Its not gone, you auto hide negative posts.
"This was in poor taste, I agree absolutely.
That said you might be under estimating what homosexuals go through as they grow up and live their lives.
It's not comparable to the horrors of WW1 because not a whole heckuva lot today is, unless you are in ISIS territory.
**I don't even have an analogy to put down here. It's far too different. **
I guess my point is, going through life being afraid because you don't fit your local culture or beliefs is pretty shitty. Getting kicked out of your home of 18 years because you told your family you like Debra two doors down as more than a friend is terrifying.
It's the threat of abuse both physical and mental for your whole life versus the visceral terror of death, rot and oblivion and watching your friends die over and over again.
That's it. Said my piece. Have a good one. "