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[–]ecloc 177ポイント178ポイント  (74子コメント)


Hit 10,000 char limit :(


DNC platform committee meeting on June 24, 2016.

Hillary's delegates voted against:

  • TPP ban
  • fracking ban
  • medicare for all, single-payer option
  • $15/hr national minimum wage

What was approved:

  • eliminate mandate requiring 75yr prefunding of USPS pensions
  • new Glass Steagall financial protections
  • progressive tax on millionaires/billionaires
  • student loan refinancing, income based repayment, restore bankruptcy discharge
  • add tax to curb Wall St. speculation and HFT
  • abolish the death penalty
  • motion to de-criminalize marijuana

Democratic Platform Drafting Hearing - St. Louis - Day 1 - Morning section

00:52:18 - Congressman Keith Ellison proposes Amendment to oppose TPP, explains that TPP depresses wages, encourages wage stagnation
00:55:00 - Chairman Elijah Cummings objects to discussion of TPP Amendment out of order (under minimum wage)
00:57:00 - Congressman Keith Ellison re-iterates need for specific language
00:59:40 - Congressman Keith Ellison proposes Amendment to "raise minimum wage to $15/hr and index it"
01:07:42 - Ellison Amendment to raise mimimum wage to $15/hr and index for inflation defeated [vote 8-6]
01:35:22 - Chairman Elijah Cummings calls for 1hr lunch break. Video feed cut for 1 hour and 40 min
03:14:50 - Chairman Elijah Cummings introduces Debbie Wasserman Schultz to speak.
03:22:53 - Video ends abruptly

Democratic Platform Drafting Hearing - St. Louis - Day 1 - Afternoon section

00:06:38 - Bill McKibben introduces Amendment to lift cap on Social Security contributions from people earning above $250,000/yr.
00:16:05 - Keith Ellison introduces Amendment to remove US Postal Service 75yr pre-funding mandate.
00:23:34 - Amendment to eliminate USPS prefunding pension mandate - approved - [vote unanimous]
00:31:09 - Keith Ellison introduces Amendment to introduce HFT transaction tax to curb Wall St. speculation.
00:39:15 - Dr. Cornel West proposes an Amendment for an updated version of Glass Steagall
00:43:00 - West Amendment to re-introduce updated Glass Steagall - approved - [vote unanimous]

Trans Pacific Partnership

00:47:20 - Keith Ellison introduces Amendment to oppose TPP, long discussion ensues
00:51:15 - Dr. Cornel West expresses opposition to TPP corporate power
00:52:40 - Bill McKibben expresses opposition to TPP anti-democratic nature
00:54:18 - Deborah Parker expresses opposition to TPP
00:54:55 - Paul Booth expresses opposition to TPP {but votes to support TPP!}
00:57:45 - Luis Gutierrez expresses opposition to TPP {votes to support TPP because Obama supports it!}
00:59:30 - Chairman Elijah Cummings opposes TPP {votes to support TPP because Obama supports it!}
01:09:35 - Ellison Amendment to oppose TPP - defeated - [vote 10-5]

  • for Amendment to oppose TPP
    Cornel West, Keith Ellison, Bill McKibben, Paul Zogby, Deborah Parker
  • against Amendment to oppose TPP
    Chairman Elijah Cummings, Barbara Lee, Carol Browner, Paul Booth, Wendy Sherman, Patrice Taylor, Luis Gutierrez, Howard Berman, Bonnie Schaefer, Alicia Reece

01:12:48 - Dr. Cornel West objects to toothless party unity platitudes of Booth Amendment
01:13:28 - Warren Gunnels - we've been down this destructive free trade road before.
01:17:48 - Booth Amendment - toothless party unity platitudes - approved - [vote 10-4]

01:18:18 - Keith Ellison introduces Amendment to add progressive multi-millionaires and billionaires tax
01:20:15 - Ellison Amendment - progressive tax on millionaires/billionaires - approved - [vote unanimous]
01:20:30 - Keith Ellison re-introduces Amendment to add tax to curb Wall St. speculation and HFT.
01:22:00 - Ellison Amendment - tax to curb Wall St. speculation and HFT. - approved - [vote unanimous]


01:23:00 - 01:50:00

02:11:35 - Bill McKibben introduces Amendment to remove Marijuana from controlled substances act.
02:15:35 - Dr. James Zogby introduces Amendment to abolish the death penalty.
02:47:50 - Zogby Amendment - abolish the death penalty - approved - [vote unanimous]


03:00:00 - 05:07:00

05:16:19 - McKibben Amendment - de-criminalize marijuana, push to states for legalization - approved - [vote unanimous]
05:49:45 - Discussion about climate change and DNC amendment for national fracking ban
06:00:59 - Dr. Cornel West discuses dire importance of climate change.
06:06:00 - DNC Amendment to call for national ban on fracking defeated [vote 7-6] shame!! lol
06:12:50 - Exchange between Dr. Cornel West and Carol Browner, Elijah Cummings drops gavel lol
06:14:20 - DNC Amendment - fossil fuels - no new leases on federal lands - defeated [vote 7-6]
06:44:35 - Dicussion about Amendment for DOJ to investigate corporate fraud by fossil fuel companies
06:51:15 - Cornel West: DOJ is already investigating Exxon/Mobil. Why not prosecute?
06:52:40 - DNC Amendment - have DOJ investigate fosil fuel corp fraud - approved [vote unanimous]
07:29:00 - Dr. James Zogby proposes Amendment for Medicare for all single payer healthcare
07:34:00 - Congressman Keith Ellison discusses skyrocketing costs of private insurance
07:42:18 - DNC Amendment - include medicare for all, single payer option - defeated [vote 7-6]
07:43:19 - Congressman Keith Ellison calls out Hillary delegate Patrice Taylors's weakened healthcare Amendment
07:48:10 - Dr. Cornel West discusses importance of using clear language, not abstract toothless language
07:50:10 - DNC Amendment - Toothless healthcare as a right, costs not addressed - approved [vote 12-1]
07:58:30 - Barbara Lee proposes Amendment covering student loans: refinancing, income based repayment, restore right to dischage in bankruptcy
08:01:00 - DNC Amendment - student loans: refinancing, income based repayment, restore bankruptcy discharge - approved [vote unanimous]
08:12:40 - Dr. James Zogby introduces Amendment to add stronger language to prevent perpetual war, no-fly zones, and military intervention in Syria.
08:33:24 - Dr. James Zogby introduces Amendment to add fair language to address Palestine and Israel.
08:53:58 - Dr. James Zogby gets fed up at time disparity in opposition to fair language of the Israel/Palestinian Amendment.
08:57:30 - Dr. Cornel West discusses importance of truth, occupation, and fair language regarding Israel and Palestine.
09:04:00 - DNC Amendment - Israel/Palestine two state solution, health/poverty, no occupations - defeated [vote 8-5]
09:05:45 - Discussion to adopt complete platform as discussed.
09:25:29 - Dr. Cornel West frustrated committee refuses to address TPP, medicare for all, fracking, Israel/Palestine.

[–]Simplicity3245 15ポイント16ポイント  (24子コメント)

I thought the convention was where they discussed the party platform. Am I wrong? I am kind of confused here, anyone mind explaining it to me?

[–]Abomonog 17ポイント18ポイント  (19子コメント)

That is exactly what is happening. The "Amendments" are merely current issues expressed as a formal platform that the DNC members vote for or against. Each amendment will be part of the official DNC platform for the next election cycle, or not, depending on how the vote goes for that particular amendment.

[–]Simplicity3245 10ポイント11ポイント  (18子コメント)

So, all those amendments voted against, will not even be discussed at the convention?

[–]lovesthebj 31ポイント32ポイント  (17子コメント)

So, all those amendments voted against, will not even be discussed at the convention?

That's likely correct, yes. The democrats are trying to pare down their agenda to the core issues they most want to campaign on. Some important issues that voters are passionate about will be eliminated from the campaign platform for a number of reasons. Sometimes the candidate just doesn't support that position, or doesn't believe it's a practical goal in their first term. Sometimes internal polling suggests that a given issue would hurt downticket races in key states. Sometimes the candidate doesn't have a voting record to support those positions, so coming out in favor opens them up to attack from the opposition.

Once the parties are down to a single candidate every interest group and lobby is making their case for inclusion in the party platform, to be one of the candidates key issues. Poorly run campaigns try to have a huge tent, and they become reckless and aimless. Smart campaigns have a laser focus.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but that's often why you'll see a key issue be defeated at this stage. It doesn't even mean that issue can't come back up in the event that candidate becomes President. Lots of things can change. But the campaign should have a narrow focus or each individual issue gets drowned out by the mass of information.

[–]Sheepdog__ 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

They have at least 2 more chances to pass those amendments i believe, In Florida at another meeting and at the convention in Philadelphia.

[–]flamingboard 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The committee comes up with the draft. Ratifying it is part of the convention.

[–]chiguy440 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah I also saw a buzzfeed article saying they passed $15 in August..

[–]LLv2 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

If we can't have everything then we want nothing!!!!

[–]tehbored 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

  • eliminate mandate requiring 75yr prefunding of USPS pensions
  • new Glass Steagall financial protections
  • progressive tax on millionaires/billionaires
  • student loan refinancing, income based repayment, restore bankruptcy discharge
  • add tax to curb Wall St. speculation and HFT
  • abolish the death penalty
  • motion to de-criminalize marijuana

That's still a pretty decent list. Though at this point I think they should support full legalization of marijuana since nearly 60% of the country is in favor.

[–]UDK450 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

I actually like what they're doing. Decriminalizing federally removes the grey area of when a state legalizes it. This also allows states to choose for themselves, and perhaps encourage some people to vote for politicians in favor of it.

[–]NeverDrumpf2016 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

In addition to that, it's not really a good idea to go from 4 states having it legal to 50 states having it legal when it's only been legal in some of those states for 4 years.

It's best if we let the states that have it legalized set up systems for how the regulate it, tax it, deal with DUIs, etc, before we send it to all 50 states so we can emulate the state that has the most success when it goes federal.

Decriminalizing it now is a good step though.

[–]Randvek 7ポイント8ポイント  (18子コメント)

Wow, student loan bankruptcy forgiveness? I know progressives want to bitch and moan, but that would help out a lot of people. I would even support Trump if he was going to make that happen...

[–]jmsjags 0ポイント1ポイント  (17子コメント)

Wouldn't that make interest rates go up for all student loan borrowers though? So in effect the student population as a whole would be subsidizing a few irresponsible people. I don't like that decision at all.

[–]just_a_tech 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

It would make it more difficult for future students to get loans as well. But part of the reason that tuition has skyrocketed so much is because it's so easy to get student loans.

[–]Randvek 9ポイント10ポイント  (3子コメント)

The last time students loans were discharge able, they only did so at a very low rate. Congress acted to shut it off not because of the number of students doing it, but because a few high-profile students (doctors, mostly) would declare it right out of school. I don't currently practice bankruptcy law, but I have in the past, and inescapable student loans are, beyond a doubt, the biggest problem we saw.

Student loan rates right now are higher than mortgages (in some cases, twice as high!), despite the fact that you can walk away from a mortgage but not a student loan! They are twice the price and a safer investment! Student loan interest rates do not behave according to normal market factors, and having special protection for them while they are already ludicrously high is ridiculous.

[–]particle409 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

You can walk away from a mortgage because they're backed by hard assets (the property).

[–]Randvek 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

You can also walk away from nearly any kind of unsecured debt, aside from student loans.

[–]tomsing98 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Typical interest rates for a credit card, which is probably the most common type of unsecured debt, are around 15%. Federal student loans are around 5-7%. So, for the privilege of being able to discharge unsecured debt in bankruptcy, you're paying 2-3 times the interest rate.

Add to that the fact that most people taking out student loans have very little credit history, not to mention that they might not complete a degree and you have no way to really know their ability to repay. If those loans were going to be dischargeable, you'd definitely be paying a premium.

[–]bobdob123usa 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not really, it would mainly curb ridiculous loan sizes. Right now, they don't care if you rack up six figure loans because you can't discharge them.

[–]OhMyTruth 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

subsidizing a few irresponsible people

There is already a law that will allow student loan forgiveness for people that have paid their loans for 10 years after October 1, 2007 and are in certain public service jobs. People do not qualify for this forgiveness if they are in default on the loan.

In other words, it literally doesn't apply to the irresponsible people. I imagine that future laws would be written similarly.

[–]jmsjags -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

I am not ok with people in public service being able to discharge loans either. Many of these people take out loans with no plans on repaying them back to begin with. It may not be illegal, but it is definitely unethical.

[–]OhMyTruth 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well they have to make payments for 10 years to qualify, so it's not as if they don't have to pay for anything. The government subsidizes all sorts of shit to benefit society. Why is it so terrible for them to subsidize education for those who dedicate a minimum of 10 years to public service jobs and also pay a large portion of their student loans back?

[–]just_another_classic [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Also, you apparently don't qualify if you make a certain income threshold. In order for you payments to be counted, you must also be on an income based repayment plan.

Which, makes sense, but is also kind of unfortunate for people who live in areas with inflated salaries and high cost of living, or couples who are married. (Because spousal income counts!)

[–]sirbissel 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Really, it'd be nice if they'd, again, make it so there was some reasonable way for people to go bankrupt on their student loans, if absolutely necessary.

[–]DouggiePhresh 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

In order for college to eventually get less expensive is for it to temporarily get more expensive. Will less students be able to afford to attend? Yes. When enrollment go down, colleges will reduce prices. Sorry, but not everybody should be able to afford higher education, that is why it is expensive.

[–]jmsjags 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm sorry but I disagree. Anyone that has a desire for higher education should be able to achieve it regardless of income. Limiting college to only wealthy or well off families is not morally acceptable. And nothing in your comment defends the fact that student loan interest rates in this case would increase just so a select few people would be able to discharge their loans. So we would be increasing costs for everyone for no reason. Higher loan interest rates would not make college costs go down.

[–]DouggiePhresh -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

In the long term it would. Making college costs higher in the short term would make them more affordable in the long term when the market responds.

[–]lostmonkey70 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is why we shouldn't be using student loans and should be making public universities free. No one should be priced out of education, or be shackled with high 5 to 6 figure debt for the rest of their life because they wanted an education.

[–]musical 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So the trade off you want is for less well off students (read: mostly minorities) can't go to college in the short term?

[–]genkaiX1 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

They approved $15 dollar minimum wage...

[–]ecloc 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

please list the time index where they pass it in the committee hearing. I'll update if it can be verified.

[–]tupacalypse7 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Woah props to Zogby for bringing up the Syria No Fly Zone, been waiting for that. Big deal

[–]david-me 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Hit 10,000 char limit :(

You can comment reply to yourself and continue.

I guess I'm saying that I hope you do. :)

[–]ecloc 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's mostly covered except i had to delete some comments between the breaks in the second video. That and there might be some additional misc things between 5hr and 5hr 49m.

The most interesting part was the vote on abolishing the death penalty.

It passed 8-6 originally, then suddenly a few got cold feet, cummings tabled it after it passed, and Zogby was pissed.

Discussion of immigration, race, criminal justice platform positions

02:11:35 - Bill McKibben introduces Amendment to remove Marijuana from controlled substances act.
02:15:35 - Dr. James Zogby introduces Amendment to abolish the death penalty.
02:21:00 - Zogby Amendment - abolish the death penalty - motion tabled - [approved 8-6, then rescinded]
02:29:00 - Lee & Ellison Amendment to expand earned income tax credit to low wage workers without children.
02:31:50 - Lee & Ellison Amendment - expand earned income tax credit - approved - [vote unanimous]
02:47:50 - Zogby Amendment - abolish the death penalty - approved - [vote 13 for]

[–]MJWood 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Thank you for that. They got some good proposals through so it's better than I thought.

Does anyone else think this is the kind of debate and compromise that should be happening in Congress, between Dems and Republicans rather than between Dems and other Dems?

[–]ecloc 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Congress is highly polarized.

The only people winning are the billionaires and corporations buying politicians on both sides.

Support of TPP is by far the worst.

There is a lot of nasty stuff in that treaty, expansion of patents and copyrights, further criminalization of copyrights where no profit happens. Stipulations that encourage more exporting of manufacturing, stipulations that allow corporations to sue governments for hypothetical loss of profits.

Voting against medicare for all, single payer option, is just as bad. Without a government option, expect more collusion between private HMO and pharaceutical companies.

The corporate democrats included no language to set price controls, negotiation, or regulation on prescription drugs, insurance premiums, and deductibles.

[–]mthoody [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Thank you for this summary! It was very helpful to be able to jump directly to the timestamps on the issues I wanted to hear discussed.

[–]lostmonkey70 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

What was approved:

eliminate mandate requiring 75yr prefunding of USPS pensions

new Glass Steagall financial protections

progressive tax on millionaires/billionaires

student loan refinancing, income based repayment, restore bankruptcy discharge

add tax to curb Wall St. speculation and HFT

abolish the death penalty

motion to de-criminalize marijuana

So three things that aren't a huge disappointment. Yay?

Edit: I missed Bankruptcy discharge being restored for student loans, that's certainly a step in the right direction.

[–]MightyMetricBatman 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know what Bernie Sanders was thinking appointing Cornel West. He is notoriously far left, he is a marxist, pro-destruction of Israel and not just pro-Palestinian. He doesn't represent anything near average of the Democratic party.

[–]TheExtremistModerate 0ポイント1ポイント  (9子コメント)

Hillary's delegates voted against:

$15/hr minimum wage

The $15/hr minimum wage got passed.

[–]ecloc 3ポイント4ポイント  (8子コメント)

please list the video time index where they approve it.

[–]HiiiPowerd -1ポイント0ポイント  (7子コメント)

The fight for 15 website itself says it passed.

[–]ecloc 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)


Nothing on their front page.
Nothing on their press release page.
Nothing on their twitter feed.

I'd also point back to the Committee hearing, where Elison's Amendment was voted down.

[–]HiiiPowerd 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

[–]ecloc 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)


Proof that your link is a hoax


There is no date on the webpage, however, archive.org first indexed the page back on September 23, 2015.
Hillary Clinton stated she supports cities that want to raise to $15, but will not call for a national $15 minimum wage.

It’s official: the Democratic Party has adopted a call to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour as part of their party platform heading into the 2016 election season.

That's simply not accurate.

The Democratic Platform Committee voted against including language to call for a $15 national minimum wage.

[–]HiiiPowerd -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

The actual fight for 15 movement believes it did, so I'm going to believe them, and not you. This is from someone who didn't want the platform to reflect that, but I accept it has. They rejected the language that would chain it to inflation.

edit: this dude is a conspiracy theorist fasho - check his post history, he's the sanders version of "correct the record"

[–]ecloc 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

please list the time index where it is approved or link the the DNC platform draft that includes the explicit language "national $15 minimum wage."

[–]MushroomFry -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

$15/hr minimum wage

It was approved. I hoped they wouldnt, but they did. Those jackassses care more for votes than economics. Sad.

[–]ecloc 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

please list the time index where they approve it.