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[–]TheZizekiest[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The next source is in Dutch. I assume the majority of the_donald can’t read it. It is a 2. Apparently the original source was in the Gazet Van Antwerpen, although it does not state who took the survey or what date the Gazet published it. It also states that some 8/10 Muslims think groups such as Sharia4Belgium bring a bad name to Islamic youth, IDK, my Dutch isn’t amazing. Ik heb geen Nederlands gesproken in jaren. It also does not state that 16% of young Muslims find terrorism acceptable, it states that 16% of young Muslim boys find terrorism “aanvaardbaar”, which to me means tolerable more than acceptable, but again, my Dutch is not fantastic so that may be incorrect.

The next post was a dead link. So I went to the wayback machine. On Aril 17 2004 there was an ICM poll posted at this link. The poll was of 501 people, a much smaller sample than most, and 34 of these were selected after their phone numbers were given to the pollsters by other respondents. This is a 4, but it also only paints part of the picture.

The survey does not use the word “obligated”, unlike OP. It asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement “I agree with the mosques, that Muslims should inform on people who are involved or connected with terrorist activities. 69% of respondents agreed. 86% of respondents said that they disagree with people who think it is ok to use violence to achieve political ends. The survey also paints a picture of a very integrated Muslim community; 37% of respondents have a lot of non-Muslim friends while only 6% have none and 11% very few, 40% of respondents believe Muslims need to do more to integrate into mainstream British culture, and only 20% believe it is integrating too quickly.

The next link is dead. I tried to remove the everything after .pdf, but was told I do not have permission to access the resource. So I went to the wayback machine. I was presented with a 108 page document, so I just skipped to page 60. The statistics here divide the percentage by often/sometimes and rarely think suicides are justified. Grouping often and sometimes I a single category is slightly dishonest on behalf on Pew, these two words imply drastically different things.

It must also be noted that the poll itself asked if suicide bombings can be justified to defend Islam. So the question is not asking about suicide bombings in general, but suicide bombings to defend a person’s religion, presumably from some violent existential threat. The question itself is very leading as is, and the OP is further distorting it. The /r/Islam wiki discusses an identical tactic use to misrepresent a survey of Muslims from 2013 in the section entitled “Violence and Terrorism.”

Furthermore, the /r/Islam wiki mentions a Gallup poll from 2011 which asked a similar question to the 2007 Pew Poll we are currently discussing. This more recent poll asked whether or not it was ever justified for the military to target civilians. Muslim respondents were far more likely to respond never than any other group (78% of Muslims said never, the next highest was 54%) and only two groups had more responses for never than sometimes; ‘Muslims’ and ‘no religion/atheist/agnostic.’

This 2011 poll also asked the same question, but for civilians targeting civilians rather than military targeting civilians. While this one was closer, Muslims had the highest percentage of never responses, at 89%, second was 79%. This more recent poll defies the one posted in OP, and also has the advantage of comparing Muslim American views to the views of Americans of other religions. While a game of whataboutism doesn’t really help anybody, it is important to remember that significant portions of Americans support the use of drones which often hit civilian targets or, the believe the dropping of atomic bombs on civilian targets was justified. It is especially important to remember this when someone is trying to convince you that Islam is evil because some Muslims say that attacks on civilian targets are sometimes justified.

The next source is the WikiIslam page on Osama Bin Laden. The statistic quoted in the OP is cited in the WikiIslam to [this dead link][(http://www.aljazeera.net/Portal/Aspx/SurveyResult.aspx). This source falls under 4, 2 and 3. I would guess it cites the WikiIslam, because the original source is in Arabic, although it can be translated to English.

I went to the wayback machine. The original version of the page is dated 9 April 2006, so I’m going to call this survey outdated. The WikiIslam sources this statistic to September, but the only survey results captured by the wayback machine was the April survey. The April survey does not ask anything about support of Osama Bin Laden, as the OP and WikiIslam claim. It mostly asks what people thought would happen in Iraq after the war. So this is another outright fabrication.

I would also like to mention the use of the WikiIslam to support their claims. This source is extremely anti-Muslim, so it is no surprise they would lie to further their agenda. Their page on Islam and Miracles, for example, is a list of summaries of articles which refute the claims. Among its ‘core articles’ - these “contain an overview of other articles related to a specific issue, and serve as a starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Islam” - are paedophilia, propaganda and violence. The page on violence only talks about violence committed by Muslims not violence against Muslims. This isn’t a place to learn about Islam, and it certainly doesn’t give room to Muslims to describe their religion in their own terms.

Next up is the 2006 Populus Poll. Once again, the supplied link was dead, so I found it through the wayback machine. This one falls under a 2. It misleads by removing the context from these questions, and also by, once again, changing the wording of the survey to make the answer imply something much different to what was actually the case.

The first states that 16% of Muslims think suicide attacks against Israelis are justified. This isn’t quite wat the survey says. The question in the survey asks “are there any circumstances under which you think suicide bombings can ever be justified in the following paces – Israel?” 16% said yes, that is 81 respondents, 22 said they don’t know (4%), and 67 said refused/didn’t want to answer. The survey also asks the same question of the UK, and only 7% of Muslims said they could think of any circumstances where suicide bombings could be justified in the UK.

This question about the UK directly contradicts an earlier statement in the OP.. Here it says 1 in 4 British Muslims thought the 7/7 bombings were justified. Both surveys were asked at about the same time. Ultimately, when you examine the sources endorsed in the OP they don’t provide any clear, objective picture. There are incongruities, and this shows the major flaw of this sort of post.

The point of the OP is not to provide a rigorous analysis of data to reach some sort of meaningful understanding of Muslim perspectives. The goal is to convert people to a specific political view. Given its posting on the_donald the presumption is that in this case it was posted in order to provide support for Trump’s stance on Muslim immigrants. I’m not going to do a write up on what it take to do good statistical evidence, but it is not merely linking select statistics without any comment. One should always use the same wording as the survey when referencing it (OP regularly omits whole parts of the question or changes key words), and you should compare to similar questions from similarly dated surveys (even though the OP compares multiple surveys it never compares results to similar questions, instead picking a new statistic each time) you should also try and evaluate the methodology and the questions asked to see how they could have lead respondents to certain answers (many of the polls in OP have not made this information available).

Continued in reply to this comment...

[–]TheZizekiest[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The next source is a survey by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. It is referenced here and here. The original can be found here. This one is a 2.

First of all, OP says 62% of Muslims want Sharia law in Canada, and 15% say make it mandatory. Included in that 62% are 47% of the total respondents who said that Ontario laws should “Allow individual Muslims or Muslim families to choose to be ruled by Sharia courts in the case of divorce and other family matters if they want to.” The 15% who want to “make [Sharia law] mandatory” only want to do so for Muslims, and half of that group only think it should be mandatory for family matters. The OP leaves out a lot of information, particularly that the Sharia courts would only apply to Muslim populations. It also ignores the fact that for a significant majority of people the Sharia courts should only be for family matters. Finally, it ignores the fact that the majority of residents who want Sharia courts want them to be optional. Basically it omits all the information which shows that Muslims do not want Sharia courts as a replacement for the current system but as an alternative system exiting alongside, current Caadian law which Muslims could use when appropriate.

The other stat from this survey claims 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate Al-Qaeda. First of all, the survey itself says “Survey respondents were asked to score their degree of approval or disapproval of four Muslim extremist groups, two non-Muslim groups, and the Iranian regime…The most enocouraging finding is the pervasive repudiation of Al Qaeda.” The interpretation of the source I OP is obviously different to the way those ho conducted te survey interpreted it. Once again, the result in OP requires the manipulation of data. 65% full rejected Al Qaeda, only 1% fully supported Al Qaeda. The remaining 34% are then claimed from those who partially support Al Qaeda. But this is still inaccurate, as 25% of people answered that they did not know. The actual percentage of people who support Al Qaeda to any degree, according to this survey, is 9%. The survey asks respondents to rank their level of support on a scale of 1-7, with 7 being total approval. Excluding the 65% who answered 1 (total disapproval), 2 was the most popular ranking, with 4%, followed by 3 with 2%. The table in the original source claims that only 3% of Muslims surveyed support Al Qaeda. Now admittedly, these original surveys were manipulated in the sources the OP gets them from. Personally, however, I follow up statistics if I am going to try and use them to back up my argument.

The next source is in Arabic. I cannot read Arabic, but I suggest the majority of people who post this copypasta across Reddit cannot either.

The next source has a degree of irony. It is a post by the Washington Institute which, in part, criticises the way John L. Esposito and Dalia Mogahed manipulated statistics to claim only 7% of Muslims were extremist. The belief in justification for 9/11 is important, because a view that the attacks were completely justified is one of the criteria Esposito and Mogahed use to determine radicalism. Most of the review, however, is not arguing against their definition of radicalism, but rubbishing the polls themselves.

For this reason, these results are a 3. Many of the criticisms Robert Staloff makes of Esposito and Mogahed are similar to the ones I make to this source, including criticism of the use of a pool without giving people access to the poll data itself. Add to that Staloff’s accusations that they misrepresented their sample size, and you are left with a survey which, in the first place, probably wasn’t all that great.

Well, I made it. The final source! And both of the links are dead. Once again, I found them on the wayback machine. One of the statistics presented here, that 1 in 4 British Muslims have of heard of the Holocaust, does not seem that terrible. If you look at the source (page 28), you see that first generation Muslims are significantly more likely to have not heard of the Holocaust. I hardly think we can hold a grudge towards people because they weren’t taught something.

The other source. On page 17 it makes the claim that only 34% of Muslims who support express a preference for British law believed the Holocaust actually happened. They extrapolate this to mean that 60% believe it has not happened. This is a misrepresentation of the data. The options to answer the question “Do you believe the holocaust happened?” are; ‘yes – as history teaches it,’ ‘yes – but it’s been exaggerated,’ ‘it did not happen at all,’ ‘I haven’t heard of the Holocaust,’ ‘no opinion’ and ‘don’t know.’ The 34% is the percentage of those who support British law that think the Holocaust happened as history teach it. While it does not tell us how many people believe it did not happen at all when controlling for this variable it cannot be 60%, as only 2% of the total group believed that the Holocaust did not happen at all.

The OP, and the second source, both omit some important contextual information as well. The proportion of Muslims who believe the Holocaust happened as history teaches it is much higher amongst those of social grade ABC1, and much lower amongst people of social grade C2DE. Apparently, wealth and education have some correlation with, well, education.

The statistics in OP are rarely, if ever, facts. If they get posted with the comment “facts aren’t racist” then you can respond “No, but the way you’ve manipulated them is.” That is what this post is, it is pure propaganda using statistics to masquerade as factual. Few of the stats say what OP claims, many are outdated, some come from illegitimate sources, some are completely falsified, and even when the statistics are accurate they are stripped from all context and used to defend a conclusion the pollsters did not arrive at.

[–]TheZizekiest[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you have any criticism, or things to add please comment

If you see people post the copypasta, please post this in response. If they post individual statistics from it, or an incomplete version, feel free to cut and paste the relevant parts of this in response.

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  1. This Post - 1, 2, 3

  2. This Copypasta was posted to the_do... - 1, 2, 3

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  4. /r/Islam - 1, 2, 3

  5. /r/Islam - 1, 2, Error

  6. As well as this, a more recent Pew ... - 1, 2, 3

  7. “Guess who U.S Muslims are voting f... - 1, 2, 3

  8. a year earlier - 1, 2, 3

  9. 2009 - 1, 2, 3

  10. 2012 - 1, 2, 3

  11. the Telegraph. - 1, 2, 3

  12. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news... - 1, 2, 3

  13. Pew Poll from 2010 - 1, 2, 3

  14. Gatestone Institute - 1, 2, 3

  15. "it is only the threat of deportati... - 1, 2, 3

  16. One of their authors was supposedly... - 1, 2, 3

  17. The next survey links to a CNS new ... - 1, 2, 3

  18. next list of statistics - 1, 2, 3

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  23. Pew Poll - 1, 2, 3

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