全 5 件のコメント

[–]nightshadez94 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm a recent pharmacy graduate. Despite the heavily concentrated hell of gynocentrism in it, I do not regret a day, I learned a bunch of complicated medical stuff I wouldn't have had the chance of understanding before and learned how to simplify it in a way my patients like and understand. Also, for all the stress it involves, most registered pharmacists have very good salaries.

Go to school, study something that will make something out of you and combat the gynocentrism by having a good male role-model and keeping to yourself as much as possible.

[–]LetsGoAllTheWhey 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Can you give us an example of the gynocentrism that you experienced in pharmacy school?

[–]nightshadez94 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just one? OK. There's the fact that girls heavily outweigh guys in this field (in my college I think the ratio was about 1:5 male:female) that alone can lead to a lot of disasters.

Say for example in one of the practicals, you ever think one of those princesses will pick up a lab rat and inject it? Nope, not in my college. That bitch of a female doctor told us to work in groups of 5, one male and 4 females, the guys pick up the rat (risk of rat bites, they are extremely painful and infectious even with two layers of protective gloves), contain it in a beaker, get the syringes ready, hold the rat at a certain angle (again rats love biting at anything), figure out exactly where to inject the syringe (kinda hard with all the fur but we just "stick it in" anywhere between the hindlegs and the genitals.)

I wasn't even angry with this. I told the girls in my team to fuck off and let me work in peace. I did my work, screwed up, killed the rat and tried again with another rat and bearly finished by the end of the session. The dr. was not pleased that I worked alone and wanted me to repeat the whole experiment again with those cretins.

Did I mention that experiment takes at least two hours and our time was up and it was 4 PM and extremely sunny and my home was an hour away? The wires keeping me sane got cut and I told her "screw this, time's up, I'm leaving!" She was notably offended and appalled that I'd speak this way. The next day I heard, she left shortly after crying. I kept attending her practicals and she was visibly pissed off at me. To this day I don't know why/how she let me pass her subject, sure, I aced all the exams, but she could have easily failed me if she wanted to.

[–]IAmNotAlwaysRight 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yup settling for mediocrity when you can achieve excellence seems a poor judgement call. Education can be hellish for a man nowadays - I had a feminist teacher in one of my classes and it killed me to that i had to dissociate to continue. But getting a good education is seldom a foolish decision.

[–]hollybegin 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Set a goal, if you can, as early as possible and go for it, no matter if it's a trade school or university. Inform yourself, be aware of your environment and protect yourself all the the time.

The methods of teaching and learning are changing dramatically and I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get a JD (for example) without leaving the comfort of your home except for tests.