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[–]TRPsnUSA 272 points273 points274 points  (69 children)
Lol holy shit this actually upsets me. Rant time. Millions, yes millions, of shells dropped onto a single inhabited fort in that battle. There is still areas of that battlefield that have undetonated ordinance. Soldiers would frequently fall asleep during shellings, the stress so great that the mind would rather be unconscious.
If you want to know why WW1 was the absolute most brutal war in history, so bad that more men died in single days of battle than entire wars in history, spend your car rides listening to Dan Carlins Hardcore History. Specifically the podcasts Blueprint for Armageddon, which is about WW1 start to finish. He tells the story, often from the untold perspective of the young men on the ground dealing with te smells of a battlefield that hasn't moved in 3 years where you can still see your buddy's body who died months prior. Where you had to sit in your trench and listen to your friends slowly die over the next few days, with no way of reaching them even though they are but 10 feet away. Most people today have absolutely no idea just how horrific this war was. Entire generations of men in small towns completely wiped out. Entire family ancestories just stopped with no men left to carry on the name. And to girls kissing in the street is brave? Give me a big fat dildo fucking break.
Fuck lezbo bravery that isn't brave. You come out today everyone claps and hugs you and figures out how to attack white Christians in the wake of it all. WOMEN would go around English towns public ally shaming men who weren't fighting on the western front by putting a feather in their hat. Why don't they teach that in Feminist History of how Toxic Masculinity Ruins Everything.
Oh while we are talking about toxic masculinity, props to the men who gave up their seats 104 years ago on the Titanic to let all the women and children survive.
Here is how this battle forever changed the landscape, even 100 years later. Those craters are where soldiers were known to frequently fall into and drown. Sometimes men could not pull their friends out, and had to move on and leave them to die. This war is too brutal to even make movies about.
TL;DR: Go here and listen to these podcasts, or find them on iTunes under Hardcore History: Blueprint for Armageddon. This will cosume a lot of time, but if you have a long drive or commute to work/school, listen to it. Learn about what the actually brave men of Europe fought for, on both sides of the war (the bad guy in this war is the one who thought Calvary charges into fortified machine gun positions was a good idea), to preserve their people and culture, only for their children to hand it over to "peaceful" invaders 100 years later.
[–]WelshRebelMD 83 points84 points85 points  (21 children)
I have said it before (check my comment history) and I will say it again. Common Core education in the US does not teach enough about WW1. Before listening to Carlins podcast, all I knew about WW1 is that the US had a couple hundred thousand casualties. Before WW1, war was glorified to a degree modern men can't even begin to understand. This was the war that convinced millions that war ain't all that it's cut out to be. They really need to emphasize this to all of the Call of Duty Gung Ho high school students who join the armed forces on the basis of self glorification.
[–]TRPsnUSA 32 points33 points34 points  (15 children)
This war changed Teddy Roosevelt's opinion on war. Teddy fuckin Roosevelt. Adolph Hitler would never have risen to power if not for what happened on those battlefields.
[–]-300BlackoutDrunk-AZ 7 points8 points9 points  (1 child)
Teddys son was killed in WW1 so that had a lot to do with it as well
[–]TRPsnUSA 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
That's what I was referencing. If there was specific battles that affected his opinion, it was in the Phillipeans years before WW1. This is discussed in American Peril.
[–]DruiditeUSA 11 points12 points13 points  (12 children)
Can you expand on this? I mean I get it, but I want to hear the story.
[–]fastmandanTX 38 points39 points40 points  (0 children)
hitler experienced the war and was incredibly disillusioned with the world because of it. it led to him turning into a nutjob. wwi led to the versailles treaty and the weimar republic. without these two things happening to germany they would never have gotten so angry that they allow hitler to happen
[–]Tipsy_GnostalgicCA 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
One of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles was to levy heavy debt on the German people in the form of war reparation charges. This was one of the factors which led to inflation and economic ruin for Germany (then the Weimar Republic). Hitler utilized the German people's frustration to get himself elected.
[–]zdxSidiousROU 6 points7 points8 points  (8 children)
I'll give you an even better answer and more useful to you in the long run: don't take history advice from this sub, the replies are so overly simplified and flat out absurd sometimes it makes me rage but not just here but in every thread someone asks a questions like yours.
Sure the main post itself is good but also common knowledge to anyone that read a single book about WW1. For example Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger.
This goes for all knowledge, read books instead of filtered opinions.
[–]YoureLateToTheParty 0 points1 point2 points  (7 children)
I'd rather get a tl;dr.
[–]zdxSidiousROU -2 points-1 points0 points  (6 children)
If I give you a TL;DR either you or someone else will just question it further or flat out refuse to believe it and I'll be forced to expand. There is no Tl;DR for complex subjects. Fine, let me prove it:
TL;DR: Teddy Roosevelt was a lying piece of shit warmonger and almost every badass thing you know about him is a lie. Teddy was responsible for the Spanish American war and for ousting Taft from the nomination by running as a third party and splitting the votes, electing Wilson.
Wilson, just like FDR in the future, will turn out to be a lying controlled warmonger just like Teddy before him and find pretexts to join the war despite being elected on a non interventionist policy. He waited to get re-elected before joining the war.
Wilson and the allies promised Germany a proper peace (google Wilson's 14 points) but instead they enforced unconditional surrender with the Versailles treaty that contained 440, not 14, most of which were made to punish Germany and hold her sole responsible for starting the war.
Without going into the conditions of the "peace", it was the most brutal thing in history and the biggest crime done to a nation before the WW2 "peace" treaty.
And people wonder why a Hitler came to power and had a 98% acceptance rate from the people, so much he was swimming in swarms of humans without a single body guard. George Bush had to disarm the soldiers and have a company of body guards one time when he went to visit and salute them. Let that sink in.
Even shorter tl;dr: Germany was the good guy in both wars.
[–]YoureLateToTheParty 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
Yeah but, like, that's just your opinion, man.
[–]zdxSidiousROU -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
I assessed from your low effort post history you were not worth replying to, luckily for me this post is public and can be seen by anyone here. Tagged.
[–]YoureLateToTheParty 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Low effort post history? Lmao you're pathetic.
[–]secret-prion 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
I hope you live a long life. This world needs people like you.
[–]zdxSidiousROU -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
This sub is making the same mistake as the lefties that vote Hillary or Sanders.
You'd think after all the slander and smear directed against Trump they would start questioning more stuff, more often but it's all memes and all about illegals, jobs and muslims. Fuck it goes layers upon layers beyond in depth it's fascinatingly depressing.
[–]Mankindeg 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
Germany had military of other nations in their lands and were in huge debt after WWI. They would have needed generations to pay it all back.
On top of that Leftist parties were rising and ruining the country even more than it already was. It eventually lead to the two parties having constant battles over the years. The left wing vs the right wing. (like usual but worse). Imagine your country not only having huge amounts of debt and a ruined economy but on top of that foreign nations have occupied lands AND left-wing parties wanting to ruin it.
The only way to get rid of all this mess is with drastic and radical actions. So the german population voted for the NSDAP eventually which took over germany and cleared the land of foreign military, stopped paying back their debts. Banned leftist parties like the KPD. Made the economy great again and created jobs for the german population.
Everything worked amazingly well and it was the best decision, if it wasn't for Hitler. He became insane. He could have stopped right there but he wanted to exterminate all jews and started wars.
[–]neocollege 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
Common Core doesn't include standards specifically for Social Studies, but it does have them for students reading informational texts and historical sources.
I was in middle and high school before Common Core and we didn't learn fuckall about WWI. It seems to depend on the teacher to pick and choose the events that should have more attention and the ones that they want to just gloss over.
[–]fastmandanTX 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
that's the reason the korean war isn't taught well too...they teach about the first 6-7 months of mobile warfare but the final 2.5 years of korea was a bunch of wwi style trench warfare where countless more soldiers died while fighting for dinky little hills that meant absolutely nothing. and we're STILL stuck with the korean war because it never actually ended...it's a longass small-scale version of wwi!!! WORLD WAR II/VIETNAM/WORLD WAR II/VIETNAM...it's like no other war ever happened in u.s. history classes
[–]TheExtremist831CAN 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
Yep, had I heard that podcast before I was 18 I would never have joined the armed forces. But here I am a salty 10 year vet and it's the only life I know, so much so that the thought of civilian life scares me.
[–]Zajdo1993 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
I see what you're saying, but the education system is mostly responsible for giving you a bird's eye view of history, not delving into every detail of the past. I (and I'm suspecting you, too) love history, so it's always great to learn more about it, but human history is filled with thousands of complex and horrific stories. One can only be taught so much.
[–]TheUproarCalledPanic 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
History education is dogshit in the US. I went to some of the country's highest ranked public schools in one of the wealthiest (I think top 5 at the time) counties, and we learned nothing about classical civilizations, the middle ages, the renaissance, or really anything which would provide insight to modern day social issues.
But we did learn about Mesopotamia literally 3-4 times, so that's good, right? What a fucking joke.
[–]TunelsnakesUT 8 points9 points10 points  (4 children)
Think I may give that podcast a try. Old wars are fascinating to hear how they went down as horrible as they may have been. Thanks for the post and recommendation centipede
[–]TRPsnUSA 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
You should. Dan Carlin does a fantastic job with them all. They come out like once every 3-4 months because he puts so much research into them all.
[–]jcfacUSA 6 points7 points8 points  (2 children)
Think I may give that podcast a try.
I also highly, highly recommend it. He keeps the most recent 15-20 ones free, the older ones are not. Of the ones still free, I'd also point out these:
  • Blueprint for Armageddon (6-part series noted above)
  • Wrath of the Khans (5-part series on the Mongol Horde, Ghengis Khan)
  • Prophets of Doom (Single episode on the Anabaptist movement in German town of Munster in the 1530s; might be the best one, and this story is much less well-known than say WWI)
[–]Duke_Cesare_BorgiaTX 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Another vote for prophets of doom here. Fantastic story, worth every minute of its 4 hour run time.
[–]TiggerTheTiger1999VA 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Ya, when he talks about "the extremes of human experiance", that's what Dan is talking about
[–][deleted]  (7 children)
    [–]TRPsnUSA 3 points4 points5 points  (6 children)
    American Peril is really good, it's about this random 5 year period in American history around the turn of the century (1898-1903ish) when America was VERY patriotic and nationalist, even imperialistic. Teddy Roosevelt was a major figure, this was before WW1 so war was still romanticized. Very different time in our history.
    Wrath of the Khans was arguably the best one I've heard of his, but that one is no longer free as of like this month. That being said, it's worth paying for. Most of us have no idea just how influential the Khans still are today. Europe probably never would've risen to the top of the global food chain if the Khans didn't destroy all their competition. If the Khan wouldn't have died, they would have EASILY conquered Europe. I mean easily. A 20,000 man scouting party was able to cut down fortified European cities like saplings and take minimal casualties. And when I say cut down, that means kill everything, woman child and chicken, in the city, and send a party back 2 days later to kill all the survivors too. And that was just a scouting party, not the full horde that was occupied with China and the Middle East (which has never recovered in over 800 years).
    [–]MajoraMoon2000CT 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
    I just started indulging in Hardcore History as well, I wouldn't say those years were random, Carlin himself calls it as critical a turning point of American history as 9/11
    [–]Tipsy_GnostalgicCA 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
    The Mongolians also sacked Baghdad and burned down their libraries. To say it set them back would be a huge understatement.
    [–]TRPsnUSA 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    You couldn't be more right. They also destroyed all their irrigation channels, turning fertile land into desert. They did similar in Afghanistan.
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
      [–]MajoraMoon2000CT 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      I've listened to only about 3 of his episodes so far and I've been able to retain a lot of the info he's given down to names and such. He tells the history beautifully, like a story, with sources, stats, historical quotes and more. It's surprising really easy to keep a lot of the info locked away because Carlin presents it so beautifully.
      [–]Purp1e_AkiGBR 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      That period is my favourite, I wrote my final year Dissertation in University of American Imperialism between 1890 and 1920. There's so much going on (a lot of which is quite relevant today, for instance there was a worry that American expansion was driven by vested interests and not interests for the American people)
      [–]HainesonnowMD 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
      It's interesting you bring up Dan Carlin because I find his story in "Prophets of Doom" to be a close parallel to what's going on in Europe. Just replace the anabaptists with muslims.
      [–]TRPsnUSA 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
      Yeah I certainly see the parallels. That one was fucking crazy. People that don't think religion can be used to control the masses are turning a blind eye to history.
      [–]Nimollos 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
      You should walk the graveyards, that's beyond chilling to me. We have so many graveyards here, full of Americans, French, Australians and so many more. They are well tended and so many crosses it's heartbreaking. Then there are the german graveyards, mass graves and a plaque that states most of the death here are forced conscripts from a university.
      I always found the graveyards the most chilling part of war, not reading what the was like but seeing the dead rest forever.
      If someone wants to read something uplifting about WW1, look up the Christmas peace. Soldiers left the trenches and meet eachother, exchanged gifts and played football. After a shortlived peace, they'd go shooting again, not knowing why they had too.
      [–]TRPsnUSA 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
      Yes the Christmas peace was nice but, That peace was quickly ended the following years as generals ordered their units to not do that again.
      I've never been to Europe, but when I do go, much of my time will be spent on battlefields. Normandy (grandpa landed there June 6, 1944), Bastogne (grandpa received the 101st there) and Bealleu Wood (fuckin devildogs oohrah) will be stops I won't miss.
      [–]drayb3PA 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      I highly recommend Normandy. My grandpa wasn't there (he was Army Air Corps in Northern Africa and then Italy) but I still got choked up at the cemetery and memorials.
      [–]Nimollos 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Yeah, the French preserved it pretty well and the American cemetery was build beautifully.
      Make a stop in Flanders btw, it's full of remnants of the wars, WW1 was fought there. In flander's fields the poppies bloom...
      [–]fastmandanTX 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
      and isn't it sad that there is no national wwi memorial in washington dc? they have that dinky little local DC veterans wwi memorial but it's not for the whole nation. http://burnpit.legion.org/2012/03/wwi-war-memorial-fight-0 . it's so pathetic looking. a local southern memorial glorifying the confederate army is better looking than that. wwi should really be made into at least a few modern-produced movies. 'paths of glory' and 'all quiet on the western front' are fucking amazing production-wise and screenplay-wise, but i want to see some made with modern cinematography and techniques. but then again i would say the same thing for the korean war too. there's only been maybe 2 or 3 korean war movies ever made. you could make a whole fucking movie just on the miraculous retreat from the chosin reservoir by the marines
      [–]HonorAmongSteves 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      For anyone who hasn't seen all quiet on the western front, it holds up pretty well.
      [–]TRPsnUSA 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
      How about when all the vets from ww1 were never paid their promised bonuses, so they marched on Washington, only to be turned away by force. I'll say it again, America has ALWAYS treated her veterans like shit. They were finally paid, but it took congress overriding a veto (doesn't happen often, and the dems baby FDR was the one trying to stop them from getting paid) so they could get their money.
      And yes, as a Marine, I'm familiar with the retreat from the Chosin, and how the Marines grabbed all our wounded and supplies, plus all the Army's wounded and supplies, and got out of there. Chesty then told the Army commander he would have to fight him if he wanted any of his gear, which all had USMC painted on it now. Marines have been bailing out the Army for decades ( ;) just fuckin with u soldiers, but u know it's true hehheh).
      As much as I would love to see a WW1 film to that magnitude, it would be a very hard movie to stomach if they did it accurately. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned Calvary charges into machine gun nests. Imagine 500men on horseback, swords drawn, charging at 10 dug in fully automatic machine guns across a wide open field. The Calvary never even got close. Total carnage.
      [–]fastmandanTX 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
      the marines were awesome at chosin! normandy in 'saving prvt ryan' was stomach churning too, though. i think they could do it without showing fruitless, suicidal charges for the whole movie. maybe show the first big battle at the beginning as one of the gut-wrenching scenes but the rest of the war focus on other aspects of the war
      [–]TRPsnUSA 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Honestly, all it really was was suicidal charges back and forth over the same no mans land against fortified positions. I mean yeah there were other aspects, but from the GI's perspective, it was just a matter of waiting until it was your turn to charge, and if you made it, use your bare hands to kill the other guy. The other guy who grew up a couple hundred miles away and looks just like you.
      [–][deleted]  (3 children)
        [–]TRPsnUSA 19 points20 points21 points  (2 children)
        Oppurtunity to maybe teach people about a forgotten moment in our history. Everyone knows WW1 happened, but they don't know how.
        [–]e12012012KY 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
        Been listening for weeks now and it really gives you a whole new perspective on this war. And makes stupid shit you hear from SJWs like this even more infuriating.
        [–]fastmandanTX 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
        look at that...another ignorant person who doesn't care about the history of wwi...no wonder the young generations are so fucked
        [–]Nick84572 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
        It's satire
        [–]literallydontcaree -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
        You just got triggered by a Tumblr troll.
        Aren't you weirdos supposed to be big tough boys that don't fly off the handle with walls of text in response to offensive shit on the internet?
        You seem a little frail :(
        [–][deleted]  (2 children)
          [–]FBU7 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
          Can you say that one more time? I didn't quite get it the first 14 times.
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