stuff, but here are 10 of her best lines:
1. “Donald Trump says he’ll make America great again. You want to see goofy? Look at him in in that [Make America Great Again] hat.”
2. “But when Donald Trump says great, I ask, ‘great for who, exactly? For millions of kids struggling to pay for an education, for millions of seniors barely surviving on social security, for families that don’t fly to Scotland to play golf?”
3. “When Donald Trump says he’ll make America great, he means he’ll make it even greater for rich guys just like Donald Trump.
4. “[Trump] will crush you into the dirt to get whatever he wants.”
5. “Donald Trump cheered on Britain’s crisis which has sucked billions of dollars out of your retirement accounts, because he said hey, it might bring more rich people to his new golf course.”
6. “[Trump] cheered on the 2008 housing crash because he could scoop up more real estate on the cheap.”
7. “[Trump] cheered on students desperate enough to sign up for his fake university so he could bleed them dry and turn a profit for himself.”
8. “I’ll tell you what what kind of a man [does that]; a small, insecure money grubber who fights for no one but himself; a nasty man who will never be President of the United States.”
9. “Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States because she knows what it takes to beat a thin-skinned bully driven by greed and hate.”
10. “[Clinton] doesn’t whine, she doesn’t run to Twitter to call her opponents fat pigs or dummies, no, she just remembers who really needs someone on their side.”