PARANOIA is what I see! Everybody now knows about Zuckerberg’s laptop with covered webcam and microphone jack from a tape. It succeeded in creating panic among the masses and provoked many to follow the bandwagon of covering their… *cough*… components.

1This photo is responsible for the wave of terror

Via Facebook


2Don’t see anything suspicious? Now look closely



3Facebook and hacks are sisters-in-law. Facebook regularly face hacks on multiple levels. Some are even acknowledge by company on public notes as well.


Read official note:


4But this didn’t bothered Zuckerberg so much before. He was a mentally stable and happy person (with no duct tapes on his laptops)


Then what caused this young not-so-paranoid lad to turn into OCD patient? Perhaps something he doesn’t want us to know!


5We all know his accounts on other multiple social mediums were also hacked. His Facebook account remained secure.



6Can this be the reason for such precautionary measures? Hackers try to crack more than 600,000 accounts every day, still counting



7But for now, leave your information with Facebook. All you need to secure your account is a duct tape. Thanks Mr. Zuckerberg!


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